Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Praz and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Cameron!

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Cameron is an illustrator hailing from Ohio. When she’s not drawing, she’s probably very, very quietly having loud thoughts about: queer things, her eventual shop, what to watch next on Netflix, food, names for her future pets, and tumblr.
Cameron has written 76 articles for us.
I love this – both the concept and the visuals with the dots/squiggles. Thank you <3
Oh so relatable. It helped me a bit to realize that I was always prioritizing other people’s perceptions/opinions/understanding over my own, and assuming that if they differed, that automatically made the other people right and me wrong.
I love your comics and the way they look but man it’s hard to read tiny grey font on a white background for me. Is there like a transcript I could read or some other option? Probs I am the only one with terrible eyesight here today so nbd but maybe a future perk to add? Again, I love your comics. <3
I’m reading on my phone and also had trouble! I think font a little bolder would have helped.
Also loved the comic, and also wanted to say that the text was REALLY difficult for me to read.
I’ve written up a transcript for you/anyone else who is having trouble with it. I hope it’s helpful!
Panel 1: I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about my mental health. I mean, I always do, but before, it tended more toward
Panel 2:”sinking into it” than
Panel 3: “thinking about it.” And looking at what doesn’t feel right instead of just confirming that, yes, what doesn’t feel right still doesn’t feel right. The checking was a problem. IS a problem.
Panel 4: I’m always checking.
do I understand the social relationship I have with this person?
did I remember that correctly?
did I say what I meant or have I colored it with the wrong tone or inflection?
I just remembered something that changes the stance I took in a previous conversation. did I just accidentally lie?
Do I accidentally lie a lot?
I’ve overthought this one situation to the point where I don’t remember what actually happened – you know like when you say a word so many times it loses meaning? That.
how do I figure out what’s right if I can’t trust my memory?
did I actually like that movie or did I just like the people I saw it with? Or did I just like the bite-size/easily digestible synthesized emotions I experienced?
does the feeling I am feeling make sense?
who am I even?
Panel 5: At some point I decided I was an unreliable source.
no wonder I feel crazy all the time.
this is an interrogation.
Panel 6: “hey, are you sure you didn’t miss something and maybe it’s another issue entirely?”
“No, I’m not! God, you are EXHAUSTING.”
Cameron-thanks for your comic. Luckily a lot of these thoughts have calmed down for me since I upped my Celexa to 40mg in 2015, but I still grapple with them occasionally. Hugs to all of us!
love this love you etc
Ugh I feel this so hard. Most of my mental health issues seem to summarize down to ‘is my experience real?’ which my logic brain knows is absurd because it’s the experience I had so of course it’s real, but my feelings/subjective brain have a lot of doubts far too often.