Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Praz and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Megan!

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Megan Prazenica is an animator/artist from Pittsburgh, PA. She now lives LA and life has been interesting ever since. When Megan isn't making art comics, or video games, she can be found wrecking havoc on the ultimate frisbee field as her alter-ego, "Bacon." Catch up with her on her website, her tumblr or tweet @MeganPraz.
Megan has written 42 articles for us.
Aww, this is real.
So, so real.
I hope we are cooler than we think. Loved this!
Story of my life. This was perfect.
This hits SO close to home. Let’s keep it real!
You’re so cool, holy crap, did you see the comic you just made?
Megan, I always really enjoy your comments, but this hits the nail right on the head. Thanks for sharing it!
also I meant comics, clearly, gah
Yes. 100%.
I very much agree with this. I do feel like a 16 year old uncool queer, but with drinking tolerance of my colleges women’s basketball team(some of those women during my time there really just knew how to drink).
I think you are super cool for making this comic, I feel this so so much.
So very real
Always so much real life.
I feel this comic. A lot of us do. Whenever I feel really cool, it’s like a joke. Or like I’m being fake.
But y’know what? You are hella rad, and those who get to know you are fortunate. :)
It doesn’t matter how old you are, that 16 year old is always waiting in the wings.
So true.
I love your comics because they’re so relatable. I’m glad I’m not the only one who is an awkward 16 year old in my head.
Ugh yeah, Junior High crippled me self-esteem wise. High school actually built me back up as a self-realised geek and nerd, and that was where I found confidence and social power. But those early experiences never really leave us, and I still find myself completely stymied by sudden overwhelming self-doubt and awkwardness at the very worst moments. And I’m always, ALWAYS, self-conscious, even when I tell myself I’m not and I don’t care what other people think. I ALWAYS CARE, and fear the worst. :/
Well, this comic is cool.. For what it’s worth..