Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Praz and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Cameron!

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Cameron is an illustrator hailing from Ohio. When she’s not drawing, she’s probably very, very quietly having loud thoughts about: queer things, her eventual shop, what to watch next on Netflix, food, names for her future pets, and tumblr.
Cameron has written 76 articles for us.
i feel this and would also say “possibility that being early will require making small talk or spending one-on-one time with a human being I’m not best friends with” definitely thrusts me into the obnoxiously late category.
I’m normally a late person but recently thought I’d try being early to an event. And was the first there (5-10 minutes early is all I was!) it was horrible. I talked to some fairly nice but random people, but still plan to never be early* to events again. It turns out, you really aren’t missing anything.
My best friend was 90 minutes late to our last meeting, the previous time he was 10 minutes early and I was 30 late. We are very bad at being in sync.
* – and by early, I mean I will be no less than 15 minutes after the beginning of the weird mingling section
My obituary: “Human person dedicates life to doing everything possible to avoid talking to people while also trying not to offend nice people who are genuinely interested in doing the thing.”
Sub-heading: “Mostly by being late, strategic headphone use, petting dogs and using ‘have you seen this show?’ as a distraction.”
Yes, definetly.
Oh god yes. Although last time I was early to a dance party, I ended up smoking a cigarette with a man from France who told me a very long joke about a polar bear in franglais. Either the punchline was a pun I don’t understand or he was far to drunk to tell the joke properly, but it ended up being kind of charming?
This is so true. Although you may want to think about adding one variable that always seems to affect punctuality in my circle… whether or not you wake up in bed with your lady.
I just quote Lord of the Rings at people when I’m late: “A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.”
My wife quotes that at me when I try to get us to places on time.
Same! That and “A queen is never late, everyone else is simply early.”
I am always horribly early due to anxiety and the fact that my mam was…chronologically challenged shall we say? And late for everything. I have been known to arrive at someone’s house for a party before they get home or walk up and down the pavement until I’m acceptably early.
At one point, my mom and I shared a car. I took out loans BOUGHT MY OWN DAMN CAR so that I would stop being late to things. Things like my job.
I’m either way early or way late, and on one memorable occasion I was born, because I decided to rise my bike around the neighborhood to kill time and ended up getting lost and then stuck on the highway somehow.
BRAVO BRAVO <33333 Bro I love your work
Punctuality AKA one of the things that bring the Seinfeldian-Romano Family wackiness outta my family.
To this day the thought of having to be on time with another person makes me anxious and kinda shouty.
Startlingly accurate.
Crippling anxiety/introvert here. So I cannot be late to anything- and as a result I’m always 20 minutes early. Then I completely freak out at having to socialise or make small talk.
Best defence: I always carry a book or my latest craft project because I just *can’t* pretend to be on my phone as it seems too rude??
I love this!
I also never learned how to read an analog clock!
But I like wearing watches for the aesthetic, so I only wear watches that don’t work so I can tell people the battery stopped if they ask for the time.
This punctuality/anxiety theory is seriously so spot on too.
Ah, this is so great!
The only thing I would add is the degree of discomfort the person I’m meeting will have if I keep them waiting.
Am I meeting them at their office or house, where they were already and they are comfortable? I can probably be pretty late.
Am I meeting them at a coffee shop or somewhere else that’s public but is okay to linger in? I can be 5-10 mins late.
Am I meeting them outside or at the entrance to a venue where they can’t go in without me? I should really be on time.
I always used to keep my battered copy of Ender’s Game in my car so I wouldn’t have to make small talk due to my chronic 20 minute early lifestyle.
I hate hate hate being late. But I also hate hate hate being early. So I usually arrive at a new place super early, go for a walk, remain out of sight and generally lurk, hoping to arrive just on time but to inevitably get lost and arrive late. Great job Caitlin, you were both early and late yet again.
Are you me?
This is so relatable! I feel like I understand myself better now…
… and this is me