Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings! Our esteemed cartoon critters are Cameron Glavin, Anna Bongiovanni, Megan Praz and Yao Xiao. Today’s cartoon is by Megan!

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Megan Prazenica is an animator/artist from Pittsburgh, PA. She now lives LA and life has been interesting ever since. When Megan isn't making art comics, or video games, she can be found wrecking havoc on the ultimate frisbee field as her alter-ego, "Bacon." Catch up with her on her website, her tumblr or tweet @MeganPraz.
Megan has written 42 articles for us.
Also, I would recommend everybody floss more often. That is my resolution for this year. It’s simple and easy to do. It will help you keep your teeth
1. Those little floss handle things exist which can help if you have joint problems
2. Skip morning flossing and do it before bed so that you can never say you don’t have enough time
3. Brushing and flossing before bed is more important anyway
4. If the threat of gum disease isn’t enough to convince you, it’ll make your breath way fresher, which will appeal to your vanity
Okay but like real talk. When you say flossing, what do you actually mean? What am i meant to do with it? Imagine as a xhikd you were taught how to clean your teeth, that’s how i feel about flossing. Maybe I’ll look it up on youtube.
1. Put floss between tooth and gum line
2. Move floss in a see-saw motion while sort of curving it around your tooth
3. Remove floss, wipe off plaque with a clean tissue
4. Repeat on each side of every tooth
Thank you.
YES!! And yes to flossing too!
I would say we need to get Betty White into that sanctuary ASAP, but that woman is stronger and healthier at 94 than I am at 31!
Also, I’m seriously tempted to have FTP shaved into the shaven side of my head,so I can literally have hair that says fuck the patriachary. That would make for an awesome start to 2017!
This made me so hopeful!
Regarding the sanctuary, is there any way on earth to make Supreme Court members immortal or just ya know ensure they outlast Trump’s time in office?
Maybe sell your soul?
By “overrated” you meant “underrated” right? ;)
I’d have said “awesome and amazing,” but that’s just me. =)
Though to each their own, of course, for movies and other stuff.
Why do the “fight the Patriarchy” third wavers ignore the FGM going on right here in our country? Why aren’t you fighting for women’s rights where they ACTUALLY DON’T HAVE ANY RIGHTS?
You don’t realize how well you have it here, until you won’t. Keep those open borders flowing, and Sharia Law will take care of any Patriarchy concerns you may have. In fact, it has already begun in certain areas.
Nothing wrong with fighting the system, kudos to you. I think your anger and frustration is severely misdirected. FFS 110 years ago you couldn’t vote. Look at where we are……
Now, in 2017, you can’t drive in Saudi Arabia and your ass will get thrown off a roof by ISIS Patriarchs.
Listen, white men didn’t create your problems, nor are they holding you down, nor are they treated special. I’m pretty sure my man has busted his ass from age 14 to now, for the honor of paying sky high taxes and received absolutely no help whatsoever from anyone. Do you even affirmative action? Title 9?
It’s amazing how we have come so far, yet it is never, ever enough. Maybe if you stopped pointing fingers at one specific group of people for your “equality” it wouldn’t look like “special treatment” to the rest of us.
Please keep an open mind. Please shake the indoctrination from college as best you can…because I’m a slight bit older than a good deal of you, and see straight through the Marxist BS.
Love, Your Bisexual Sister.
Lol. Thanks for stopping by, troll. We need the laughs. :D
Congratulations to your man for pulling his weight.
Look, I don’t know if you’re trying to be alarmist or what, but we really don’t need to kick off 2017 with Islamophobic, white-patriarchy-excusing, nonsense like this.
Have a happy New Year.