Sarah Michelle Gellar Gays Up “Masters of the Universe: Revelation,” He-Man Fanboys Drown in Own Tears

Like so many sailors who crashed their ships against the boulders of the seas at the sound of sirens, and the children who followed trails of candy into haunted woods, like the moth to the flame the prophet Janet Jackson heralded, I, too, am propelled along by an invisible force. No matter the time, the day, the season, the obligations before me, if I hear, in the distance, the sound of fanboy tears, I will follow them to the very edges of the earth to claim my prize. Oh, there is always a prize. They sob in a heap ā€” “our childhoods!” “our masculinity!” “virtue signaling!” ā€” while review-bombing whatever is before them.

And what is before them? Women, of course. Women with armor, with lasers, with daggers and swagger and shaved heads, women piloting the very spaceships that lined the walls of their boyhood boys-only clubhouses, women bustin’ ghosts, women overpowering big bads who destroyed cities under the watch of superheroic men, women with other women and not a man in sight.

Teela and Andra share a secret look of adoration

Last week I followed the sweet sound of fanboy weeping and discovered a treasure beyond my wildest imagination: Netflix’s He-Man reboot, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, the latest offering on the streamer’s 80s nostalgia altar. It looks like the original He-Man and it sounds just like the original He-Man and the cast of characters is (nearly) the same as the original He-Man ā€” but this isĀ not original He-Man. For starters, it’s almost not even about He-Man at all. Without spoiling too much, Prince Adam and He-Man get taken out of commission at the end of the first episode of Revelation, and the entire show becomes about Teela, who ditches the crown and tight up-do for an asymmetrical trim with an undercut, and her job as Captain of the Greyskull Guard for a gig as a mercenary alongside her gal pal Andra. They don’t say they have a thingĀ with each other, but I’m also not sure if you even have to say aĀ thingĀ is aĀ thingĀ anymore. There’s obviously something going on with them. They’re adventuring companions who can’t keep their eyes or hands off each other.

Teela’s not the only one who’s got fanboys weeping: Andra is obviously no longer Lieutenant Andra and she’s now a badass Black woman. And the first King of Greyskull, the guy the castle was named after and the original He-Man, is a badass Black warrior. Frantz Jerome, over at Black Nerd Problems, points out what a big deal that is, and how it, too, “caused a riot with the self-righteous and self-appointed gatekeepers of the culture.”

Andra looks out onto the icy sea as Teela looks at her

FURTHERMORE, Teela and Andra are joined on many of their quests by longtime gay icon Evil-Lyn ā€” who, we find out, did, in fact, add the “evil” to her name after her parents sent her out into the world as Lyn. It’s just one of the self-aware jokes that lovingly clown on the original series. Andra points out that He-Man’s dialogue and his ridiculous puns are corny as heck, and Teela has to agree. Lyn is evil and then she’s not and then she is and then she’s not. You know how it goes with these crunchy outside/gooey inside characters we all know and love.

However, you will not care about her character alignment when she takes off her helmet and shakes out her silver mane in the wind ā€” and also when I tell you she is voiced by Lena Headey. And at this point I might as well also tell you that Teela is voiced by Sarah Michelle Gellar. And yes, there’s shades of Cersei and Buffy in both of them. Like I said, it’s really cognizant nerd writing! Tiffany Smith voices Andra, and the rest of the voice crew is rounded out by Dennis Haysbert (King Greyskull), Mark Hammill (Skeletor), and Liam Cunningham (Man-at-Arms). A stacked roster.

Andra grasps Teela as they swing through the air by Teela's grappler

Andra grasps Teela as they swing through the air by Teela's grappler

And while all of those changes are heckin’ welcome, Revelation still captures the sword-and-sorcery and anime sensibility of the original series, without the misogyny and racism that defined so much of He-Man (and She-Ra)’s original TV, action figure, and comic book outings. The first five episodes follow Teela, Andra, and Evil-Lyn as they try to uncover the mystery of Eternia’s waning magic and restore the planet ā€” and the universe’s! ā€” supply of supernatural power. They visit all the old haunts, and also make a casual trip into both heaven and hell.

The feel of the series is completely different than Noel Stevenson’s She-Ra and the Princesses of Power; in fact, I’d say it’s got way more in common with Legend of Korra. It’s fun, it’s feminist, it’s queer, and it’s got a 96% Rotten Tomatoes critic rating but a sobbing 38% Rotten Tomatoes fanboy audience score. Absolutely delicious!

Evil-Lyn and Teela look out at the icy sea

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


    • Wow.

      All of Gen X fans are not male.

      And all Gen X women are not obligated to like this.

      We have the right to not like it.

      This is not the He-Man we grew up loving. Not is it what many of us wanted.

      Also, the 80’s were not nearly as stilted and suppressed as the current narrative tries to say.


      Gen X Mom

      • Another Gen Xer here. This article is so typical of the mean-spirited nature of show creators and how little they think of fans. I watched He-Man from the age of 5 and then later She-Ra and was a huge admirer of both shows.

        My childhood hasn’t been ruined & I shed no fanboy tears, for these iterations are not the shows I grew up with. They are a corporation’s and its pampered elitist staff’s phony “fanfiction” retcon of programs that brought delight to other people.

        • Yes! Wendy you hit it spot on. I agree with you totally. This is just corporate wokeness and money grabbing.

        • The original cartoons that brought you so much delight were LITERALLY corporate advertisements created to sell toys and lunchboxes. Your moral indignation is gatekeeping passing for a romanticized version of your nostalgia that never existed.

        • It’s absolutely hilarious how we have bombed this show because of all the lies that was told to us. We’ve managed to knock this garbage completely out of Netflix’s top 10 in record time and stores have already relegated the ugly toys to the clearance isles šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ it’s a sweet sweet victory we told you we were going to do it if you messed with the show and we proved our point šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£

    • So I always think it is humorous when writers like this take such satisfaction when a show/movie pissed off thier true fanbase. Maybe Heather doesn’t understand the concept of what a fanbase is. True fans or has Heather likes to call them “fan boys” are the ones that, for all intensive purposes, pay the bills. If you don’t have the die hard fans you don’t have the shows. This is probably the future of Masters of the Universe.

    • I can only speak for myself, but my problem with Revelation wasn’t having female characters, it was the horrible writing and voice acting. But Teela did remind me of Rey from the Disney Star Wars sequels, way too overpowered to be an interesting character. I stopped watching after the episode with Scare Glow where it turns out Teela’s biggest fear is being too awesome. What a joke!

      PS My favorite action hero is Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, so I definitely appreciate a strong female lead – when done right!

    • Way to bash the show Heather. Add fangirl to the mix of fanboys. This show doesnā€™t do anyone justice. Thanks for proving why weā€™re upset.

    • Also beautiful how the series fell off Netflixs’ top 10 rating faster than an sjw can scream “micro aggression!”

      People like the author and the guys who put this series together dont actually care about fans. They love destroying culture. But take heart true fans! None of this woke garbage will be remembered. And these cultural vandals will soon fall out of fashion as studios realize they can’t make money off of blue-haired land whales with pronouns in their twitter profiles.

      Just remember, without respect we reject.

    • I actually am okay with the show. It’s a new take on something I loved when I was young. That being said… are you aware of the issue people had with Transformers the Movie back in the 80s? They did the same thing with Optimus Prime, and it was also a huge controversy. Sometimes it’s not about “being woke. This just sounds like a grownup acting like a child.

      Incidentally, I did give the Ghostbusters reboot a chance. I didn’t like it. Not because it starred women. As long as they did a good job, I could care less, and I enjoyef Kate Mckinnon. But the humor was too forced, it tried too hard.

    • As far as I can tell is the MOTU serie and Kevin Smith to be drown on fans tears: the fans are surely upset; but totally fine. As a straight white male, I consider myself to be a feminist; I strongly believe in LGBT rights and I reject racism in any form; but is incredible that I would have to remark that to defend a beloved childhood series. The fans objections have nothing to do with the prominence of female characters; their sexual orientation or their races; but the fact that those not the story and the characters we knew and we loved when we were children; and that we were sold something when we were promised something else: don’t try to use that to call us misogynistic…that’s not fine.

      • Right? They called it a direct continuation and then proceeded to change everyone and everything.. in the first damn episode. There was no build up. No gradual transition. Just a bait and switch. And for all those ppl who said the men are crying, we’re not. We just refuse to watch. We don’t have to.

    • I loved the new and old series – not sure what these whining hormonal Zoomer kids are complaining about. But to be clear, it doesn’t look or sound like the original series.

  1. Andra: *Heads into certain danger*
    Teela: “You go, I go.”
    That’s what the kids call ride or die.

    PS – If you understand why Teela was so upset that she wasn’t in on the He-Man secret, then you understand that Lena Luthor wasn’t just throwing a temper tantrum.

    • Oh Lord. That’s a terrible take. The issue was never whether or not Lena had the right to be upset. The issue was always the way she expressed her anger. Teela has an acceptable response. She walks away from the people who hurts her and rebuilds her life, starts a new business, gets a girlfriend and an awesome new haircut. Lena stomps around like a two year old and goes full on supervillain with the Kidnapping and the Mind Control. There is no freaking comparison here.

    • This show should be called she-man. Lot of unnecessary tantrums by teela. If she was truly captain she would have seen the big picture. Instead she started her periods when she saw adam die and learnt she was kept out of the secret. Then she goes needlessly woke about god knows what where there is no need.

    • What a load of rubbish. The true fans aren’t angry because it has strong female characters. They are angry as they we’re lied to repeatedly. Yes, the show is good but the way it was sold to fans was total BS. If they had been honest there would have been less backlash. The whole article is written to show your glee in the fallout. So white male characters are allowed to be recast to different races and genders or their importance cast aside, yet this cannot happen the other way around without uproar and condemnation. I do not see why these characters could not be protrayed as equals. I do not see why characters need to be changed to fit a PR narrative. I agree we should have equality of representation but this should be achieved by creating new characters and new stories. We do not need to destroy strong male characters to embrace strong female ones, we shouldn’t have to change the race of a character to fit an agenda, we should embrace new material and characters, all should be treated equally.

      • No strong male was destroyed in the series. He-Man being gone made life so much harder for everyone, whoch demonstrates how strong and valuable he was. Every mention of him was reverent and fond. The other strong male was Man-at-Arms, who took on an entire army by himself and saved Teela and company in passing because he’s so much stronger than they are. Even Orco, who has always been a comedic sidekick, saved the entire team.

        Then, they brought back He-Man at the end, had Skeletor show up and fulfill his greatest scheme to date, which was awesome, leaving us with a wounded Prince Adam who will spend the next 5 episodes building back up to a fonal battle with a super Skeletor.

        How in any way has that diminished any white male character? You either didn’t watch the show, you are deliberately ignoring key scenes, or you are just trying to be offended.

    • You know, you start the article like that. You cackle like a drunk who found a bottle of vodka. You celebrate from the onset that people – men “sob in a heap”.

      You laugh at “review bombing”. You laugh at stuff that others are upset about.

      But you clearly do not know what you’re talking about. You heard part of a story, only enough to make you laugh with glee – enough to rub your hands like the troll under the bridge, seeing the goats walk up.

      But your sexism and hatred shine through every letter in your page. I wonder what happened that hurt you so.

      People are upset about being lied to. People were promised a He-Man show. Not a Teela show. People are annoyed at how they played it down, how they played it out. Stuff like killing Orko – just not needed.

      You know, my sister and I played He-Man and Teela. There are so many shows with strong women. They are much loved shows. Nobody has a problem with those shows, we don’t have a problem with strong women for damn sake. What we do have a problem with, is a guy who makes a show says “It is all about He-Man”, and then cackles like you that he killed him not once, but twice.

      For damn’s sake, do you even know the original He-Man cartoons?? It was woke. It was liberal. It had all those lefty luvvie feelings, and messages about family and stuff in. He Man ever used his sword to DEFEND OTHERS. He never killed people. He threw Skeletor in the mud like a softy lefty.
      EVERY EPISODE, was ended with this social message.


      We’re pissed off because we were promised a show about a particular character, but got something altogether different. And when we voiced disapproval, ALL WE GET, IS AGGRESSION, MOCKERY AND CONTEMPT. From people like Smith, from people like you.

      The only misogyny here, is yours.

      People like you are the problem. Your arrogance, and mockery stinks of a certain something, and it is not pleasant

      • I’ll admit I walked away sort of hating it not because of what they did with He-Man but what they did with Teela and Skeletor. Teela was too whiny for my taste and could have been better. She was good in most scenes but insufferable in enough of them that I didnt like her.

        As for Skeletor, you could have ripped the audio from the end scene and put it on a scene from Batman the animated series with the Joker and Harley Quin and you wouldn’t have known any better. Mark Hamil just played the Joker as Skeletor and I felt like it was distracting. If someone never watched Batman the animated series, it might work for them but it wasnt to my liking.

      • ” I wonder what happened that hurt you so.”

        The article explains ‘what happened’, please see the linked examples.

        What about these movies and shows that were review bombed BEFORE anyone even had a chance to see them?

        You won’t let us have strong female leads or shows… and then you won’t let us have a silly bit of gloating to vent. When we poke fun of the people that are clearly misogynistic getting agitated that they can’t have their way like they have forever it’s a coping mechanism. I can’t tell you how much I wanted to scream after seeing all these comments about how the show is bad and so hated. You can spout whatever reasons you want, but we know why most of the men complaining don’t like it.

    • I’m a he man fan from way back. Been enjoying the new show just fine. Not sure how He-Man is “ruined”.

    • Yeah, because it’s totally unreasonable for the original fanbase to get pissed off when some idiot producer decides to turn their beloved franchise into his own little pet project by doing away with everything they loved about the series. Seriously, they should just grow up and get used to disappointment.

      Mr. Foster, this reboot does not represent an inclusive reimagining of the Masters of the Universe franchise as you seem to believe it does. In fact, it’s as exclusive as it gets. It aims to exclude the original audience by conducting a direct assault on the their dignity and values. Kevin Smith is essentially taking the original show, grasping it with both hands, holding it up to the audience and tearing it in half. It’s as disrespectful as it is malicious and false.

      If Kevin Smith cared one iota about the old HMatMotU fans, he would’ve branded this show as something other than He-Man. Instead, he chose to convey false promises of a series revival to those who have been waiting years for something like it to occur, baiting them into watching something that doesn’t remotely resemble the original work. Smith is a weasel who understands that controversy often leads to increased viewership, and that his show will go uncontested by the media because the show’s narrative of female empowerment and inclusivity (which ARE wonderful things in themselves) are broadly supported by the media. New fans and people who hated the old series for its focus on masculine empowerment are free to rejoice in the show’s popularity while the old guard are left out to dry in the popular eye.

      This is disgusting. And I think your conduct is too, Mr. Foster.

    • …I’m an idiot. Sorry Jeff, just act like I addressed that entire comment to Heather Hogan.

    • Say whatever bullshit you want. You dumbfucks will be crying when your shit show comes to an end. And when it does, you still won’t realize that shitty writing bombed the show, you’ll just blame a certain group of people.

    • My issue is not about the focus of the show, which is a (sort of) refreshing take. It’s not even about the baiting that Kevin Smith did with insisting the show would be about He-man, when it’s really about the relationships of the people around him. My problem is with the writing. Yes there was corny writing in the He-Man scenes, which apparently were deliberate, but the other scenes were just as bad. The characters (especially Teela) came off wooden and under developed. The dialog was pure throwaway and sacrificed for mediocre fight scenes. The only meaningful addition of information was when Orko talked about his upbringing and was killed 5 minutes later! I honestly never felt sympathy for any of these characters. To compare this with “Legend of Korra” is an insult to the Avatar universe, which was captivating writing in both series. This was lazy and underwhelming.

      And btw, the so-called “gay” undertones between Teela and Andra is laughable. There is a moment in the second episode and then they are just friendly. It’s just as bad as the “gay” Disney characters that have been promised in the last decade, underdeveloped and with no actual homosexuality. At least “She-ra and the Princesses of Power” actually delivered on gay characters!

    • Put a gay character in anything and you’ll get an extra 90% on RT. Problem is, Teela never does anything to imply she’s gay. A female can’t just have a female friend? How “woke” are you in assuming short hair makes her a lesbian?

      Fact is, this may be an okay fantasy animated series but it’s not Masters of the Universe. It’s using a well-known brand for a bait and switch. Why have He-man in every scene of the trailer? And why say that it’s a continuation of the 80’s show?

      Critics get to watch the shows for free and they don’t buy action figures, fans do. So we’ll decide the future of our franchises, with our wallets…

      Meanwhile, you’ll move on to the next fad that furthers your agenda and has absolutely nothing to do with the source material.

    • They killed Orco! That is my biggest gripe.
      I don’t see a problem with Teela taking centre stage for a bit. The absence of He-Man/Skeletor serves to focus on their supporting characters which I think is great. I don’t like the Teela being gay idea because I loved the chemistry between her and He-Man in the ‘you know they want each other but neither mentions it’ kind of thing. Now that Skeletor is the Master of the Universe I need He-Man to step up as it is these 2 characters that have the ultimate rivalry. Teela can take on Beast Man, Mer Man or anyone else but beating Skeletor is and always has been He-Mans destiny.

      Seeing the previous Masters of the Universe was cool too (don’t really see how colour is an issue there either, infact Greyskull himself was a cool design and I would argue a spin off series with him as the lead would be something new and interesting with a whole new line up of characters). But I’m still gutted about Orco. The only other thing I wasn’t pleased with was the lack of Battle Cat! Cat lives matter!

      As whole given it’s only the 1st season in a series I hope continues for a long time (and eventually concentrates on the most powerful man in the universe) I thought it was great!

    • I find it ironic that the stance they are taking is that legitimate fans of the series are just repugnant neckbeards who don’t want to celebrate the beauty of femininity… Yet the female characters display physiques only possible by the abuse of large doses of androgens… Interesting

    • Didnt mind Teela being in the lead, it makes sense she the clone of the Godess of Eternia and daughter to the sorceress, however killing all the males, who actually are heroes and replacing them with a chara ter l on ke Teelawho went from a heroic character to a sociopath who cant put anyone’s feeling before her own is really what gets fans. EVIL lyn and Teela are selfish POS who care nothing for anyone but their own pity parties. Andra is fine but if your going to have lesbians in your show stop beating around the Bush about it. Finally what are we saying as a society when in this day and age the only way to present a strong woman is making her look like a man. The storyline is good but Smith does not know the characters and by making both female leads essentially evil and killing the men who are indeed being heroes does not make for an adventure.

    • A blindingly obvious retort in order to elicit maximum outrage. Purposefully adding fuel to the WOKE fire isn’t journalism. She has nothing original to say…go back to journalism school and start again.

    • Wait, when did we come out pro-queerbaiting?

      I mean, come ON, it’s the dictionary definition of the term. They literally left it so that you could draw the obvious conclusion, then, if called out on it as bad, dive away from it like a live grenade. And if the LGBT community signs off on, act like a bunch of genius allies.

      Apparently, you’re also alright with straight up lying to sell, while silencing female voices at the same time.

      Let’s talk about the misogyny, specifically, the misogyny of the people trying to erase the female director of the original He-Man, the female model who was rotoscoped to be Teela (and now, apparently, the showrunners have labelled that woman’s body “unrealistic”. That real woman’s body has been judged by a bunch of dudes as not realistic), including the costuming for her. Let’s also talk about the LGBT folks who were part and parcel to the production of the 80s show, who curiously, have not been mentioned by a single piece of media, OR the people constantly shitting on it.

  2. Why do you get such pleasure from the disappointment of others? I believe fans are disappointed that He-Man isnā€™t in the new show, not that Teela might be gay. Welcome in new characters and diversity, but not at the expense of the titular character. Otherwise, just make it itā€™s own new show.

    • The show is called ā€˜Masters of the Universe,ā€ not He-Man. So yes, the show is about the titular character(s).

      • Actually originally it was called He-man and the masters of the universe. Old school. Not new age woke shit. He-man was the hero and everyone was along for the ride because that’s what we wanted not some bs. We just wanted big good guy beating the shit outta the bad guy. Yay and then out to play.

        • Lol. How is it ā€œnew age woke shitā€ for a show named ā€œMasters of the Universeā€ to be about the Masters of the Universe from ā€œHe-Man and the Masters of the Universe.ā€

          The cartoon is exactly what it says on the tinā€¦a show about the Masters of the Universe.

      • Cora, I guess you could look at it from a certain point of view and say it is in fact about the titular character(s), but you must see the massive bait-and-switch pulled on the original fan base, no? Teela and the other secondary characters are not the ā€œMasters of the Universeā€ If you flip it and make a new Wonder Woman show, promising to be ā€œall about Wonder Womanā€ and ā€œmade for Wonder Woman fansā€ and then proceed to have WW disappear before the first episode ends and then the show is all about Steve Trevor wouldnā€™t you expect WW fans to cry foul? Itā€™s not as if He-Man was a toxic character in the original show. Make the He-Man show, feature some of Teelaā€™s growth and development as a character, then give her her own spin-off thatā€™s tied to the story. That format is very popular right now (Disney+) The shame here is that so many think itā€™s necessary to push other characters to the forefront at the expense of the original, beloved hero because heā€™s a man. That, and the bitter enjoyment some show in fans being duped and disappointed.

    • Erich, not liking a show is fine. Bitterly complaining about not liking the show because of “forced diversity” or “feminism” “new age woke shit” or “the gay agenda” is irritating. That’s what’s being mocked.

      • Huggin, yes those people that complain about the features you mentioned are irritating, and sad. But equally sad is taking joy in the original fan base being fooled by the creators statements ā€œall about He-Manā€ and ā€œI made this for He-Man fansā€ and their rightful disappointment in the show. You canā€™t deny that this show is 100% bait-and-switchā€¦

        • I’m an old school He Man fan. I’m seeing all the old characters I remember. I’m seeing a show going out of its way to make the creatures and vehicles look exactly like the actual toys! I’m enjoying it. I’m sad if other people can’t, but *shrug*

          • Two other shows before this one tried to rehash the same story that made the original enjoyable for those of us who grew up with it. Both shows failed. A new show is giving us something different, a story that hasn’t been told before and people are getting upset it’s not the same old story.

            No childhoods were ruined here. The original still exists.

    • Titular means the character’s name is in the title. This show is called Masters of the Universe, not He-Man and the Masters of the Universe.

  3. So, you point taken, yet. If its the whole women with lasers and daggers, etc. Then why is there not NEW ideas of shows with that. Why is it a must to take old content and reimagine it. Hell if your going to bash men an “macalinity” why are you doing it with female characters being portrayed as pretty much men? Why do you have such an offense to having beautiful and/or sexy women being bada$$es, i.e. pat grier (foxy brown) or kate beckinsale (underworld). Pathetic.

      • I completely agree with this comment! Its an insult to women when they just replace the male characters with us. We want our own original stories and characters, not gender and race swapped lazy writing. The writer of this article seems to be a hateful person.

    • Interesting that lesbians and feminists they despise men so much that they want to be protagonists in programs made by them. Maybe it’s the case that anger arises because they can’t be men. Misandry is the penis envy that Freud spoke of.

    • How else can they get quick and easy brand recognition though? Recycling old stuff to get more eyeballs is too successful a tactic to be abandoned.

  4. For me the new MOTU show is a very good one… and I am a 41 year old father who played with MOTU a lot in my childhood back in the days. For me He-Man has never been the center of this universe, all characters were equal to each other. Teela is – for now – the center of this universe, but for how long? Is her journey now over? Who knows… we’ll see! I enjoyed the show a lot, especially seeing Skeletors companios in their new positions – Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops for example. Yeah! I don’t think that Kevin Smith wanted to focuse on a maybe sexual relationship between Teela and Andra. They are maybe only good friends, who can rely on each other. I can not really see through…

    But one thing for me is crystal clear: A senior writer who is sooo aware of f***ing every single detail and about the (hidden) women power and everything … should spell “Grayskull” in the right way. Who should now go back to school and learn something more about the topic? Not this senoir writer of course…

    Pardon me for my bad writing. I’m from Germany…

  5. This article is written from a position of ignorance.

    Sexism? Misogny? What? Both He-man and She-ra were forward looking and very liberal for the period they were created. Hell, Erika Sheimer, the daughter of Louie Shimmer (filmation director) and voice actor on the original She-ra is gay herself and has stated that she helped to include queer sensibilities into the cartoon.
    Fans of the original series are angry NOT because Teela is gay, nor even because she has such a prominent position in the show, or because King Grayskull is black, they are pissed because they have been mis sold a product and lied to by Kevin Smith, who assured them that the show was all about He-man, when in fact it is clearly not.

    • 100% right!

      For me was also the fact that teela threw a temper tantrum and abandoned her post (in the worst moment ever) just because others didn’t share Adams secret with her. Completely or of character. That ruined teela for me.

  6. Heather, you are a national treasure and your writing is a gift. My girlfriend and I have been looking for a new show to watch, and I think I just found it.

    • Yeah, people are watching He-man 2002 on YouTube in far higher numbers than the fan disservice abortion that kevin smith and netflix put out. But these people will continue to fail upward so they won’t have any reason to pull there head out of their vaginas. And yes that includes this writer and Kevin Smith.

    • Of course you did…lesbians appreciating a WOKE article written by a lesbian. Your appreciation isn’t about the subject, just the underlying agenda.

  7. One would think a show named He-man would be about, oh I don’t know, he-man?? I’m 46 and grew up watching this series. It’s pretty much manly men kicking bad guy ass for a few minutes an episode. Back then we really didn’t give a rats a** about political correctness or wokeness. We watched cause we wanted to see the hero save the day and we were little kids. Give teela and evil-lyn their own shows if ya wanna do that. In the original they were sidekicks or henchmen or secondary characters. It’s called he-man, not he-man for a bit so we can now have some woman power and girls step up with mild homosexual tones yet enough badassery where ya just don’t know. I still fail to see how women think they aren’t equal. I’m not sure what else yall want. But hey boys and girls ya do who you want I don’t have to approve or not approve. I do my thing. But I have a feeling no matter what anyone says it’s still gonna be viewed as female and gay bashing so whatever. You have the power yippee.

      • Actually wiffles as I said earlier it was called he-man and the masters of the universe. Watched it every day after school on wgn channel 12 at 4pm. I dont give a rats ass what this new tripe is called. It’s just a lie to the fan base to get ratings and to give us some teela and evil-lyn hey I’m a big muscular overtly gay qnd/or strong female lead that needs affirmation im cool and fans will like me. This was just a bait and switch simple as that.

  8. I’m a fan boy and I don’t give a damn that Teela and Andra are gay!! I hate that Teela is a shitty character now!!

  9. Wow, Heather. You said that the men were crying serious tears, but looking at the comments of this section, I had no idea.

    • Yup, seriously. And on a website for queer women, no less.

      Like, how hard must these guys be looking for articles & critics to get angry at.

      • Actually, its likely as google chrome has punted this trollsterpiece onto the front page news thingummybob

        No need to search…just the almighty algorithm at play

  10. Tragic that the woke faithful are so devoid of creative inspiration, they’ve had to parasitize a macho male comic character to find an audience for the now quasi-conservative gender-swap narrative . Because we all know how hugely popular a show would be if it tried to fly on the now mainstream angle of a feminist storyline and queer cast… My god, there’d be lines around the block to see such dull, hyper-worn-out premise šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

  11. Yes! Wendy you hit it spot on. I agree with you totally. This is just corporate wokeness and money grabbing.

  12. OH WOW this character art is extremely up my alley, this appears to be an entire cartoon populated by people with arms as good as Huntara’s, I AM READY

  13. To the people talking about how this article is skipping the problems with the series, fine. You can think that, sure, but that’s not at all what the article is about. In this chain alone, I see someone talking about how Revelation “ruined He-Man”, and another talking about how they were “missold and lied to” about the contents of the show, but…why do you care so much? Firstly, if you were looking for an article about the show written from that perspective, why come here? Secondly, if you were looking for a story about masculinity, there are innumerous great choices out there, but no matter what, they’ll all have their own sets of problems. With Yakuza, you get masculinity shown through a lens of vulnerability and compassion, but you get some deeprooted (possibly unknowing) transphobia from the creative team. With Ranma, you get a show confronting gender identity, monogamous arranged relationships, and martial arts, but the fanservice is less than tasteful at times. Here, you have a great story with fantastic characters, but your favourite guy isn’t in it too much.

    Get over it.

    It’s fine.

    Honestly, this feels an awful lot like you’re all just rehashing everything that was said back before The Last Of Us 2 came out, and…well, the game was great. The problems you’re finding aren’t actually problems so much as they are story beats you don’t like as much. I don’t think you’re all necessarily anti-LGBT, but a good number of you sure throw around the word ‘woke’ a lot, and that’s not super indicative of a non-biased individual. Try to enjoy the show, yeah?

    • I don’t find open queerbaiting to be “fine”. You can sign off on it if you like, but way to lower the bar.

    • I disagree De…He Man and the masters of the universe was all about team work with the main character being He Man with a whole slew of strong supporting characters (and this means the women too especially). But to take the main character out in the very first episode and add all the influences that are NOT necessary especially the sexuality of certain characters. Let the kids choose what they want to be when they grow up and not try to act like this type of influence is OK it’s not. Imagine if this was called Wonder Woman and they let Superman be the lead character…. Would there be people upset by that… definitely. At the end of the day every one has there own thoughts but judging it from all that I’ve seen the only thing they got right was art style.

      Imagine the movie Conan the barbarian and in that movie within the first 10 minutes Conan was killed and his mistress Belit got revenge and the movie ended…. even worse than that imagine that the second movie was still called Conan and he wasn’t even in it but now it had only Belit and her new lesbian mistress Ellie as a supporting character but she gets killed and Belit goes on to find another lover another barbarian called Bahugh. AND…they made a third movie called and called it Conan but instead of it being about Conan or Belit it was about Belits new lover Bahughs little sister who happens to be a little confused about life so she runs away and the movie is about her depression of watching messed up things that goes on in her universe so she kills herself and finds Prince Adam in the after life and they fall in love and ultimately she helps him defeat SkeleGod…. wait a minute here…. that’s what’s going to happen in season two…. damn thanks De.

      • Iā€™m sorry, but now I really want this Conan movie to exist. Someone phone Hollywood.

        (Iā€™m also somewhat curious what part of your brain thought posting ā€œbut you canā€™t have gay characters, youā€™ll corrupt the children!!ā€ on a sapphic-centric website was a good idea. Seriously, Iā€™m assuming you donā€™t come here regularly- you got a Google alert or something?)

    • It is fine. It’s not a big deal. It’s just not a particularly good product and we’ll watch something else. There is more content available than you could watch in your lifetime, no one needs to waste time with things they don’t enjoy.

    • You are really asking why fans care so much? Becouse we are…fans. There is no show or franchise or characters from your childhood that you care for dearly, perhaps just because they remember you of an easier and better time? There…imagine they reboot that, but leaving the main character out and completely changing others. If you are a fan; then you are bothered.

  14. dang look at all these sockpuppets…

    Anyways, I personally won’t be happy until we’ve queered and/or feminized up every media franchise out there. GI Joe, Transformers, Battletoads, Garfield, we’re coming for you!

    (I’m too young for He-Man, but learning that this version is more about sword lesbians increases the likelihood I’ll watch it, so thank you!)

    • It goes too show that the wokeys don’t even care about the franchises or products. If you did you would realise your brigade all ready got your hands on battletoads guess what no one bought it it flopped big time and rare even said the property is dead GO WOKE GO BROKE

    • Why does making every TV show gay or feminine matter so much to you? That’s what I dont understand about you guys. I’m Hispanic but I dont expect every lead character to be hispanic in every show I watch and for every person in a show to speak spanish. Yet you want every franchise that’s masculine to be full of estrogen? I never see any straight guys say damn I wish 16 Candles, Mean Girls or any Melissa McCarthy film to be about men and then enjoy the backlash from angry women more than the film itself. Not every TV show has to be about someone’s sexuality and if so let’s make every character black and discuss police brutality every episode because that’s a bigger issue in America ppl losing their lives and family to those who live to protect us.

    • So essentially a person who really cares about fictional characters being of the subjectively “right” sex, sexuality or even race (yeah, no warning signs there) complaining about of other people caring about fictional characters being of the subjectively “right” sex, sexuality or even race…

      Hypocrisy is a natural consequence to a complete lack of self awareness.

      And to the people that need all media to cater to them personally?

      Might wanna grow up at some point.

    • So essentially a person who really cares about fictional characters being of the subjectively “right” sex, sexuality or even race (yeah, no warning signs there) complaining about of other people caring about fictional characters being of the subjectively “right” sex, sexuality or even race…

      Hypocrisy is a natural consequence to a complete lack of self awareness.

      And to the people that need all media to cater to them personally?

      Might wanna grow up at some point.

  15. Damn. Dudes are salty today. Try a different flavor, fellas – all that salt isn’t good for your blood pressure.

    She-Ra fan groups were generally positive on this show, but saying it’s not as queer as She-Ra, which, okay, not much is. Reading this, though, I think I’ll give it a try.

  16. I’m one of those 40 year old fan boys you’re talking about… but believe it or not I actually thought the show was really good. I’ve been a He-Man fan since I was four, later I watched the 2002 reboot when I was in college, and now I’ve introduced my kids to the MOTU world, toys and all. I watched the new series twice now and I think you may be misinterpreting some of the aspects of the show. Yes, they leave Teela and Andra’s relationship open to interpretation on purpose… so people can interpret it as they please, but none of these characters are the gay icons as you assert with Evil Lyn. The show clearly points out that both female leads are carrying torches for their male counterparts. And more research into the MOTU universe would show you that both pairs get together and have kids. He-Man and Teela, and Skeletor and Evil Lyn. The new show is great, and I can’t wait to see more, but I think you may be reading into some of the characters things that aren’t there.

    • “I think you may be reading into some of the characters things that arenā€™t there.” Welcome to our space. Have you seen Xena?

      • No one cares, Tom.

        Evil-Lynn is a gay icon because we said so – itā€™s not our fault the writers havenā€™t realized it yet.

  17. 1. Thank you, Heather, for this article! Iā€™m always excited to try out a show you recommend.

    2. Should we maybe form a welcome committee for the (likely) cishet men who occasionally stumble into the Autostraddle comment sections for articles like this? You know, just to remind them that mileage may vary, etc.

    • Well, I’m a straight man, 36, grew up with the toys and watching the shows and I really enjoyed this version. I like seeing greater representation, I enjoy the ambiguity about relationships so that Teela could carry a torch for Adam while also still having a relationship with Andra…maybe. At the very least, they have an incredible friendship and lift each other up, which is always wonderful.

      Teela’s growth from loyal soldier, to angry mercenary, to champion is really well done for a 5 episode animated show and I enjoyed the ride.

      Contrary to what the crybabies are saying, He-Man IS the focus of the entire show. He saves the entire universe and his absence is keenly felt by everyone. Teela’s life is so much harder without her walking deus ex machina. She says as much, and her memories of the pillar of positive masculinity bthay is He-Man are always about his dorky jokes, combat prowess, and pure nobility. He is never torn down, except when they talk about his cheesey jokes which are objectively awful and hilarious dad jokes.

      Then there’s Man-At-Arms, another amazing example of positive masculinity: a loving father, loyal soldier, and defender of the weak who tries to fix the world even when he’s not supposed to. He shows up to save Teela and company, wiping the floor with a dozen villains, then moves on to defend Grayskull BY HIMSELF against an entire army. He’s the strongest character, yet all of these alleged fanboys who claim to love the characters obviously haven’t watched the show because they ignore all of these facts in order to whine.

      I have been attacked ruthlessly on YouTube by angry, impotent, mediocre, middle aged men who are obsessing over a man in a fur loincloth with a pageboy haircut. It’s truly pathetic and I laugh every time they complain. Their tears are delicious!

      There are lots of very angry, very loud, very basic incels out there that are angry over this show, but these are the same ones whining about Pride Month. They’re part of a shrinking, literally-dying minority. Ignore them and enjoy a fun show!

  18. An intriguing read, Heather! After having seen She-Ra, I wasn’t sure how this was going to measure up (I adored She-Ra and loved how they modernized it, so I wasn’t sure about this new He-Man). But seeing your take on it, I’ll give it a chance! :)

    *Also looking at the comments, does this mean that the SEO for AS has gotten better? I don’t think I’ve seen this many straight men in the comment section in a while XD Great job, but I hope this doesn’t bring down the comments too often heh.

    Hugs from this bi gal! <3

    • Oh, thatā€™s a good thought. I was wondering if it got posted somewhere.

      It is disconcerting. Makes me realize again how much I value the feeling of community in the comments.

    • I doubt they have that much of an attention span. I’m glad all these comments are here because I isolate myself on the internet and forget what it’s really like out there, and I didn’t take the article seriously about all the man tears. But clearly, there are indeed many lmao

  19. Disengage.

    Objecting to the media’s puppets will see you judged as mindlessly as the allies who are instructed to shut their mouths and “take a back seat”.

    Inclusively means inclusively except for you and people who think and feel the same way. If you disagree then you are being divisive and therefore the problem.

    There are no longer discussions in places like this.


    Stay only long enough to show you resist your given labels.

  20. I like the new Netflix series but I’ve had it with BOTH SIDES of the “woke” argument. Laughing about sweet fanboi tears isn’t helping anything in the same way as the other side’s outrage about Kevin Smith misleading people isn’t helping either. Watch the show or don’t but please don’t try to wind up the other side.

    • You are spot on. Right now this type of articles sell, so they have to keep them coming

  21. Not surprised by her comments considering both her and Whedon have accusations against them as less than savory people behind the scenes of Buffy.

  22. And a fitting out the top 10 it goes forever, because it is up to lesbians to love and support the the franchise now.

  23. Itā€™s queer baiting at itā€™s finest. No thank you. Iā€™ll stick to She Ra.

  24. @heatherhogan Wow. You take delight in a fan base being demoralized because their beloved character was sidelined and marginalized. I dont lnow you but you kinda sorta seem like a major a$$hole.

  25. I think this is where critics miss the point. You revel in the fact that it has a great score amoung critics but is bombing with the public. Hello ! If the average person who is not being paid to watch it turns it off then guess what ? No more movie , tv show or in this case no more Masters of the universe.

  26. I can see you are the kind of person that likes to insult and offend others because they don’t like what you kike. Very trumpster of you buddy. I feel sorry for you…

  27. The writer of this article has a serious problem šŸ˜šŸ¤”but then again we all already know this!

  28. Being a fan of he-man from the start. I watched it and it wasn’t bad at all it’s filling in the gaps and giving other characters there story. I can not say I’m happy they killed off orko. I really didn’t see this homosexuality stuff people are reading into , what I saw watching the first season was he-man sacrifice himself and come back after knowing his sacrifice was for nothing and giving up what the champions earned , the story is with other characters and what journey they went through that brought them to he-man unknowingly and he has a option to make it right with his friends sacrificing to get there. I could be wrong but I just don’t see what the issue is it’s still all about he-man you can clearly see that from the end of the season prince Adam just got wounded. No one cares about tela most likely she is the daughter of the sorceress and is to take her place. Man at arms kind of gave that away in the house tent they was in with his final secret and why he is so protective of her. But again I could be wrong , did not see any gay stuff in there ,I could be blinded by the great storyline Kevin Smith has set up

  29. I apologize, I’m another straight, white, 41-year-old, male, OG He-Man fan blundering in here from Google News. But as a huge fan of the original show, I am exactly the target demographic of the new one. And I love it.

    My 5-year-old self didn’t realize it, but Prince Adam / He-Man is a deeply uninteresting character, and shifting the focus away from him was a good idea. Kevin Smith says he’ll come back in the next five episodes. It’s fine if he does, but this is the first time I’ve seen these characters grow in any significant way and I am here for it.

    I was very disheartened to see other fans my age attacking Masters of the Universe: Revelation, and I’m glad that it’s finding an audience anyway.

    • Hate bait article… but asides that, why didn t they go with She-Ra if they wanted to do this?? For Smith who thinks he s clever baiting views, go to the store, ask and pay for butter, recieve margarine instead, say something about it and get kicked out while being insulted because “you don t know, and margarine is butter but better” …douche

  30. I feel like I’m the only one who shrugged that He-Man was not central to this continuation of the animated series. It was billed as “Masters of the Universe: Revelation” and not He-man and The Masters of the Universe which messaged that the story wouldn’t just be about He-man. Unlike She-Ra that had her name in the title.

  31. This article only proves the hypocrisy and misandry of this website. People are angrier at the fact that Kevin Smith lied and said that it was going to be a He-Man show, instead of killing him off and Teela looking like a butch lesbian and steeling He-Man’s spotlight. And I know for a fact that Teela and that Andra woman are going to be lovers since today’s world being a female warrior or a tomboy now these days magically turns someone either into a lesbian, bisexual or into a transman but you people don’t that is a negative stereotype which ironically is being adopted by the media and no one seems to realize and/or care that they are using a negative stereotype such as that. As I said, this article only points out the hypocrisy of this website. So, enjoy your show made by the new cucked Kevin Smith, who is now hated by nerds everywhere

    • Eh the show was better than what I was expecting. Shows have always used the hero died or turned evil trope. I think the people who are like “yay we owned the men take that” are just as brainless as the ones not reviewing it objectively and bombing it straight out. The polar sides and extremes of the fanbases are the toxic ones that ruin entertainment.

  32. Out of curiosity – how many of the ā€œBut the showā€™s called HE-MAN!!! WAAaaaaAAHH!!ā€ crowd here was this vocal about the Zelda games where Zelda is present for exactly .2 seconds?

    • It’s called the legend of Zelda. Nobody hyped up “this game is all about Zelda!” Only for us to find out your some nobody named link. Nice strawman though.

    • The game was called Zelda since the beginning. The show was called He-Man and the masters of the universe since the beginning. Your analogy is flawed and just straight up pathetic.

  33. We need to seriously invest in desalination technology so that all these salty fanboi tears can be put to good use.

  34. Lmao when a website thinks twitter clout is news šŸ˜‚.

    Here’s Actual news: MotU dropped from the top 10 Netflix watch list.

    Keep being salty SJWs, we’re winning.

  35. This is not He-Man. If they wanted a strong black character they should make one instead of race swapping. If they wanted to make a gay cartoon they should have created one. He-Man has significance based off of being He-Man. The people that will watch this show is his fans not all this bs. This could have been a great show. Opportunity missed. Now theyā€™ve pissed on & ran off their fan base. I was excited about it till all these reviews came in. Now Iā€™ll never watch it. They killed He-Man. Fucking stupid.

  36. “Oh the fanboys are so teary eyed that a women is the main lead”. Nah we’re angry because kevin Smith lied to us. He said in his tweet that the show was all about He-man. The trailer even enforced that and all we got was the “woke” version with black washed characters and no he-man. So get off your high horse lady, your counter argument is medicore at best

  37. It’s funny, we are fanboys but the fanboys watched things that where new and exciting.
    I’m all for equality but for this women movement maybe it would work better if they could write there own characters and story’s and not be half-ass and take promising cult classics and forcing political ideology on them.
    Is it that hard to come up with a great story with a woman or women gay or straight to be the lead of the story?
    I’m starting to believe that taking things like Star Wars, Ghostbusters and now He-man is just away to make a stir not about good story.
    That makes its fangirl attention.

  38. First off I’m gay,like so gay my farts leak out without me knowing.why are you so hateful? You shouldn’t get happiness from others disappointment,I thought this was one love? Also if it’s bad to be masculine,then why make the gals look and act like men? Why is it the new school gays think the perfect woman is a man? why do they take makeup advice from men as well,very confused.i Guess this old Queen is just out of touch.

  39. I noticed how we were able to kick you off the top 10 at Netflix and y’all are not even part of the preview screens anymore and I think it’s hilarious how your toys have been relegated to the clearance isle šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ it’s a sweet sweet victory

  40. This guy is just another idiot writing articles for the sake of viewership.

    The fans could not care less if Teela is gay. If the you or Kevin Smith really cared about women then you’d encourage original content about strong or maybe gay women. The fans are pissed off because what was promised was not delivered. They are pissed off that the main character has put on the side to show case lazy and cheesy written female characters.

    I laughed so hard when Teela’s fear was that she is too good?! Haha what shit writing. Or the fact that she cared more about the fact that she was left out of a secret instead of being mournful about death of a friend or sorry for parents that lost their only child.

    That she was so high and mighty that didn’t give a damn about the fate of all the universe because oh she wasn’t let in on a secret.

    All in all shit writing.

  41. All right, for all the guys who Donā€™t Go Here who just popped in because they typed He-Man into Google:

    First of all, maybe look at some of the other articles on this website, and take a second to consider your audience. I promise, most of us who have the self-control to not feed the trolls are laughing at you right now.

    And also, while Iā€™m aware Iā€™m probably talking to a wall here: have you considered *why,* perhaps, fanboys being this angry might be funny to a sapphic community?

    Cause like, let me tell you. I have had a *lot* of shows queer bait to Hell and back and pat themselves on the back for it. Iā€™ve had an awful lot of shows have two women kiss or confess their love only to have one of them immediately brutally murdered afterwards. Iā€™ve had a lot of shows vaguely imply women are queer, but only if itā€™s Funny (TM) or is used to imply sheā€™s Bad (TM).

    Like, seriously, itā€™s more common than not when queer women are represented on television. (And easily verifiable – Google is your friend, those tropes have names and stats)

    And yet, when a whole one implied cis straight guy (who the writers promised!!) gets fake killed off, with the story still largely centering him. A small subset of boys throw an absolute hissy fit. Apparently lesbians are taking over the world now. Because literally the tiniest version of what happens to queer women when they watch television happened to cis straight guys.

    Like, you want me to imagine what it would be like if someone Advertised Something In A Show and then Pulled a Bait And Switch? I donā€™t know how to tell you this, but um, there are a lot that already do that. The difference is it wasnā€™t about you, so you donā€™t pay attention to it.

    Look, Iā€™m not saying the He-Man remake is a work of genius or anything like that. For one thing, as other people in the comments pointed out, it still tries to get credit for vaguely implying queerness without having the guts to actually show queer characters. For another thing, representation and nostalgia does not magically make a show good, you still need good writing behind it (and Masters of the Universe felt mediocre at best).

    But seriously. If you take what happened with He-Man as a Grievous Assault on Your Identity. Maybe consider spending like a cent of that energy on, oh I donā€™t know, the way TV lesbians tend to die 2 minutes after having sex?

  42. Exactly the type of person who is perpetuating hate against her kind.

    Doesn’t even understand why this is a problem. Such an idiot. Go rainbow.

  43. I want to start off by saying I loved this new iteration. I am a big fan of female lead stories and what Kevin Smith and Sarah Michelle Gellar did with the Teela character was great. I for one did not think that she was gay. If she was great, I just thought that her and Adam had a thing which was why she was so angry. But that’s just me.

    What I don’t get is why can guys have guy sidekicks and it’s platonic but if a girl has a girl sidekick she’s automatically a lesbian? Representation 100% matter, but can we not get to a place where sexual orientation doesn’t define a character?

  44. Lame article, lame conclusion.

    By your standard, I’m everything you hate : straight cis white MAN (and italian, you know what I mean) and hell, I enjoyed that show. At the end of the first episode I was like OMG they “killed” he-man. And by the end, I was like WTF, the re-killed him and now Skeletor has the Power!!!
    And yet, better than pointing the people who liked the show, you and your other “journalist-critics-what-ever-you-call-yourselves” write again and again about the people who disliked the show.
    It could have made me smile if that wasn’t patethic! Justifying a pseudo woke culture when it’s NO WHERE.
    Feminist you said? We are just witnessing how an entire world is lost when its two biggest male are removed and what two women are willing to in order to bring them back.
    Queer? Maybe in your wild dreams you wish for a Teela/Lyn relationship or Teela/Andra or even the 3 of them, but it is as queer as Steve Rogers/James Barnes are (spoiler for the dummies : it is NOT)
    Misogyny in the original show? Where the Qeen is praised to be the 1st of her kind to travel to space? To say that women are equal to men? In She-Ra, where the heroine is a woman as powerfull as her brother? Where most of the males are bad?

    The only thing I agree with you is how the show is good, different, refreshing and how Kevin Smith and the voice cast rock!

    You know by the end, I’m sad for you. Whatever will be the next episodes, I’m pretty sure I will enjoy them but if the direction differ (more Skelegod – Adam centered) and less Teela, you will be the one whinning around.
    The only thing that seem to matter to you is how a show is woke and how a minority of dumb-ass men are crying… or maybe not the men you’d think about : one of my friend hated the show and guess what : he’s gay and he does not care about his masculinity. He just didn’t like the show. How about that?

  45. Ugh mods can we just turn off comments on this post? This shit is really getting out of hand šŸ™

    • So essentially a person who really cares about fictional characters being of the subjectively “right” sex, sexuality or even race (yeah, no warning signs there) complaining about of other people caring about fictional characters being of the subjectively “right” sex, sexuality or even race…

      Hypocrisy is a natural consequence to a complete lack of self awareness.

      And to the people that need all media to cater to them personally?

      Might wanna grow up at some point.

  46. This would all be fine if they changed the name of the show. As is, sidelining the main character is misleading and dishonest.

    Also how petty can you get with your fanboy tear comments; These “fanboys” are the shows target audience since this show has been made almost exclusively to boost toy sales and they should be treated with respect as paying customers. I honestly doubt if there is a core audience to be had amongst individuals that share your opinion.

    The state of the entertainment industry is truly sad when showrunners are so detached from the audiences that consume their product.

  47. Sweet. Another progressive windbag from NYC. The world totally needs more of those!!!

    • Sweet. Another laughable troll from Google. Our website totally needs more of those!!!

  48. First review that makes any sense of this show and literally the only one I can find that welcomes open comments. I don’t use socials so commenting on this has been hard. But I’m so glad you do and as always with progressive thinkers it’s they who welcome dialogue over the gatekeepers of hate that shut it down with non commentable writing. Great article.

  49. I agree that some of the complaints are stupid. But I can under stand most of them.
    The main problem with this program doesn’t come from a women vs men feud. It simply comes from the fact that it’s just a big fraud.
    Kevin Smith and all the team behind this project can’t say they didn’t fool the fans knowingly.
    When you want to create a new content for MOTU based more on the women, you don’t serve a trailer and posters focused on He-Man as if he was the main character.
    This is false advertising.
    Worst of all, it’s contemptuous for the content of the program and what it stands for, making it look sneaky.
    I am sure, they could have done a far better job, pleasing everyone. They could have tried though.

  50. Hit all those virtue signals…of course a writer that is gay is going to thin this is the best thing since sliced bread….. but who not just make it it’s own thing? Had to ride the coat tails to fool people in to giving out a chance due to being afraid of people saying no to watching a show that says fuck you to everything it was about?

  51. All right, Iā€™ve enjoyed the tantrums as much as anyone, but Iā€™m gonna go ahead and close the comments now. Weā€™ve got better, gayer things to do than watch a bunch of cishet dudes keep proving me right. šŸ˜Œ

Comments are closed.