The late winter breeze ruffled my hair as I walked downtown. I was just 10 minutes away from our first meeting, and my entire body was electric. I thought back to all those late Saturday nights over drinks after your shifts. Wouldn’t it be fun if I visited and we finally locked a collar around me? Wouldn’t it be so cute to see me on my knees, drinking out of a water bowl?
I only meant it half-seriously, followed shortly after with an invitation to slip into the bathroom and see what happens. But eventually half-serious turned into serious, and when I proposed the idea for real, there was no weirdness about it, no apprehension, no unspoken boundary crossed. I wanted you to dominate me, Daddy, and you relished the chance.
When I finally reached the place, I was dumbstruck. I had imagined an underground sanctuary hidden deep below town. Not, as it turned out, an old office building with about a dozen floors. I punched the number in the elevator and waited, my heart pounding. No turning back now, right?
The elevator parted and I was greeted by a brick wall with large brown doors and torches. To my surprise, an older woman in a long, loose t-shirt greeted me. She looked a bit more like a high school parent than someone you’d find in a dungeon.
“Hi. You must be Ana?” she said. I nodded. “Right this way.”
I followed her into a wooden hallway. To my left I heard a group of girls giggle among each other. What was happening behind there? A humiliation scene? A cuckolding session? Before I could figure out, we stopped at just one of many unmarked rooms. She turned a key, opened the door, and let me in.
“Mistress Snow will be in to see you soon,” the hostess said, and she quickly slipped away.
I was left alone in a room that unmistakably looked like a dungeon bed chamber. Off-white tiled stones lined the walls to the very top of the ceiling. Small, rectangular barred windows let outside light trickle in, as if I was underground in a queen’s castle. I ran my hand against the wall. It felt scraggly and rough, like real stone. What time was it now? Where was I? I started to forget.
I sat patiently on a chest up against a window and looked myself over. I was wearing black stockings, Docs, and a sleeveless floral dress that left the very top of my cleavage exposed. My blonde hair was shaped in a messy bob that stopped right at my shoulders. As far as sex workers go, I was always the boy-next-door turned girl-next-door. Four years of estrogen had sculpted me into a modestly curvy girl with perky tits, round hips, and a soft femme cock that, Snow would later tell me, was bigger than some of her amab male clients. I proudly refused to get rid of it, like an old Little League cap repurposed for hipster wear.
A knock at the door. A gorgeous woman in dark lipstick greeted me with a huge grin. Her tight white dress shirt clung against her chest, and her hips jutted out slightly (just slightly!) under a black pencil skirt with matching stockings. If I hadn’t known better, I’d assume she was a professor. That, of course, was the point. I had specifically requested Mistress Snow to dress like one. I always was a teacher’s pet.
“Hello!” I cried as we ran to each other and hugged, laughing.
“Feeling nervous?” she giggled.
“Not one bit.” I paused. “By that, I mean, a little bit.”
“You sure did look nervous when you came in,” she said. “It was adorable seeing you on the camera.”
I froze. “Wait. There’s cameras here?”
“No, no, no, not here,” she explained. “When you first walked in. All the other girls were so jealous. ‘You brought a girl in here Snow? How’d you pull that off?’”
So that’s what I heard when I came in. I imagined Snow hanging out with a gaggle full of dominatrixes in between work shifts, cackling and blushing as I followed the hostess down the hall. My heart soared. I was the hot catch of the night, and I was all Snow’s.
Snow quickly excused herself and came back into the room, this time carrying her basket of toys. There were paddles and floggers and a riding crop inside. My stomach filled with butterflies as I looked. I was so very eager to do an impact play session, in part because I had never done one before. But now that her instruments of torture were in front of me, I was wondering if I could handle what she had in store.

“I really wanna try my single tail,” she laughed. “We’ll see if we can work you up to that.”
Snow sat on a throne chair and giggled, eyeing me up. I followed, standing ready and waiting. The anticipation was getting to be way too much for me now. Was this all part of the game, I wondered? Did she want me to feel this hot and bothered?
“So,” she said in a sultry voice. “I’ve been very stressed recently over a certain someone. Tonight I need to vent a little frustration. And then when I’m done, these boots of mine could use a proper cleaning. Does that sound good, dear?”
I looked down. Snow chose Docs too. How fitting. “Yes, it does. What should I call you?”
Snow paused. “Hmm. How about ‘Daddy’?”
Daddy ran her hand down my face, and I shivered. Her skin felt so soft. But I knew underneath that gentle touch there was so much power, so much strength, so much capability to cause pain. I adored it. She smiled, patted me on the cheek, and struck me right across the face.
I took the slap in stride. It stung hard. She laughed as the pain rocketed through my head, and she rose her hand again, teasing me, threatening me. This was all fun for Daddy. Striking fear into the heart of other girls almost turned me on as much as it did her.
“Now,” she asked, stroking my face, “what do good puppies do? Show me.”
I immediately fell to the ground on my knees, dress and all. She towered over me like an owner looking at her brand new pet. Sadism and puppy play were two kinks Snow and I most certainly shared, and I was eager to indulge her.
“What a good puppy!” she said in a sing-song voice. Daddy scratched my ears, and I leaned in like a dog.
“Stay right there for me. I have a gift for you.” My knees ached against the cold tile as Snow rummaged through her toy basket. This time, she returned with a silver, metallic leash in tow. It was almost like a chain.
“Now,” she said, snapping it to my neck. “What else do puppies do?” I placed my hands on the floor and rested on my knees, holding myself up. “Hmm,” she continued. “I think you’re missing something. What are puppies supposed to say?”
I blushed. “Arf!”
“Say it again!”
“Arf arf!”
“Very good girl. Now, let’s go for a walk.”
Snow tugged on the leash like an impatient dogwalker, nearly dragging my knees with her. I tried to keep up, scurrying on all fours, but my body wasn’t accustomed to four-limbed movement. The tile scraped against my legs and roughed up the skin as my face grew red. We had only moved a few steps closer to Daddy’s toys, and I certainly was not up for the task.
“Is someone having trouble there?” Daddy asked in that same sing-song voice.
“I think I am,” I said.
“Is the leash too much?”
“Right now, yeah.”
Snow smiled and nodded as she undid the leash, freeing me from what was undeniably, albeit accidentally, a humiliating first attempt. I stayed on the floor as she instead remedied a new contraption for me: a silver bowl.
“Now, what else do puppies do? They need to drink up all their water, don’t they?” Snow dropped the bowl in front of me. It was filled with water, enough for me to see my own reflection staring back: a grown woman red faced and panting like a mutt. I felt my hardness grow between my legs. I was almost surprised how much the idea turned me on.
“Drink,” Daddy commanded.
I pressed my lips into the water and slurped it up. Cool water dribbled down my face and across my breasts. I stopped only now and then to catch air, barking and woofing for Daddy to show my immense gratitude. She erupted in giggles again, staring down at her obedient plaything. “You know,” Snow said, “you can get undressed if you want.”
I paused. “Can I?”
She nodded. “I mean, I can’t tell you to. But if you happened to…”
We were both sex workers, I could read between the lines. My skin goosebumped. Daddy and I had kissed plenty of times before, and we’d spent countless nights cuddled against each other in dimly-lit bars and in the backseats of late-night Ubers. I’m sure somewhere along the line I had slipped in a topless photo or two. But this was the first time I was actually about to show my bare breasts to her in person. I got up and pulled my dress up gingerly, slowly exposing my supple chest.
As I threw it over my head, Snow gazed down at my tits, sizing up their round shape, as a tent unmistakably pitched in my underwear.
“My, my,” Daddy laughed. “Your tits are adorable.”
“You think so?”
“Oh yes. Very soft and cute. They look perfect for pinching.”
I squirmed. “I wouldn’t be opposed to that.”
Daddy read my cue. She plucked my nipples and watched me wince in pain. Another slap rippled through my flesh, this time across both tits. Daddy laughed and flashed that same sweet smile. She adored the way my breasts jiggled from the force, stinging just as much as her own initial smack.
“Now, lift your arms up,” she said.
I did as I was told. Snow stepped away and adjusted a contraption hanging over my head. She explained to me that she was about to bind me in place in her stock. I was stuck, arms in the air, my bare back exposed. Helpless to whatever Daddy decided to do with my body.
“I really do want to try that single-tail,” she teased. “But how about we start with a flogger? Stretch that back out for me and let me see that ass.”
Like I could resist if I wanted to. I leaned forward and exposed my rear, waiting in both excitement and fear. Snow ran her hand across my butt and rubbed it, feeling the blood rush across my tush. I moaned, and she replied with a smack. A shiver, a giggle, another smack. Another. Blood rushed to my rear as the pain ran through me. And then, a sharp pinprick sensation cut across my back, slicing into the skin. I cried out as Daddy struck me again. And again. And again. The leather straps twirled through the air as the pain grew sharper and more familiar. It stung hard. It was merciless. And it felt so fucking good.
“Oh, Daddy,” I moaned.
Snow paused and relished my whimpers. The pain went away just as quickly as it came, although my back was still reeling from the trauma inflicted on it.
“How does that feel, puppy?”
“Very good, Daddy,” I said.
Snow swung the flogger again. It snapped against my flesh, sting after sting sizzling across my back. The initial shock I felt subsided with each twist, like music playing in the background. Snow kept going, harder. I started moaning, crying, “Thank you, Daddy, thank you!” with each blow.
“How’s that?”
I whimpered. “It hurts so good.”
My breathing slowed as my muscles relaxed. The floggers’ leather tails barely felt like a pinprick now. I was calmed and soothed by the sensation, as if my mistress’ unwavering punishment had freed me from the earth. Freed me from the inside out, freed me from the pains of the world beyond. Where was my nervousness and self-consciousness now? It was Daddy’s. She had struck it out of me. It was her reward for my obedience.
Snow swung one last time and paused. The whip reverberated through the air. “How hard did you go?” I asked.
“Pretty hard.” Snow unbound me from the stocks, and I felt the weight return to my arms. She ordered me on my knees again to drink more water, and I complied. “Oh.” She laughed. “Your back is all fucked up.”
“Take a look in the mirror.”
Torn flesh adorned my back. I realized now just how much my skin ached, and I cherished it. Where was the bad pain from earlier? Gone. All I could feel reverberate through me was this good, warm, loving harm. Snow came behind me and we stood in front of the mirror, beaming at each other, my eyes glazed over with love and affection.
“What would you like to do next, Daddy?” I asked.
“Well,” she said, “these boots of mine are quite dirty.” Snow laid down on the chamber bed and put her hands behind her head. “Why don’t you be a good girl and clean them for me?”
I got down on my knees and pressed my lips to Daddy’s leather boots. “Oh Daddy,” I whispered. My cock hardened again as I stared at Snow’s long, gorgeous legs. “I’d love to worship them.”
“Good puppy,” she said. “Now get started.”
wow 🥺