S L I C K: May the Best Girlfriend Win

Content notes: remote control vibrators, exhibitionism, public orgasms, bathroom sex
It began with a somewhat ridiculous suggestion from Alex.

“I have the perfect way to spice up our three-year anniversary,” she had proclaimed with the same cocky little grin she’d flashed when they first met.

There was little difference even three years later, really. Her bright green eyes still sparked with mischief, and they were almost always paired with smokey eyeshadow that shouldn’t be seen outside a nightclub. Though her naturally blonde hair was no longer dyed purple-pink, but a dark maroon, she changed it so frequently, it was a moot point. Alex still looked like the same girl who seemed to walk straight out of Lila’s teenage fantasies, especially when she smirked like this.

Just like the first time, that smile made Lila frustrated and flustered in equal measure. But Lila was much more practiced at maintaining indifference now, so she merely raised a wary brow as the meaning of the words hit her.

“What do you have in mind, exactly?”

Alex was, by far, the more adventurous of the two, in pretty much every way. Spicing things up could mean anything from skydiving to auditioning for American Idol to attending a BDSM club.

“We should have a competition to see who can make each other come more times in one day!”

Even though Lila had been prepared for something fairly ridiculous, she still spluttered at this bold statement. A flush bloomed on her cheeks, and Alex’s cocky grin only grew cockier at the sight.

Alex’s next words were delivered with all the confidence of a woman who had, in fact, made her come half a dozen times in one night. “Not that it will be much of a competition, no offense. But the loser is hardly losing much.”

Alex gave a lascivious wink and licked her lips, which would’ve typically made Lila grow redder — and she did, only it was more from indignation. So Alex thought she was going to win this stupid competition just like that, huh?

Maybe it was the two glasses of wine she’d had with dinner, but Lila was feeling quite bold herself. “Don’t count me out yet, darling. I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve that will have you screaming in defeat yet!”

Alex’s face lit up in delight at her challenge.

“This is going to be the best anniversary ever.”

As Lila woke up to Alex’s fingers stroking at her thighs and her mouth over hers, utterly heedless of morning breath, she had to agree. She didn’t even care that her girlfriend was being way too smug about snatching the first point of the day for their game. It was hard to be a sore loser when basking in the afterglow of an orgasm. At least she managed to return the favor and get a point too, once she recovered.

Unfortunately, Lila’s pliable state earlier that morning proved to be a mistake, especially as she found herself squirming in her seat during a sudden weekend video call with her coworkers. She appeared on the screen alongside the rest of her team with her black hair tied back, wearing a white silk blouse and a black blazer and looking normal, if slightly nervous. It was all quite an elaborate ruse though, one she was likely to give away at any moment. Because Alex held the controller to the vibrating panties that Lila beneath her skirt, and Alex was not afraid to use it.

Alex had evidently bought the vibrating panties just for today. She thought this would be the perfect start to their little game, and they could trade off controlling it today, starting with Lila first, of course — just in time for her morning meeting.

Why had she agreed to any of this again? Lila blamed the early morning muddling her brain, not to mention that first orgasm Alex had immediately drawn out of her.

This was leading up to her second.

The little vibrator rested just against her clit in the perfect spot, creating the most pleasurable kind of torture. Lila tried not to squirm too much, though it was a bit of a lost cause. She hoped she didn’t look too flushed. It was a good thing her webcam wasn’t the highest quality. The meeting was dragging on forever, but her girlfriend was clearly not going to wait for it to be over. In the corner of her eye, she could see Alex smirking at her with the remote in hand.

The moment their eyes met, Alex’s smirk widened, and all of a sudden, the vibrations jumped up in intensity, making Lila jump as well. Her climax crashed through her with all the subtlety of a freight train, and a stunned scream slipped from her mouth before she could stop it.

Everyone on screen seemed to freeze, including her.

The vibrator continued to whirr along, thankfully at a much lower intensity, but still a bit too much for her sensitive state. Lila’s pussy was still trembling from the aftershocks, and her pale skin was flushed red. She forced a smile onto her reddened face, saying quickly, “S-Sorry, everyone! I, uh, thought I saw a spider.”

If anyone questioned this, they kept it to themselves, and the meeting continued on with only a slight hitch. The spider in question didn’t even bother to hide her chuckle. Lila glared, but she couldn’t do much more without further arousing suspicion from the others.

It’s going be a long day, Lila thought as she felt the vibrations increase in intensity once more.

Thankfully for Lila’s poor nerves, the meeting ended quickly. The moment the video feed cut, she tackled Alex — it was time to for Lila to earn some more points herself.

It was rare for Lila to be so aggressive with her affections, but judging by the moans coming from her girlfriend’s mouth as she kissed along her neck and slipped her hands beneath her shirt, there were zero complaints about this switch in dynamics. Lila was still wound up from all the teasing after her second orgasm.

It didn’t help that the vibrator inside her was still buzzing along, though the remote had dropped to the floor at some point. The constant vibrations, coupled with how they were basically dry humping each other like teenagers, meant that Lila still managed to come before Alex did.

“T-That’s another point for me,” Alex broke off their kiss to say. “I’m definitely in the lead now.”

“Not for long!” Lila huffed before getting down on her knees, determined to gain a point or two herself now.

She was as good as her word, licking and sucking at her girlfriend’s shaved cunt enthusiastically. Afterward, Lila got up on slightly shaky knees, her mouth still tasting of Alex’s cunt and victory, as she was now neck in neck with three points of her own.

Though Alex tried to gain some points herself again, Lila firmly rebuffed the attempts. It was long past lunchtime, after all. Eating her girlfriend out wasn’t quite the same as actually eating out.

Against a light red background, a drawn image shows a person with long brown hair tied in a bun and wearing a navy blue blazer sitting at a desk. Another person with with long brown hair and tattoos stands behind them wearing a moto jacket and holding a remote control.

Art by En Tze

They enjoyed a late lunch at the cozy diner down the street from their apartment. It was hardly the first time they’d eaten here. But it was undoubtedly the first time they’d eaten with Alex wearing a pair of vibrating panties.

Thankfully for both their reputations, there weren’t too many other customers at this hour. Still, Lila wasn’t eager to reenact a certain infamous scene in When Harry Met Sally by winning a point here.

Mostly, she just wanted to wind Alex up so bad that it would take barely a touch to get her to come once they returned home. Lila kept the vibrations on the low setting while they waited, and she was merciful enough not to touch it at all as they were eating.

Not that it helped much, judging by the look on her girlfriend’s face that she recognized as sexual frustration. Once they were finished eating, in record time too, Alex quickly spoke up, “I think I’m ready for dessert now.”

By the bedroom eyes she was projecting, she didn’t mean the apple pie Lila had been eying, but Lila faked innocence anyway. “Hmm, how about some pie?”

“Not unless I’m eating it off your tits,” Alex grumbled. “This is not how you’re supposed to do this, you know. Why am I sexually frustrated in a game where we get each other off?”

Lila decided to stop teaching and reached for the remote hidden in her bag. Unfortunately, she accidentally flicked it a bit too hard. Just as abruptly as it had with her, the vibrations suddenly jumped up in intensity.

The sound of glass smashing and water splashing onto the ground almost covered up the high-pitched cry that came from Alex’s mouth as she finally came, bent over the table in stunned shock after she accidentally flung her glass onto the floor.

All eyes in the diner were on them, and Lila felt herself flush even harder than Alex at all the attention. A waitress quickly approached to clean up the glass, and the rest of the diners turned their eyes elsewhere again — or at least, Lila thought so. She couldn’t bear to look at them either.

After cleaning up, the waitress looked understandably judgmental as she asked if they wanted the check, and Lila nodded quickly. Once the waitress left, Lila turned towards her girlfriend, who had been uncharacteristically quiet through all this. Then again, as Lila knew from experience, it wasn’t easy to pretend you didn’t just loudly come in front of a bunch of people.

“O-Okay, I deserved that,” Alex eventually said, with a slightly shaky laugh. “But, honestly, I kind of liked it.”

“Of course you did.” Lila held back a sigh as she shook her head. “But I hope you know we’re never going to be able to eat here again.”

Alex laughed. “Worth it.” This time, Lila didn’t hide the exasperated sigh. “You know,” Alex said, raising her brow suggestively, “if we’re never coming back here, we might as well go out with a bang. Literally.”

Lila frowned. “You know everyone can see us here, right? Public indecency laws are a thing.”

“Hey, there are bathrooms here,” Alex pointed out.

“…I hope you realize how dirty these restrooms are.”

“I don’t hear a no.”

Lila merely shrugged, unwilling to say it out loud. The flush on her cheeks said it all, and Alex saw it clear as day. Without another word, she stood up.

“Well, either way, need to go to the bathroom to clean up. You can do whatever you want,” Alex said. Her wink wasn’t exactly subtle, but she clearly didn’t mean it to be.

As she watched Alex leave, Lila considered staying put out of spite. As much as it annoyed her sometimes when Alex dragged her into stuff, it annoyed her even more when her girlfriend forged ahead and just expected her to follow. But the instinctive shame instilled by her conservative upbringing clashed with the way that Lila was growing embarrassingly wet, and within a few minutes, Lila decided to head to the restroom. As Alex said, they were never coming back here anyway.

While the diner was fairly deserted, there were still a few patrons around, and Lila was very aware of them as she reached the door. At least there was nothing obviously strange about her entering the women’s restroom — one of the lesser-known benefits of a homosexual relationship is the comparative ease of fucking in public restrooms.

Lila was able to relax more once she slipped through the door, but she didn’t get to relax for long. As soon as she got inside, Alex practically mauled her. Clearly, her girlfriend was eager to even out the game by earning another point, as her hands snaked a distinct path beneath the waistband of her pants.

Perhaps Lila should’ve been trying to earn a point of her own, but unlike Alex, she cared far less about the game and far more about the pleasure that was steadily building up in her, especially as her girlfriend fervently rubbed circles around her clit. This wasn’t exactly the most comfortable position for either of them, and it definitely wasn’t an appropriate place, but Lila had to admit that was part of the appeal, and she found herself barreling towards her peak faster than ever before.

Of course, this was also the exact moment the distinct sound of someone knocking on the door rang out.

They froze instinctively with Alex’s fingers still deep inside Lila’s cunt and crooked towards that special sweet spot. Their eyes locked, and their expressions slowly morphed from identical shock to their exact opposite. A very familiar smirk grew on Alex’s face. Lila knew her girlfriend well enough to know where this was headed, but even so, she still let out a startled gasp when the fingers inside her started moving again.

A-Alex!” Lila cried out. “There’s…someone o-outside!”

“Hmm… I think you like that there’s someone just outside, listening in for every little gasp you make,” Alex crooned. “I bet they can hear how wet you are, how my fingers are thrusting so easily…”

Sense and sensation warred with each other. It turned out Lila had more of an exhibitionist side to her than she’d ever expected because it was this little monologue that pushed over the edge. A high-pitched cry slipped from her mouth before it was swallowed by Alex’s lips on hers.

By the time she pulled away, Lila was still seeing stars and feeling relaxed from her orgasm.

“Now, sweetheart. We need to keep quiet, remember?” Alex remarked teasingly.

“Oh, shut up,” Lila shot back without much heat, “I should really pay you back for this, you know. But I don’t think we should be pushing our luck. We’ve been in here long enough.”

Unfortunately, it proved to be too little too late.

The door to the restroom suddenly swung wide open, revealing the very disgruntled-looking manager with a master key in hand. With both of them looking thoroughly rumpled and Alex’s hand literally still down Lila’s pants, it was pretty glaringly obvious what they had been doing.

They were rather summarily kicked out of the diner after that. Lila was seriously considering moving away to avoid crossing this street again. But Alex quite handily distracted her by pretty much dragging Lila home to have her way with her. They spent the rest of the afternoon and night of their three-year anniversary attempting to one-up each other.

By the end, they had lost count, and there was no winner at all. Or rather, they were both winners, really, and the only loss was the fact that they would need to look for a new diner for a quick meal.

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Pearline is a writer and illustrator who never lost that childhood love for making up stories. Her distinctive style reflects her myriad of influences, which include fantasy novels, all forms of animation, indie comics, and many more. Becoming the creative eccentric stereotype banging out masterpieces in the dead of the night has always been a life goal and her current reality in its broad strokes. You can see what she’s working on at any given time here: Trello

Pearline has written 1 article for us.