S L I C K: Constellations #2 Paige & Tacey A Good Girl


S L I C K is an erotica series for A+ members about titillation, torture, fucking and getting off.

This is the second installment of the erotica series Constellations, about finding and keeping kink connections and navigating polyamorous love. 

Content notes: mommy/girl dynamics, spanking

Tacey let out a long breath that became a moan as Paige started to pet her cunt.

On the couch in her own cramped apartment, Tacey was bent over Paige’s lap, balanced on her knees, feet kicking the air, face down in the couch throw pillows — the ones she’d found on Facebook marketplace for ten dollars, which she knew were from the Arianna Belle line from a few years ago. Her skirt was up around her waist. The white leather garter belt harness with the double straps around her thighs was on full display, framing her plain pink Calvin Klein underwear.

tacey lays across paiges lap on a couch, face buried in a pillow, her ass exposed as she gets a spanking

Illustration by Raisa Yavneh

She gasped as Paige’s hand came back down, slap slap slap, in quick succession on both of her cheeks. Paige murmured, “Good girl,” and smoothed her palms over Tacey’s wide ass, using her nails to scratch and tickle. She’d asked for her nails to be extra sharp points when she’d been at the manicurist this week because she knew how much Tacey liked the different sensations she could make with them.

Continuing to whimper, Tacey was also already dripping wet. She was the kind of girl who had never ejaculated when she came — until she found kink, the psychological play of being a little, and the shameless exploration of toys and desire that came with it. And, of course, Paige, who had been the first person she’d squirted with. But now, she couldn’t come without squirting, and she would dribble as she got more and more aroused. Paige loved to watch her soak through her panties and drip down her thighs, and tease her for it.

Now, the wetness was starting to flow. Now, Paige’s hand teased Tacey with slaps and scratches, caressing her labia and the crack of her ass, touching everywhere she could reach. Paige kept her other hand in Tacey’s hair, stroking it and cooing to her about what a good job she was doing.

Tacey had been in trouble. She had confessed to Paige that she’d masturbated eight of the last ten days since she’d seen Paige, and Paige, after elucidating that masturbation is dirty and bad and Tacey should never touch herself down there, told her a spanking was in order.

It was one of Tacey’s favorite fantasies. And Paige played the role like she’d invented it.

Paige swept Tacey’s long dyed bright blonde hair out of the way. “Sweet girl, you look so beautiful splayed out in my lap,” Paige said, low and quiet, her lips touching Tacey’s ear. “You’re doing a very good job taking your punishment. Are you ready to be a good girl?”

“Yes. Yes!” Tacey’s eyes were wet, some tears coming now, as much from the relief as from the stinging slaps and pinching. “I want to be good.”

“You’re perfect, just how you are,” Paige whispered, scraping Tacey’s earlobe with her teeth and sucking. Tacey turned her head for a kiss on the mouth. Her lipstick wasn’t smeared; she must’ve been wearing the Kat Von D Everlasting Paige had bought her.

“Please, can I come now, please,” Tacey whispered. She opened her mouth for the kiss, hungry, somewhere between panting and gasping.

“Not yet,” Paige said, swirling her fingers over Tacey’s cunt through the fabric of her panties. Tacey wriggled and thrust her hips back, reaching for Paige’s hand, already starting to drip down her thighs.

“Please, I need it,” Tacey whispered, eyes closed. She tried to be still so she could concentrate on the feeling of Paige’s fingers, but her body kept moving, trying to get touched everywhere. “Please, I’m … I’m begging you.”

Paige was waiting for the begging. Tacey could do better, but she’d said please four times now. Maybe she could push a little harder. “Call me Mommy,” she whispered to Tacey. She could feel the shiver of pleasure go through Tacey, down to her curled toes.

“I …” Tacey cried out, thrusting her hips against the air, wishing for better access to Paige’s knee, knowing it’d be taken away if she could reach it anyway. Paige wanted her waiting, building, edging. She couldn’t hold back the come much longer. “I want to! I … I’m going to come, oh please. Please!”

“Please, what?” Paige kept teasing, the light brushes of her fingers focused on Tacey’s clit, which was swollen and big, pressing against the fabric.

“Please …” Tacey trailed out.

“What was that?”

“Please, Mommy! Please, Mommy. Please let me, please Mommy, I want to be good, please let me come, please, oh, oh —“ Tacey was right on the edge, the flicking and stroking Paige was doing was too much, just right, not enough, just a little more.

“Yes, go ahead,” Paige murmured, wrapping her arm around what she could reach of Tacey’s shoulders while she kept her fingers light and soft over the wet fabric. She felt the warm wetness on her palm, starting to drip over her wrist as Tacey moaned and thrust her hips back, alternating yelling out “please, Mommy,” and “oh god.”

Her body quieted and she curled up in Paige’s lap while Paige stroked her hair. Paige closed her eyes and rested her head on the couch.


“Mmm?” Paige stirred. Maybe she had dozed off a little. It was getting dark out and they hadn’t turned the light on in Tacey’s apartment, as it had been blazing hot noon when they got back from brunch. Now, the light was slanting in through the one big window in the kitchen, and it was getting harder to focus in the dimness.

“I want ice cream,” Tacey said. She stirred and sat up slowly, still nestled against Paige. “Can we get ice cream?”

“You don’t have any?”


“Sure,” Paige was not in charge of what Tacey ate, and didn’t need to be giving Tacey permission. Tacey could eat what she wanted. Asking permission, that was new. Paige noticed Tacey’s voice was still high, that affect she took on when she was in little space. “I could go to the corner store.”

“No, let’s go … can we go to that place on College Ave? It’s not very far.”

“Since you were so good, and took that so well,” Paige said, smoothing her hair again and kissing her red mouth. “Yes, we can go.”

“Yay!” Tacey kissed back, sweet, soft, satisfied kisses, and stretched as she got up off the couch.

“Did I push you too far?” Paige asked. They stepped over roots of big trees growing through and shoving the sidewalk into odd angles. Paige offered her hand to make sure Tacey was steady in her short heels. She was, but Paige was still feeling maternal.

“No,” Tacey said, her voice soft. She hesitated, readjusting her hand so her fingers laced through Paige’s. “Not at all. I liked it. I told you I wanted to go there again. I liked it a lot, actually.”

“I thought you might.”

“Yeah, me too.” It wasn’t the first time they had played with the word “mommy,” but it wasn’t common. Tacey was almost always little in their dynamic together, but she was still easing her way into using that word. She couldn’t explain how it made her feel so safe, so turned on, and so confused at the same time, but Tacey craved it, even as it made her uncomfortable.

“It’s easy for me to pathologize it, to make it mean something,” Tacey started. “But I don’t know if it has to. Mean anything. Maybe it just is what it is. Maybe it’s what I like right now, for all kinds of reasons, and what I like is just … okay. Like, there’s nothing wrong with it.” She was coming out of her little space back into her psychoanalytic mind, the over-active brilliant one which strived to make sense of everything, particularly feelings, and desires and shame. What a relief it was to turn that off for a while.

It was easy for Paige to see what relief being little gave her. Tacey had graduated high school and started college at 15, and was now, at 22, was two years into her PhD study of psychology at UC Berkeley. She’d always had an academic interest in kink, but she had just realized that her interest was more than academic.

“I’m happy to talk about it, if you want. I’d be happy to hear where you think it comes from or what it means for you,” Paige offered. They were a block from the creamery and they were dodging people on the sidewalks now, tucking in next to each other to let other people pass.

Tacey nodded. “I appreciate that. I would like to. Talk about it. I’m not sure what I think about it, but it could help. To talk it through.”

They smiled at each other and Paige let her be with her thoughts, saying nothing. The creamery had a line that extended out onto the sidewalk and they joined it.

Paige studied the list of flavor offerings.

“Isn’t that Ella?” Tacey whispered, dipping her head close to Paige and looking toward the door. Ella was out front with a few other people, friends, Paige assumed, all with small cups or cones of ice cream in their hands, smiling and talking. Paige couldn’t hear them.

“Yeah, I think so.”

“Is she still dating Bennett?”

“Bennett? What? No.”

“Oh, sorry, I thought they were.”

“No, they’ve never dated. I’m not sure they even know each other.”

“Oh, funny. She’s just Bennett’s type. In some ways. They remind me of each other. I guess I just assumed.”

Paige thought about it. They kind of were alike, and Ella was every bit Bennett’s type — or, the type they were looking for now. Submissive, curvy and round, shorter than Bennett, brunette. And wicked smart, easy to laugh, and very playful. From what Paige knew, she was the kind of person who worked on her trauma and prioritized stabilizing herself. And, she was polyamorous.

“Hey Ella!” Tacey waved as they got closer, then looked back to Paige.

“Go for it,” Paige said. “I’ll order. Hi, Ella, nice to see you.” She waited in line as Tacey went over to talk. There were two more people in front of her and she already knew what to order. She got a small sugar cone with one scoop of chocolate and one of vanilla for Tacey, and a medium cup of earl grey for herself. She didn’t order any samples. She ate spoonful of the earl grey before she paid and the citrus flavor was delicate in her mouth.

Ella and her friends were gone when Paige emerged from the store. Tacey was tapping on her Android, leaning against the building with one foot up, looking like a pin-up. Her leather garter harness peeked out from below her flowy white skirt. She put her phone away when she saw Paige, and her eyes lit up as she reached out for her cone.

“Thanks,” she said, sticking out her tongue for a generous swirl. “Can you stay a little longer, or do you need to get home?” They started walking back toward her apartment.

“I’m not in a hurry. They don’t expect me home at any particular time.”

Tacey nodded. She admired how smooth Paige’s open relationship with Bennett was, but she also knew they’d worked hard at their foundation in the six years they’d been together. “Good. Besides, I think you should come again.”

“Me? I don’t know, that was pretty excellent, before. Not sure if you can top that.”

“Oh,” Tacey said, her eyes flashing with excitement and challenge. “Try me.”

Paige laughed, and they ambled the ten blocks home, savoring the warm evening, the cool, sweet ice cream, and each other.

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Sinclair Sexsmith

Sinclair Sexsmith (they/them) is “the best-known butch erotica writer whose kinky, groundbreaking stories have turned on countless queer women” (AfterEllen), who “is in all the books, wins all the awards, speaks at all the panels and readings, knows all the stuff, and writes for all the places” (Autostraddle). ​Their short story collection, Sweet & Rough: Queer Kink Erotica, was a 2016 finalist for the Lambda Literary Award. Sinclair identifies as a white non-binary butch dominant, a survivor and an introvert. Follow their writings at Sugarbutch Chronicles.

Sinclair has written 43 articles for us.


  1. i looooove this and now i want Bennett and Ella to go on a date so badly!!! 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

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