10 Badass Girl Team Movies

Why Does the Gay Character Always Have to Die? asks AfterElton. Apparently the gay characters are dying on TV shows and they can only thrive in Comedy & Reality TV. Meanwhile we don’t have any lesbians on TV so they can’t die, RIP Jenny. (@afterelton)

Today is the big day when Lady Gaga’s “telephone” video will premiere at 11:30 PM on E!.

Vulture says that the next Muppet Movie will be Lady Gaga inspired: “rumor has it that Miss Piggy’s character in the forthcoming Muppet movie, currently titled The Greatest Muppet Movie Ever Made, will be Lady Gaga–inspired. Jason Segel, who is writing the script, reportedly “envisions the modern Miss Piggy living indulgently and arty abroad.” Also, check out 14 Styles Lady Gaga From People Of Wal-Mart. (@vulture, buzzfeed)

Making a lesbian movie is hard! You can read all about it at the new blog set up for Girltrash! the lesbian movie which will feature all the hot girls who’ve ever played gay ever; like Spencer from South of Nowhere and Rose Rollins. (@girltrash movie blog) You can also check out SheWired behind the scenes of Girl Trash: Up All Night.

A field guide to child stars gone bad. (@gawker)

Kara DiGuardi is the worst judge ever. (@gawker tv)

Queen Latifah is starring in a romantic comedy called “Just Wright” which hits theaters in May. She’s gonna be training a basketball player played by Common. They’re gonna fall in love obvi.

Bella Y Takes Lesbian Authors to the Readers: Lesbian book publishing has come a long way. It used to be that women looking for girl-on-girl books had to find a women’s bookstore or brave the checkout counter of the local library.

Guess what, on 90210 two girls kissed! EACH OTHER! LOOK!

Claire Danes is on the cover of Vs. Magazine

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. haha i feel a little young for this list, i haven’t seen a significant portion of these. maybe they weren’t big in australia. but, i did see foxfire, i mean hello angelina jolie, jenny shimizu, jenny lewis, what’s not to like?

    p.s. not criticising the top 10 list, just an addendum, that was the first film that sprang to mind when i read the title.

    • They were big in Australia but yeah, I think they were probably a little before your time. I own some of these and so I’ll lend them to you.

  2. The first thing that sprang to my mind at the mention of girl team movies was A League of Their Own and I was worried it wasn’t going to make the list, then BAM! There it was at #1 where it belongs!

    I recall watching it during my most cynical and detached phase as a teenager, where I probably hadn’t cried for three years, then I watched that film and wailed inconsolably at the end.

    Anyway, I shall have to append the films in that list that I haven’t seen to my ever lengthening list of must-watches.

    Also, that article about the cliché of always killing off the gays in afterelton made some really good points. It’s like the gays are always the sacrificial red-shirts and never captain kirk.

  3. Also, Ashley from South of Nowhere is in this (exceptionally awesome) fix. Twice. She’s pretty. I could only love Bend it like Beckham more if it was actually gay and the girls actually knew how to play soccer. But I still love it a bit too much. And Keira Knightley.

    • Not only is she here twice, but she’s gay twice! It’s like Christmas. Or Christmahanukwanzakuh.

      • Not gunna lie, Mandy Musgrave was my second girl-crush. Right behind Sarah Michelle Gellar *cough* Buffy *cough*

        • I had the biggest buffy obsession!!! I just moved and found a box full of SMG posters and memorabilia haha

  4. I LOVE a Leage of their Own! After Kit and Dotty have the really big fight and Anne Ramsey saunters in and breaks the silence with ‘Has anyone seen my new red hat?’ is one of my favourite moments ever captured on film. To this day, my sister and i hit out with that line to alleviate any awkward or tense situation. Try it. It always wins.

  5. Ah so many good movies! & defo YES to blue crush! & also, “Look at that, look at how they’re lookin at me, Eyes all sticky like honey on bees”– the Great Lady Gaga (in Chillin’-Wale)

  6. I have seen 9/10 of these, and a few were old favorites. I probably saw blue crush 10 times.

    I am excited about the runaways like I am for any KStew flick, because any movie with her is a gay movie.

  7. -Common is very handsome/sexy. I first took note in Wanted. I like the poster. Queen Latifah has cute romantic comedies despite her being a lesbian.

    -90210 is grasping, a semi-lesbian scene, prime time and still can’t pull over 1.25 mil

    -The latest gay character to bite the dust and raise the masses was Barca & Pietros on Spartacus Blood & Sand. Who were together. It hit me hard. I litterally yelled NOOOOO! I teared up and only watched it 1.5 times.
    However the one thing that made it easier was that it had NOTHING to do with there sexuality.

    • I am soo glad I am not the only one watching Spartacus, I was upset when he died too. That show is my guilty pleasure tv, I am really only watching for Lucy Lawless.

      • Its totally my guilty pleasure. It is so terribly awesome! It is getting good! I was watching for Barca/Pietros and Crixus. Now I am shipping Crixus/Navia. I grew up on Xena, literally, I was 8 when it came on. I love Lucy Lawless, she drew me to the show. But its hard to watch Lucretia. It like watching your cool bad ass fun aunt become a whorish malicious bitch. It is tainting my memory.

        • yea the hair throws me off and the male full frontal is kind of assaulting, like OH HELLO THERE. Xena is awesome and will always be awesome to me. Lucy lawless drew me to the show now I am staying for the blood and politics.

  8. The crying during A League of Their Own? Every single time without fail. What an absolutely wonderful movie.

  9. You forgot Tatum O’Neal & Kristy McNichol, in Little Darlings (1980) I know, I’m probably the only one who remembers it. Plus they had a kissing scene… and were bad ass little tom boys on summer break :)

    • haha, no i remember that movie! they were just friends though like trying to lose their virginities right? it wasn’t a team or band or nun choir or club/gang? kissing scene! i forgot that!

  10. the day i got laughed at for saying my favorite movie EVER is ‘a league of their own’ was the day i realized there were far too many straight people/boys in my life.

  11. Yay, Set It Off!

    As much as I hate Twilight, I’ve begun to find Kristen very very hot, and I’m excited about the Runaways, not only because she’s hot, but because it looks like it’ll be good.

    Oh Girltrash! I’m excited. They all look so good in that pic. And Michelle Lombardo as Tyler was probably my fave character, cause you know, I like them badass. But then I found out the Michelle is nothing like that, NOT A THING LIKE THAT, in real life. She’s all girly and shows her boobs and I was like WHOA. So I have a crush on Tyler and not on Michelle. And ROSE ROLLINS, I’d lick the sweat off of her.

  12. omg rumer willis!

    I feel like such a jackass for saying this, but I honestly had no context for her other than from when I still read perez hilton and his deep misogynistic hatred of her.

    However, in that clip she seems like a competent young actress, has a sexy voice, and seems really nice!

    Either that or I’m easily won over by girls in flannel and hats.

    • 1- Love your name.
      2- Rumer Willis is really good in the short film Streak (directed by her mom) and was pretty good/cute in House Bunny. And she has a song on the Streak soundtrack and sings backup (all the girls do) with Kat McPhee in The House Bunny, which almost always wins me over.

      • Thanks! Your name is awesome too. I may have clicked through to your website and clicked play on your ukulele video. My internet creeping aside, you clearly are very cool.

        And thanks for the rumer willis tips! I’m googling Streak now.

  13. I’m so excited about The Runaways, howevs I just discovered it’s not being released in Australia until JULY. Which is bs.

  14. what about Tank Girl? according to science, 4 out of 5 lesbians recommend Tank Girl for getting your friends out of the closet.

  15. ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-CHERRY BOMB! I’m excited about the Runaways now.

    Would Alice in Wonderland qualify for a movie about a badass chick?

  16. Haha, I totally saw A League of Her Own and Sister Act with my mom when my dad and brother were out of town hunting. XD

  17. I have been reading these sites since way back when it was just L word recaps and Riese’s blog, but today is my first comment day for this reason:
    you included Troop Beverly Hills.
    hell muthertrucking yes.

    • also, what is this auto-picture that comes with my comment? I suppose I should join or something

    • thank you TaraShea I feel like everyone who said they’d watched all but one of these movies was talking about Troop Beverly Hills as the one they hadn’t seen, and that’s unfortunate for everyone, because it was such a triumphant film.

      if you go to http://www.avatar.com you can pick your own avatar! otherwise everyone is taylor swift.

  18. There’s certainly been an explosion of girl team/lesbian movies in the last couple of years – a good thing!

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