If you were busy feeling all warm and fuzzy over all the cute celebrity couples the Internet has had to offer and all the weirdos who got married in 2015, you can knock that shit off right now because Instagram’s golden couple, designer Phoebe Dahl and fictional inmate Ruby Rose have called off their two-year engagement. This is especially devastating considering they recently hosted a garden party in which everybody wore white but nobody got dirty.

In an exclusive statement to Us Weekly (the preferred breakup method of all lesbians), Dahl said, “After two wonderful years together, Ruby and I have decided to part ways. While we still love each other and support each other in every way, it is our mutual decision to part ways. Our break is not the result of any media speculation, and we want nothing but the best for each other. Thank you for respecting our privacy in this very difficult time.” Her representative added that Dahl has moved out of Rose’s home in the Silverlake neighborhood of Los Angeles, and that they will no longer be visiting farmers’ markets together, jumping on water slides together or taking pensive, mysterious photographs of one another.
Dahl and Rose announced their engagement in March 2014, following three months of whirlwind dating. Both described their romance as “love at first sight,” and the couple’s combined six million Instagram fans are said to be in deep mourning.

Instagram snuggles in happier times.
To their credit, both Dahl and Rose have been remarkably classy about the entire affair, as seen in the following Twitter exchange:
@RubyRose you have brought me to my best and I will always love you. I can't wait to see what the future brings for us.
— Phoebe Dahl (@FAIRCLOTHSUPPLY) December 15, 2015
If nothing else, this is living proof that mature, loving breakups are possible, at least if you are very rich, famous and good-looking. We here at Gothip Girl HQ wish both parties a peaceful and pleasant 2016.
This is my Jen & Brad
I don’t really hate you Stef it’s been eating me up all day that I said that
aw i didn’t think you meant it but thank you for clarifying because that would have been really sad / i swear i didn’t break them up.
Saw this on Buzzfeed and came here to see how everyone else was coping.
evidently, not as well as Dahl herself
I hope I’m not the only one who pronounces Ruby Rose’s name in their head like Astro from the Jetson’s would.
Comment award for the comment awarder!
Adorwable Scwumptions?
I tend to hear it like Sloth from the Goonies says “Rocky…rooooad”, but then again I’m weird.
One of the dogs must have taken it.
The same singing birds and mice who arranged the garden party, I assume
This is the worst.
Also, it’s especially terrible because I have the perfect gif for this moment but I am apparently hopeless at html on this site.
i want you to know the most common errors people make when posting image links is that they forget the http before the :// and also use curly quotes instead of straight quotes or two sets of quotes
just for your reference
Hey Reise may I ask you? I keep thinking that if I just copy/paste Ali’s example code from that post she did about coding in the comments, like:
And replace everything inside the quotes with the URL I got the image from, like:
Then I should get a successful comment image? But it hasn’t worked yet and I don’t know why and maybe you can tell me? :-D
LOL see these are both broken, even the one I pasted directly from here
Sad pandas (also don’t laugh at me, people who know code)
okay this is what your code looks like right now:
and this is what it should look like:
also ali’s code in that post you linked to doesn’t look like the code you had in your comment, though?
this is ali’s code from that post:
but the version of that you copy/pasted in your comment was missing the http: and contained double quotes.
That is so weird, I pasted it exactly!
Ok thanks so much for taking the time, that’s helpful, I’ll try and figure it out :-D
This was such a great tangent.
Ok, I’m trying it. But also, I recently tried to embed a youtube video in a comment on an autostraddle article and I did the thing where you go to the video, click on share, and then copy the embed code and then I pasted it exactly as it was on youtube and it still just showed up as an ugly url monstrosity. :/
*hangs head in shame*
you can do this blackmar i have faith in you! just keep swimming, no matter how much you worry about filling the comment bar on the homepage with empty broken images! YOU CAN DO THIS! <3
I DID THE THING. I had to go change some keyboard settings in my system preferences to make it stop doing the curly quotes! I feel like I just climbed Mount Internet.
I had trouble copying and pasting the HTML from the Build a Better Comment article too and the culprit was the quotation marks.
If you want to double check before posting, pop on over to codepen.io . You can click on “New Pen” without signing up and then paste your comment into the HTML section to see if the image shows correctly. Don’t worry if it smashes your paragraphs/images all together, as long as the image or video work your comment is good to go.
I’m sad.
I’m sure this video will make it better(?) maybe…
Does it make be a bad person that I can’t tell skinny pretty little white girls apart?
Because for serious same make up, similar body type and haircuts makes it haaaaard.
No, I think it makes you blind and maybe a little stupid. They look nothing alike. That’s as ignorant as saying two black people look the same cause they’re a similar color, doesn’t really make it any cooler cause they’re white.
Oh I don’t know, I’m pretty faceblind and I can’t tell anyone apart if they’re similar colors with similar haircuts and face shapes until I know them both kind of well. If it’s only white people or only black people you have trouble with that’s one thing, but it’s not really stupid to not be able to tell people apart if you’re just not good at it. Or, maybe I’m faceblind and facestupid, that actually might be fair. But my point is, this is harder for some people than others.
(That said, I agree it’s not super helpful to be dismissive of people because of their type, even if it’s the dominant/culturally-preferred type.)
No it makes me childish because I hate Ruby Rose’s pretty face today and felt the urge to smash stuff but settled for making light of how women that run in certain circles do their toilette very similarly and tend to keep company with people of the same body type as well. Teenage girls do it and it’s an attempt to forge a self and be a part of group. Entertainment industry it’s probably a bit of that and the job of staying in the lines of being what’s considered properly pretty too.
Don’t consider this an apology, because I don’t have an ounce of repentance in me today honestly. Just buckets of awful and (self) destructiveness, but just enough self preservation to not put a new hole in that door I still haven’t replaced. Not enough to stop myself from being pointlessly mean.
I’m usually not mean, not even to people that aggravate me because my philosophy is mean-ness is wasted energy. Hell I’m not even mean to people who treat me like a non person. Why is feeling things such a good thing? It’s awful.
I do have a fair amount feature blindness in addition to a storm of awful.
Hey that’s a lot of anger you’ve got going on there. Is everything alright? It sounds as though you’re having a rough time. I hope things get better for you. Till then know that this internet stranger is sending warm thoughts your way.
I hope things get better for you. It doesn’t always feel this way, but there is more to life than what you look like (standards of beauty aside) and your peers do grow up and become more well rounded people. It doesn’t excuse who they are now or their behavior, but I think forgiving others takes a weight off yourself or at least it did/does for me.
Oh wow, that @fairclothsupply tweet did me in.
Doesn’t anyone think it is absolutely hilarious that it looks like Ruby Rose is tweeting her sadness about breaking up at an ecofriendlier version of target?
Is it just me?
Is there something I oughta to know?
Is getting a slightly more personal twitter account that doesn’t look like a fabric brand for your personal life really that much trouble?
That said, I wonder if Ruby Rose is now getting back together with @HM (H&M).
Hmmm…I know this makes me an awful person and I am sorry for the pain she must be experiencing right now, but all I can really focus on is that this wonderful person, Ruby, is single. May I have a google alert if she moves to my city?
Too much?
We’re all thinking it Jessie! haha
Wow, I was way more invested in this relationship than I realized.