Reine #14: New Ways Of Crying

Three queers hang out in the park. One has blonde hair into a ponytail and a blue mask hanging off her ear. Another has short dark hair and a light red bandana. The third friend is socially distanced on FaceTime. The first two friends reminisce about how they miss crying in public, and the friend on the phone is shocked.

The blonde and brunette friend talk about the emotional release of crying in public, and the friend on the phone remains in disbelieve. So the blonde announces "Top 9 Ways to Cry Live on Video!"

A chart of the "9 Reasons I've Cried on Camera, Brought to You by the Pandemic." There are 9 queer faces against a light blue background. They are: 1. "Video Games Laugh Cry" 2. "Watching Movies" 3. "Motivational Pep Talk" 4. "Frustration" 5. "Just Vibing" 6. 100% Despair" 7. "Forgetting to Blink" 8. "Thinking About A Better Future" and finally 9. "Burnt My Tongue"

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Ren Strapp

Ren Strapp is a comic artist, designer, and gender nonconforming lesbian werewolf. Her work is inspired by risograph printing and American traditional tattooing. She loves weight lifting and hiking. Support her work on Patreon.

Ren has written 72 articles for us.


  1. Reading “Watership Down” to my daughter via zoom because that’s the only way we see each other these days, and one of the rabbits dies or gets hurt or …it doesn’t take much, and I try to just plow on through.

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