What does safety look like to you and your community?
Reine #10: Building A Kinder World
Related:ReineSaturday Morning Cartoons
Ren Strapp
Ren Strapp is a comic artist, designer, and gender nonconforming lesbian werewolf. Her work is inspired by risograph printing and American traditional tattooing. She loves weight lifting and hiking. Support her work on Patreon.
Ren has written 71 articles for us.
YESSS!!!!Let’s Do it!
Ahh, I love this comic! The masks are all cute, and I like how you still show their facial expressions. That’s something that I worry about when I wear a mask. I’m normally such a smiling person, but I have to try to express myself from the cheek bones up. And also, we need to have ethical solutions to move on from police brutality in our communities!
My town boasts so much about how much they’re spending on housing and transit, but a) the transit system is actually only about 1/5 funded by the town, with the rest coming from the university, an adjacent town, the state, and the federal government, and b) the money spent on housing isn’t going to public housing, but given to developers to build new lower-rent private housing. I’d love to see the pigmoney go to public housing. Nobody should ever have to go unhoused.
(I love the comic, but it frightens me that the bike doesn’t have chain stays.)
I saw the first panel and said, out loud to my cat, “Childcare! Fucking PAY ME! …oh. Thank you.”
So. Thank you. <3
So often it is a labor of love, but yes, childcare provides should be able to support themselves and then some. I worked in child care for ten years (for an average of 60 hours a week), before I decided it was time for a change. Now I have kids and I’m so appreciative of their day care workers!
Love this. :)
Ohhh this made me hopeful, and I am even not from the USA
My feelings exactly!
This means a lot to me. My friends and I have had pretty much this exact conversation when socially distantly hanging out, and I love seeing art that reflects my life the way most other art really doesn’t atm. Thank you so much!! <3
this is so beautiful, I love it!