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Rainbow Reading: ’Tis the Damn Season Already?

A book in faded colors of the rainbow is open, and the words RAINBOW READING are on top of it.
illustration by A. Andrews

Hey hi, everyone!

Literally what do you mean that it’s December already? Wasn’t it August like five minutes ago? Once again, the passage of time takes me by surprise, and here we are. I’m behind on my Christmas shopping, personally — I’m sure all of you are very put-together this year, but I am not, and so I have gathered a list of books I read and adored this year that will get me in the right gift-giving state of mind. Next time, I’ll be gathering a list of some Wildly Cool 2023 Books To Preorder As Gifts For Literary Trendsetter Types, too; my friends preordered me some signed copies of books I’d been looking forward to last year, and as they arrived throughout the first months of the year they were such delightful surprises.

I know it’s been a heavy few weeks for the queer community; I hope you’re all taking good care of yourselves and your crew, and I hope your reading offers you the respite and reinvigoration you deserve.

Okiedoke, let’s make like the Stones and roll. This week on Rainbow Reading, we’ve got:

In no particular order, Rainbow Reading’s 15 Books of 2022 That Yash Loved Hollering About That You Should Buy As Presents For People You Actually Like:

Shelf Care: Reviews, Essays, and other Things of Note

  • In the wake of the tragedy at Club Q in Colorado, I want to boost this anthology, originally published after the Orlando massacre at Pulse: Our Happy Hours: LGBTQ Voices From the Gay Bars is a beautiful tribute to the spaces queer community has built for itself, and there’s a lot of galvanizing comfort to be found here. (You can also get an ebook copy of it here)
  • I’ve had a crush on Sabrina Imbler’s writing ever since their poetry book Dyke (geology) swept me off my feet, and because life isn’t fair, they are ALSO a wildly talented nonfiction writer as well as a poet. How Far the Light Reaches, their debut essay collection, comes out on December 6, and it’s a fucking stunner. Imbler’s writing makes science sing, and they cut their science writing with a genius angle on memoir and a sly, cheeky sense of humor that we all came to love from their pieces like Started Out As A Fish. How Did It End Up Like This and I Respect Ticks But I Still Want Them Dead. You can read an excerpt here, and preorder your copy here!

Autocorrect: Books content from the last couple weeks at Autostraddle!

You already know that I’m going to say how great the books coverage is this week and every week.

Because I can and because none of you can stop me, here are also some of my favorite non-literary pieces from Autostraddle recently:

That’s all she wrote, folks! If you’re a queer writer, particularly an early-career queer writer: I’d love to hear about the cool things you’re up to so that I can share links to your published essays, book reviews, short stories, poems, and longform features on LGBTQ+ topics! Please email me links for consideration at [email protected] with the subject line “Rainbow Reading Submission” — I’m an avid browser-tab-collector, and I especially want to hear from you if you’ve just landed your first publication or first major byline.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Yashwina Canter is a reader, writer, and dyke putting down roots in Portland, Oregon. You can find her online at @yashwinacanter.

Yashwina has written 53 articles for us.


  1. Thank you so much for the shoutout, and I hope you enjoy The Paris Bookseller as much as I did! Also so delighted to see some end-of-year love for Body Grammar; that was such a good one.

  2. The New Life by Tom Crewe sounds really good – I was bummed that it doesn’t come out until Jan and then I saw that my library already has a waitlist for it – and now I’m #1 on the list! Yay libraries.

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