Rachel’s Team Pick: National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day

So, for Christmas I was given one of those desktop day-by-day calendars that you buy at a mall kiosk with a theme, and the theme for this one is the Food Network. I was initially slightly underwhelmed, as about 40-70% of their tips and/or recipes are about dead animals, but everything came full circle when I realized it had today, Thursday June 9th, listed as National Strawberry Rhubarb Pie Day.

Strawberry rhubarb pie is the best pie that one can ever make or eat. This is incontestable. The only possible other option is straight up rhubarb pie; I will allow that as a matter of personal choice. In honor of this day, different from all other days because on other days we eat all types of vegetables but today we eat rhubarb in honor of our ancestors who came out of Egypt, I would like to share this recipe for strawberry rhubarb pie from the Wall Street Journal (which, I mean, what?) that looks totally f*cking insane and awesome. Enjoy.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


    • Chocolate PB pie sounds AMAZING. But strawberry rhubarb is my favourite, too! Also blueberry, cherry, pumpkin, and chicken pot pie (it counts, right?). I guess I have many favourites. But strawberry rhubarb is my favourite of my favourites.

  1. Blueberry is my faaaaaaaaaaav. But strawberry rhubarb is alright I guess.

    (jk I LOVE it)

  2. This recipe is so wildly different from the one I make! I’m a purist – I just macerate strawberries or fresh cherries with the rhubarb, then mix that with a bit of arrowroot and a tiny splash of balsamic vinegar, and pour the whole sloppy mess into a pie crust.

    Perhaps I will give this a try now that rhubarb season is well and truly underway.

    PS. I hate making pie crust. I don’t know why, I just do. Does anyone want to come over and make pie crust for me?

    • I will! I will! I love to make pies, and I love eating pie crust dough. And getting creative with the top of the pie is thee best. I like do criss-cross strips of dough, usually, and just push the edges down with a fork. If that makes any sense at all.

      • It makes so much sense. We need to be in the same geographic location, stat.

        Pies need making.

  3. I’m allergic to buckwheat. And rhubarb is in the buckwheat family. Can I still make strawberry-rhubarb pie? Because there is a girl who I’m going to be seeing who I think would hug me if I made strawberry-rhubarb pie and offered her some…

    • I guess it depends on how allergic you are. If you can still handle rhubarb without, you know, dying hideously / getting hopped up on benadryl with an epipen on hand, I would make that pie. And then eat none of it. And offer it to the girl. I feel like a whole pie would result in maybe more than a hug.

  4. Can it be made in the microwave in 5mins or less? If not, pass.

    (this is how all my food decisions are made)

    (also, I don’t know what rhubarb is, but is sounds gross. like beetroot. or brussel sprouts.)

    • This is rhubarb. It tastes nothing like beetroot, brussel sprouts, or sunburned celery. It’s bittersweet and tangy, but its taste is best described as “heavenly.”

  5. I’m holding out for high summer, when it is apricot pie season! And late summer, for blackberry pie. Mmmmmm. Warm pie with vanilla ice cream.

  6. i have never had this pie. but for my birthday i plan to gorge on a banana cream pie. eff yeah.

  7. My brain exploded in fruity goodness trying to decide which pie is my favorite. I fucking LOVE pie.

  8. Can someone please tell me what rhubarb is? I know it exists and what it looks like but I don’t know what it tastes like. Should I be angry at the people who raised me because I’ve never had it?

  9. i’m not sure what a rhubarb is. it sounds like a starchy vegetable. not sure why. i just remember it was on danny phantom because his dad was gonna pee on it. i think someone should probably make me this pie.

    where the eff would you even find a rhubarb? it sounds painful :(

  10. It’s ok, rhubarb is a fruit, but I guess it is an acquired taste of sorts. Best way to describe it, is that it looks a bit like celery, only it’s pinky and longer and it can be quite sharp, like lemons, (not that its lemony) so you need to add a bit of sugar or like this, mix it with something sweeter. Rhubarb crumble with custard or icecream is nice too. tip- Be careful not to eat too much ;)
    Oh & you can grow it in your backyard, and hey if you don’t like the taste, then just use its leaves as impromptu umbrellas (they can be huge!)

  11. I want this pie, and I want to eat it too goddammit.
    I guess I’m just selfish.

    But really, it’s because it is an awesome pie.

  12. I believe there is a thematically appropriate for this website pie that is being crucially ignored in this discussion as a favorite type of pie to eat.

    That being said, strawberry rhubarb sounds delicious.

    • I was inspired by this recipe so I looked for a vegan version and that is the one I found and I made it and it’s fantastic! Except I also put some apples in mine, since I didn’t have as much rhubarb as was called for. Still delish. Thanks for the inspiration, Rachel!

  13. I mean, it’s not pie, but I had a Rhubarb + Guava mojito the other day and it blew my mind. There was also basil in it. So.

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