Rachel’s Team Pick: Miranda July Has a New Movie

Hi, my name is Rachel and I have a lot of feelings about Miranda July. Two of those feelings are “if you have not read No One Belongs Here More Than You, you should” and “if you have not seen Me and You and Everyone We Know, what are you doing, it’s on Netflix instant.” Another set of feelings is “excitement, joy, minor trepidation” about her (uncharacteristically briefly titled) new movie, The Future. The Hairpin describes it as being about ” two people who adopt a stray cat.” I am going to assume it also about The Future in some respect, and probably also about Miranda July in some respect.

Also, if you are too cool for school/to watch trailers about whimsical people and cats and feelings and MY HEART, then maybe you will enjoy this little whatsit that she made in order to promote the movie/make your life better: it is The Future on the internet! You can also sign up for The Future via email, at which point you will get a charming email like the one below:

Dear Person,

Someone, perhaps you, has requested a subscription to our free divination
service. Here’s how it works: Miranda July thinks really hard about you.
She digs deep inside and summons a premonition of your future, which allows
her to advise you accordingly, every Monday and Thursday. It’s up to you to
interpret her advice, but we feel certain you’ll know exactly what she

Good job. Everything will be easier from now on.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


  1. I care a lot about Miranda July and subsequently your heart. I look forward to The Future.

    • I feel it’s noteworthy to mention that immediately after I typed that and clicked submit I sneezed…. things are happening already… or my nose is sensitive to lemons.

  2. Also, 30 dances in 30 days should be a thing… I will stop commenting now.

  3. WHATTTTT – I’m too excited/completely emotionally attached to everything Miranda writes/creates. I need to calm the F down.

  4. I got so excited about this trailer earlier today, wrote an long tumblr post, didn’t post it, and sat around wondering what it is that makes Miranda July so much better other “weird” people. I DON’T KNOW what it is.

  5. I am officially now addicted to that oracle – thanks a lot. My favorite “fortune” so far?

    “A woman named Sarah. That’s all I know. Hopefully you know if you should flee her, save her, love her, or if she is you.”

  6. Having loved the heck out of Y&M&EWK, I am excited, but omg do you think the cat-voice is part of the movie? Because I’m not sure I could handle that. (Although if I could sit through the terrible, even more inexplicable narration in Vicky Cristina Barcelona and still enjoy the film I guess anything’s possible.)

  7. Wow, and here I didn’t think I could crush on you any harder! (sighs dreamily)

    • I have the yellow copy… this is somehow significant, I feel. I really hope she’s working on some other writing, as I really like the stories more than her last film. Maybe it’s because I listened to them on cd though, and her voice is so absolutely fantastic.

  8. i just bought no one belongs here more than you for $7.37 on amazon because i read this post/watched this trailer.

    thanks rachel I DON’T HAVE $7.37 FOR BOOKS OKAY ughh po stop buying things

  9. just finished no one belongs here more than you.
    super like on the movie bit. if autostraddlers like miranda july they might also like lorrie moore. sweet jesus, two lovely ladies.

  10. I really really want to watch this movie. But first I have to know if everything turns out okay for the cat.

    Because if it doesn’t, I will have far too many feelings to be able to watch this.

  11. So spooky! I was just thinking about the Wonderful Ms July today at work and the internet provides this!

    Nice work ladies ;)

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