We’re now over halfway into the final season of Killing Eve, so I thought it would be a swell time to look back on the some of the finest moments between Villanelle and Eve Polastri. There were honestly too many to choose from, so I spent an entire day agonizing over how to pick a personal top 8, much like I used to agonize over picking my top 8 friends on Myspace back in the day. But ALAS, I did it, and now I present this very important quiz to you. It’s a pick your own adventure style quiz in which you get to imagine you’re a hot international spy in pursuit of a hot international assassin. Sound familiar? And of course stay tuned for my next Killing Eve recap, which will drop sometime tomorrow afternoon!
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Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is the managing editor of Autostraddle and a lesbian writer of essays, fiction, and pop culture criticism living in Orlando. She is the former managing editor of TriQuarterly, and her short stories appear in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Joyland, Catapult, The Offing, The Rumpus, Cake Zine, and more. Some of her pop culture writing can be found at The A.V. Club, Vulture, The Cut, and others. When she is not writing, editing, or reading, she is probably playing tennis. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram and learn more about her work on her website.
Kayla has written 990 articles for us.
I love this. I am the teddy bear 🐻
I tried to see other results but I couldn’t get anything except “the teddy bear” and “will you give me everything I want / yes”
I get it I’m a weird buttom but this test was so fun and I really wanna see the other descriptions
This was heckin’ fun !
I am “the time Eve kissed Villanelle before headbutting her.” What a perfect moment.
I am the “ “will you give me everything I
want” / “yes” moment. So on point. Lol.
The time Villanelle shot Eve in the ruins! a MOMENT! description on point also, love the quiz style
my friends and i all took this quiz and we each got different scenes that matched our personalities perfectly??? kayla?? are ye a wizard????? i fuckin LOVE THIS!!!!!!
i just want somebody else to pay for all the restaurant food i want ever
somebody else like the british govt
also kayla is this a quiz or is it choose your own adventure fan fic?????
in any case, yes, i sure do appreciate a good metaphor and dependability.
“will you give me everything I want” / “yes”
Never felt so seen by a description
I laughed out SO loud at “this result means you’re equal parts sophisticated and vulgar. You appreciate high-brow AND low-brow pleasures, because life is all about balance.”
My girlfriend and I got the same answer <_< (the time Villanelle shot Eve in the Roman ruins).
Shepherd’s pie. Nice to know I have range.
Also: “So you’re a spy. Recently, you’ve become obsessed with a world renowned assassin. You have to catch her. But you also…maybe want to kiss her?” Sounds like that could be a great storyline for Thirsty Sword Lesbians.
This is the best. I’m Shepherd’s pie, obviously. And I know, it’s not the season yet, but where was the Negroni option?
nothing to do with the topic but I love your name!…..significance?
Thanks you! It’s a reference to one of the best characters TV ever had: Anya Jenkins of Buffy fame.
Thanks for filling me in!!…..years ago I binged watched the buffy spin off series “angel” and loved it.
I have been meaning ever since to watch all of the Buffy series.
You’ve inspired me to start catching up on it….
I have loved everything josh whedon has had his hand in…..
I got t&e teddy bear…
I mean, I am a weirdo, but I’m still feeling attacked lol. This is because I chose to ask how it feels to stab someone, isn’t it?
Also can I talk about how I stopped keeping up with Killing Eve because I was so disappointed Eve didn’t want Villanelle more?
Like how am I supposed to vicariously live my fantasies thru a fictional tv show if Eve refuses to commit?
…I do deserve the teddy bear answer, don’t I?