Quiz: Which LGBT TV Trope Are You?

There are so many fun tropes that show up in our television programs. The most famous, of course, is Bury Your Gays, which has its own quiz. But let’s take a wider view here.

You might think that you are an interesting, well-rounded person with a specific set of interests and feelings. But if you happened to find yourself inside a television show or a film, you might find yourself stuck into a strange little box, forced to relegate yourself to simple concepts about what it means to be LGBTQ. That box, my friends, is known as a “trope.”

Which of these queer tropes would your character become?

What Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Film/TV Trope Are You?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. Was not expecting Psycho Lesbian, but can’t argue with “sometimes your feelings get the best of you.” 🤷🏻‍♂️ Scorpios gotta Scorpio

  2. Ooh, Closet Key! I feel like I won this quiz!

    I also really appreciate that “No” was a valid answer to one question. I do sometimes worry about using so many imperatives in quiz questions and I feel like giving people the option to check out of a question is good for creating healthy boundaries.

    Right, now I need to retake to work out what the hell all the vampire stuff is about…

  3. it looked like fun at first but then I had to choose between Six feet under and Killing Eve!
    but it’s ok, I’m still alive, thx for asking
    And became Mentor in Queerness :)

  4. I super enjoyed TAKING this quiz; it felt very good and gay

    and yet I got “lesbian jock,” which is potentially the least accurate result possible.

  5. Re: question 10 – excuse, but my vehicle of choice is 1) the bus, 2) my bicycle, or 3) my other bicycle, which is a broomstick

    Also how is a Subaru outback not one of the options? Or is that my agedness showing? ;)

      • To be fair it does have the vibe, yes! I suppose I’m just being a bit of a trope for trope stickler (so, ahem, very not a Virgo, ahem)

    • Also my wife and I own practically that very same boob mug, as well as a companion mug with butts. Would lesbian-hiders own such items? I think not

      • Maybe your lesbians are so flagrantly on display that everyone thinks they’re fake and you’re over-compensating for your secret straightness.

          • Chandra looked at her mug and thought, why i am so misunderstood? how can the quizverse not see me when i’m right here? despite her cool demeanor, she was screaming on the inside it made her so mad. she wondered, do i have to buy an ikea loveseat so that the quizzes will finally accept my philogyny? is that the visibility bar i must clear? she shook her head. no, she said resolutely. quizzes can go to hell! no series of questions will keep me from believing everything i know to be true.

  6. I do not and have never wanted kids. I think this quiz took the fact I am boring and assumed it was because I am being held back from having an exciting life by children.

    • a sentient quiz that compensates for a perceived lack of ‘lifestyle’ is -exactly- why we should all be working much harder against the singularity than we are.

  7. “lesbian jock” yes but like, the appreciative variety and not the play-the-sport variety. i once concussed myself trying to do the worm and have broken my nose three different times in attempted athletic feats so now i don’t sports

  8. Psycho Lesbian. Not a surprise. It’s my love of the macabre, crazy women (Villanelle/Elizabeth Jennings-types), and the fact I 100% DGAF. Lol.

  9. So I got Closet Key, which I love.
    So now I’m curious… Other than Erica from Grey’s who else fits this trope?
    Emily Fitch.
    Dark Willow
    Gus Gibson
    Marina (Of voicemail fame)? Or does this role belong to Alice after Jenny and Marina whisper into her ears.

    Any others?

    • Def Marina!
      and Bette for Tina
      Alex for Marissa in The OC
      Alex for Paige in Degrassi
      Alex for Piper in Orange is the New Black
      Karma for Amy in Faking It
      JR to Petra Jane the Virgin
      Jules to Rue in Euphoria
      Allie to Bea in Wentworth

      this is … a common trope isn’t it

  10. I’ve started taking these quizzes first for myself, then for my current dnd character. “Mentor in queerness” here, playing “anything that moves” 😂

  11. got lesbian jock and feeling really seen literally *just* sent this to a friend five minutes ago:

    do yall remember when it looked like there was gonna be a fight b/w diana taurasi and seimone augustus and instead diana just kissed her and seimone after the game said, “she just wanted some of my deliciousness” LESBIANS AND SAPPHICS WHY ARE YOU NOT CHEERING WITH ME FOR THE WNBA

  12. I got the Lesbian Vampire answer. Makes sense cause I’m a vampurr, just not exclusively gay anymore. Queer and proud!

    • i have been waiting all DAY for someone to get vampire!! hope ur doing well with your vampire stuff

  13. well, I am an author who is very fond of killing my darlings, so I guess “bury your gays” fits

  14. Hide Your Lesbians apparently. Interesting, I’m non-binary and have never identified as a lesbian, for as much as I love women, I am incredibly bisexual. Gender is irrelevant to me. I want to kiss everyone.

  15. Vampire lesbian! “Perfect,” responded my girlfriend. (I’m not a lesbian but I would be willing to give up men to be a vampire.)

  16. “Anything That Moves” . . . and is probably moving, nay, RUNNING away from me. (Sigh)

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