I’ve returned with another quiz to expose your innermost truths! This one is heavy on the late 90s/early 2000s nostalgia, and I apologize in advance if your personal favorite DCOM did not make the cut. The possible results were all released from 1998-2006, because I admittedly went with the ones I’ve personally seen the most amount of times! I simply do not know what a “lemonade mouth” is!
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Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is the managing editor of Autostraddle and a lesbian writer of essays, fiction, and pop culture criticism living in Orlando. She is the former managing editor of TriQuarterly, and her short stories appear in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Joyland, Catapult, The Offing, The Rumpus, Cake Zine, and more. Some of her pop culture writing can be found at The A.V. Club, Vulture, The Cut, and others. When she is not writing, editing, or reading, she is probably playing tennis. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram and learn more about her work on her website.
Kayla has written 992 articles for us.
oohhh, Brink! The accuracy is scary…and I love Brink.
I got Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century, which definitely made me a sci-fi fan, but Motocrossed like, actually made me gay.
Maybe this quiz got your wires (Moto)crossed.
I got one I’ve never heard of, so that’s my evening planned.
*googles ‘stream motocrossed free online*
I am so happy for you!
The Cheetah Girls!! Not bad. I also would have accepted Halloweentown or Zenon. Hrmmm…
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen any of these films, but I want to say that the choices for holiday/celebrations are the most comprehensive I’ve ever seen on the internet.
I got one I’ve never heard of, so that’s my evening planned.
GenXer here. I knew I this quiz would be over my head but I couldn’t resist taking it. And I am glad I did – so I could enjoy the sheer brilliance of the choose a dig question!
I suspect that the original Parent Trap with Hayley Mills made me gay but my official answer is Zenon: Girl Of The 21st Century (1999).
Choose a DOG! Not a dig. Argh!!
I recently re-watched the original Parent Trap, and I have to confirm it did make me a little gay and I realized both the dad and the mom in that movie are hella hot!! (Maureen O’Hara and Brian Keith are a dream team!)
Ooh, I’m a millennial but honestly the original Parent Trap was a major root for me too! Specifically butch Hayley Mills having flirty banter with femme Hayley Mills whilst strumming the guitar (yes, I know they’re sisters, but I was six years old and oblivious) (link for the uninitiated https://youtu.be/F1IyrZZQd0g).
GenXer too, here. I knew none of these. Sit around younguns, and let us tell you about life before cable. Still, I love a good quiz!
The only question I didn’t have to think about was the fanfic trope, chose that in about a second :D Also, LOVED the muddy dog as an option! What a happy puppy!
Cadet Kelly OMG!!!!
Ooh very gay!!
I do not know this Zenon movie, but the description called me out, and I’m gonna go fold up my iridescent silvery mermaid leggings now and put them away in the back of my dresser
As soon as I read the title of this article I was like “Cadet Kelly!” And it’s totally what I got.
“Sometimes you just have to ribbon-dance it out, you know? People are drawn to your confidence and sense of self. You don’t like being told what to do…in life. In the bedroom? Well, Christy Carlson Romano shouting in Hilary Duff’s face is an image that has left an impression on you.”
It’s not wrong.
I forgot about Christy Carlson Romano and now realize she was a root.
I was not allowed the Disney Channel but I would happily write and/or take a Which Character on PBS Original Series ‘Ghostwriter’ Were You
Zenon!!!! So very spot-on. Like, how did you know about “The Adventures of Lillian P. Moonbeam: Intergalactic Time Traveling Lesbian+ Space Detective” ??? Kayla, have you been reading my journals?!
I got Motocrossed which quite frankly checks out.
Hot damn! I do not believe I’ve ever seen Cadet Kelly, but that description was spot on! And as soon as I saw the photo I remembered, “Oh yeah, G.I. Jane made me gay.” Well done!
Cheetah Girls! I was so skeptical as I hit submit, but it’s the accuracy for me!!
Brink! Always have fond memories of getting to watch that when it first came out on Nick when we were on a family vacay to the US.
There is also a photo from that trip where I am wearing a polo tucked into dress shorts while playing backyard football so pretty spooky accurate :)
I got Cadet Kelly. This is accurate! 🤣🤣
This survey is gold! Andy on Motocrossed definitely was a first crush of mine!
High School Musical! (I’m glad I got one I’ve seen lol. We didn’t have Disney Channel so I’ve only seen a weird smattering at friends’ houses.)
I definitely remember HSM being one of many instances where I looked at a m/f couple and thought “It’s a shame that girls are just inherently and universally more attractive than boys. Guess that’s just how things are.” I was heart-eyes for Kelsi in particular <3 <3 <3
I got some movie I never heard of but it’s about witches so that’s certainly right because I love everything witchy, but how was there no “there was only one bed” trope listed? That is my all time favourite fanfic trope despite, maybe because of, it being the cheesiest fanfic trope out there.
Anyway, I don’t think we had the Disney channel over here when I was a kid. We didn’t even watch Disney films because my parents thought they were bad influences. (As in, not feminist enough, to commercial, etc.)
Zenon and the You’re probably Very Online gay relates to me well because I’m out online but not in real life. The funny thing is I don’t remember watching Disney Channel until I was in high school because that’s when it came on our cable lineup. Back in the late 80s and 90s Disney Channel (at least where I lived) cost extra to add on your cable lineup.
I got Cheetah Girls, which delighted me even though I barely remember it and probably saw more of the sequels, as I truly am an enterprising and chaotic soul.
just looking at the hero image, I can confirm that both Motocrossed and Cadet Kelley were pivotal to my gay childhood. But the one that really made me gay was Freak Friday with Lindsay Lohan.
personally offended by the choice of “angel” over “buffy” and chose “friday night lights” in protest (definitely not because i was very into the soap opera adjacent texan football show)…still got “twitches.” how did you *know*??
I’m in love with that fact that there’s a result for bi chaos energy. Brink is the perfect result for my “I don’t know my gender but I know I like alt bros and I’m attracted to everyone” style. Glad there was some gender and queerness variation in there. Would love to see some introvert variation in there in the future though!
Because like chilling by myself and taking quizzes is already what I wanted to be doing!!!
I got motocrossed which is 100% accurate, I always wondered why I had so many feelings about sharing the same first name as the main character.
Me before taking the quiz: The answer is Brink! and idek if that will be an option
The Quiz: It’s fucking Brink! you absolute chaos bisexual
Damn, you really get me!!
I’ve never heard of, so that’s my evening planned. https://get-mobdro.com
Twitches! Which I haven’t seen. And I was honestly bummed I didn’t get Zenon because that was my fav for ever when I was in middle school, but the Twitches description was on point so I can’t complain.
Can a writer *please* make a “Which Disney movie made you gay?”-quiz with Sleeping Beauty, Mulan, Cinderella, Ariel etc. – the animated Disney movies of the 40s-90s? I would absolutely love that!
Brink! Always have fond memories of getting to watch that when it first came out on Nick when we were on a family vacay to the US.