Autumn is just around the corner, which means winter follows on its pumpkin-spiced heels.
I say this not to alarm you — nay, it is to prepare you for the long winter slog ahead. For verily, there is a cornucopia of queer creators hitting the road this fall, and it would be wise to consider attending one of their shows (if not more) to give yourself some music and laughter to get you through to spring.
Check out tour dates and ticket availabilities; there’s a good chance one of these awesome acts is headed to a city near you.
Rhea Butcher and Cameron Esposito
The stars of the hilarious show Take My Wife are on their Back to Back tour from September through the middle of October, giving our queer hearts comfort in the knowledge that on a stage somewhere in autumn, two rad, married women are telling truths and making people cry-laugh (seriously, so funny – check out Cameron hanging out in bed with Kristin Russo for more proof).
The only way it could be better would be watching them live! Visit and/or (you don’t have to choose) for tickets and touring dates.
Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin
You’ve watched them figure out life and love and each other on their hit digital series, Just Between Us, and now you, too, can be part of the JBU-esque conversations as Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin prepare to hit the road on a tour called “Gaby and Allison Hate Everyone But You.”
Promoting their book, “I Hate Everyone But You,” which drops on Sept. 5, the two friends will be on stage telling stories, doing some stand-up, showing you some videos, probably vocally disagreeing with each other a lot, and just generally making you glad you left your house.
The shows start up in September, so check out ticket and show availabilities at
Tegan and Sara
Sorry to throw in this little-known indie band from Canada, but I really think you’d like them.
Autostraddle faves Tegan and Sara, our twinners from another winner, are headed back out on the road to celebrate ten years since releasing their album, “The Con.” The North American tour will include all 14 songs on the album performed in order, along with other favorites.
A portion of the ticket sales will go to the Tegan and Sara Foundation, a very worthy cause “fighting for economic justice, health and representation for LGBTQ girls and women.”
For ticketing and show information, head over to
Mal Blum and Mary Lambert

If you’ve never experienced a Mal Blum show, here’s all I can tell you: Your heart will be squeezed and your tear ducts will be teased and your ears will be pleased.
Mal Blum and the Blums are a feelings experience, and the whole band goes on tour in mid-October to support Jessica Lea Mayfield, and then starting Oct. 21, Mal heads out on their own to support the ever-amazing and talented Mary Lambert through mid-November on their aptly named Everyone is a Babe tour.
Yeah, you heard me: Mal and Mary together. Your heart is going to be so full and love it so much (this song makes me want to dance with and kiss someone).
For ticketing and tour date information, visit and/or
Abby Wambach and Glennon Doyle

Former USWNT soccer superstar and all-time leading scorer Abby Wambach and her wife, the self-described “Christian mommy blogger” and author Glennon Doyle are going to be on stage in New Orleans talking about love, faith, and equality during the TEDWomen 2017 conference, taking place Nov. 1-3.
These two got married after a whirlwind and public romance, glimpses of which were gifted to us largely via social media. It will be interesting to see if they touch on how life has changed, good and bad, now that they’re married to each other.
Abby and Glennon will join with social justice activist Valerie Kaur, former Fox News commentator Gretchen Carlson, actor and feminist Justin Baldoni, audio documentarian Eve Abrams, advocate and entrepreneur Christy Turlington Burns, CNN political commentator and journalist Sally Kohn (who also happens to be a lesbian!), and artist and poet Cleo Wade for the conference lineup, the theme for which is “Bridges.”
I’m proud to say I have tickets to almost all of these. :)
I’m not 100% sure if I’m correct in my guess that Phoebe Robinson is bisexual, but she also is going on tour this fall, with her best friend Ilana Glazer (who I don’t think is queer, but plays one on TV!), so some folks here might be interested in checking that out.
I thought Ilana was rumored to be dating Carrie Brownstein for while last Winter, or do I have that wrong?
It was the other Broad City star, Abbi, who was dating Carrie Brownstein
i love that this specific wording you used has no room for argument that it was just a rumor. AS journalism is, as we all know, real news. :P
(still, that saves me a lot of frustrated clicking around websites x__x)
Julien Baker, y’all! She’s also touring this Autumn.
Almost all of these are coming to my hometown of Boston but none of them are coming to St. Louis…curse this place I’m trapped in until I finish my law degree!!
i’ll take all of them please.
I HAVE CLASS DURING THE MARY LAMBERT/MAL BLUM CONCERT IN PORTLAND AND IT’S A ONCE A WEEK CLASS SO I CAN’T MISS IT. Why oh why would you schedule a concert on a Monday night?? My heart is going to cry so loud my classmates will hear it
Already got my tickets for Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher’s show! So excited!!
How did you find and publish my shopping list??
Seriously I already have tickets to half of these events and just bought copies of I Hate Everyone But You for me and my mother because Allison and I have very similar relationships to our parents
I dunno if they are fully on tour or not but if one is in the SoCal area at the end of September, Sleater-Kinney is playing the last day of Music Taste Delicious Festival in Long Beach.
I’m going to the Back to Back show in Seattle! And organizing a pre-show meet-up to make some new queer friends! If you’d like to join, let me know — it would be great to meet fellow Autostraddlers IRL. :D
I keep listening to Cameron Esposito’s new podcast and watching her stand up on YouTube. I really wish I could go see her live. Also would love to go see Allison and Gaby. <3
I would love to see all these shows, but I put my fall money towards a plane ticket to see a very special hunk-babe who frequents this very website. Seriously, someone please send me $50 so I can see Cameron Esposito and Rhea Butcher again. Right before I see Margaret Cho the same week. I shouldn’t complain but it’s so tempting! =)
Also, Chris Pureka is touring the Netherlands and the U.K. (plus one Belgium date) in September, and the northeast U.S. in December.
My girlfriend and I have tickets to see Mal and Mary in Chicago on November 10th!
Also I will probably wear my A-Camp shirt so you guys better come say hi ❤️
Cameron and Rhea, no LA? That makes me a sad panda