Queer Tarotscopes for Scorpio Season 2022: Where Are You Ready to Say Goodbye?

This season’s tarotscopes feature The Marigold Tarot and The Celestial Bodies Oracle.

Here in the northern hemisphere, we are now firmly in autumn. As the sun moves into Scorpio, as the temperatures drop and the air gets crisper, sharper, nature is reminding us of the power, the magic, the necessity of death: trees and plants moving into the next part of their cycle, letting leaves change and drop to the ground, fertilizing the soil with their rot and decay. It may sound grim to paint autumn with this particular brush, but it’s a potent reminder that death is natural, normal, and necessary.

After the light, balanced, value-focused energy of Libra’s cardinal air, after spending time considering the world around us and our responsibilities to it with Justice, Scorpio and Death bring an intensive energy of examination, release, and transformation. Fixed water is still and deep, offering us a chance to sink into ourselves, to honor intuition and hold space for mystery, to recognize what is essential to sustain and what is important to surrender. And in the same way, Scorpio has no time for bullshit, instead urging us to be honest with ourselves about what we really want and need, and what we are ready to let go of. What have you been clinging to, a dream or desire that belonged to an old version of yourself? What change is already occurring, that you may be fighting instead of embracing?

Death, as card thirteen, is numerologically associated with the number four (13 / 1+3=4) and the archetype of the Emperor. As chaotic and terrifying as endings often feel, it can be helpful to remember that this is not a card of random change or sudden, disastrous loss: instead, it’s an inevitable end, part of the natural cycle of things. Growth is not an endless, effortless trajectory, nor should it be. We cannot always be planting seeds without a harvest, without removing the weeds and rot that is clogging up our neatly arranged rows. We must reap what we sow, must clear out the fruit along with the overgrowth, must say goodbye to something that is already lost so that we can clear rooms in our heads and hearts for something new.

Half of our cards for this season are major arcana archetypes, which feels apt: Scorpio is a time of deep awareness, powerful transformation, and the potential for lasting, necessary change. In this season of Scorpio, honor what may be shifting, both within and around you, and give yourself the space to process whatever feelings come forward rather than trying to maintain the status quo. Experienced tarot readers or astrologers can plug the cards I’ve drawn for their sun, moon, and rising signs into the spread below to create a custom reading for this season. Scorpio is traditionally ruled by Mars, planet of passion and pursuit, but some modern astrologers also tie this sign to Pluto, planet of transformation and the subconscious, so you can plug your placements for either or both planet into this spread too for a more complete picture of your season.

tarot spread for scorpio season: mars/i crave, rising/i project, pluto/i desire, sun/i am, moon/i feel

It’s been a busy month: I’m editing a new column here at Autostraddle called Practical Magic, and recently had a personal essay on tarot and gender published in Catapult Magazine. If you’ve been waiting for more information on my book, you’re in luck — preorders for Finding the Fool: A Tarot Journey to Radical Transformation are now open! The best way to stay up-to-date on my writings, offerings, and latest tarot spreads is by subscribing to my newsletter, and by following me on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

As always with these tarot readings, take what you need and leave what you don’t. Happy Scorpio season!


aries / the magician

The Magician

After moving through a cycle of surrender and change in Libra season, Scorpio season may bring power and possibility, offering new roads forward and a sense of confidence, joy, and curiosity. You are so wildly capable, Aries, with fire burning in your veins and the courage to tackle whatever ideas come your way. This season, give yourself the space to explore inspiration, to consider what has captured your fancy, to dream big and often about where you want to go and who you want to become. You are incredibly well-resourced, perhaps even more than you may realize, so don’t let anxieties hold you back from identifying what it is you want to pursue. Where are you going? And what can you do right now to set yourself up for a creative, joyful future?


taurus / the tower

The Tower

If last season was all about rest, recovery, and restoration, this season may feel a bit jarring in its energy, bringing sudden change and an unexpected sensation of instability. When the Tower comes, it is usually a call to pay attention to something that you’ve been willfully ignoring — and while this can be a frightening card to see, take heart that you are more than strong enough to get through it. What have you been afraid to examine, unwilling to prioritize? What is shifting, and how can you care for yourself through the shift? Be gentle with yourself, but don’t hide from the truth: this is an opportunity to reclaim something you may have forgotten, a chance to clarify what you want and go after it. Where are you experiencing much-needed freedom?


gemini / temperance


Last season may have felt intense, exhausting, or difficult to move through, with changes happening all around and a necessary shift taking up a lot of your energy. But as you move into Scorpio season, you may find yourself slowing down, seeking balance, walking the middle path. Temperance is all about finding alchemy within ourselves, honoring the disparate pieces of our spirit that make sense to us. You’re not afraid to walk your own unique path, to pursue the ideas and information that sparks your curiosity — but as you continue to learn and grow, pay attention to the through lines that link your many skills, interests, and ambitions. What underlying joys can you find that tie everything together? How can you find clarity in looking at all that you love, all that you dream of?


cancer / three of rings

Three of rings

This Scorpio season, you may find yourself carrying forward the lessons from Libra — and that’s because I drew the same card for you that I did last season. The three of rings, otherwise known as the three of pentacles, is a card of growth, intentionality, cooperation, and resources. It speaks to expansion and collaboration, indicating that something that you’ve been working on is starting to show real potential, that things are clicking into place and new people may be offering their wisdom, resources, and support for your continued work. Whatever has been coming together will continue to feel joyful and exciting, so keep following the path you’re on, and remember that while what you’re doing may take time, it’s worth the effort. What are you investing in?


leo / the emperor

The Emperor

You may have felt like you’ve been moving through seasons of creative flow and joyful inspiration, with your passions stabilizing and big dreams starting to come together in a beautiful way. In this season of Scorpio, you may have new opportunities for leadership, command, and structure, stepping into your power in a way that helps you understand what you need to do next. Even the best projects don’t come together by magic and dreaming alone: they require hard work, elbow grease, intentionality, and purpose, all things that you have at your fingertips. What are you doing to ensure that your work has focus, milestones, protection? How can you make a plan for your future, one that ensures that everything you’re doing has a clear path to success?


virgo / four of wands

Four of wands

Whatever big flash of insight or clarifying idea you experienced last season may be creating a lot of new possibilities for you, as Scorpio season brings creativity, support, and a sense of purpose. Wands are the suit of fire, passion, motivation, and desire, and this card beautifully balances the magic in creativity with your own careful intentionality and eye for detail. In this new season, give yourself the space to celebrate all that you’re accomplishing, even as you may still be looking ahead to future obstacles, resource needs, or potential pitfalls. How can you be present in your joy? What is coming together, and how does that help you consider the directions your work may take next?


libra / three of swords

Three of swords

Sweet Libra, this season may bring a sharp insight or important bit of information that is invaluable for you to receive — but there’s a possibility that this experience may not be pleasant. The three of swords can be difficult in its precision, bringing feelings of betrayal, hurt, or distrust. Yet if we can move with an open mind, if we can recognize the necessity of this truth, it can help us to see ourselves and our present more clearly. Speak with care rather than speed, and if you find yourself feeling extra tender or sensitive, show yourself grace rather than pushing yourself to “get over it” as quickly as possible. Where are you learning new things? How can startling truths help us to adjust our efforts or expectations?


scorpio / the hanged one

The Hanged One

Happy birthday, Scorpio! As we move into your season, it may feel like you’re stuck in place, not necessarily seeing progress in the way that you expected or hoped for. This can be a discouraging sensation, leading to frustration or disappointment that you aren’t exactly where you’d intended to be. But sometimes, being forced to slow down or even stop altogether is exactly what we need in order to see an essential new perspective on a relationship, ambition, situation, or shift. Instead of struggling to push forward in spite of obstacles, instead surrender to the moment, allowing yourself to find the truths revealed when you look at something clearly. What are you discovering? Where have you needed a new viewpoint?


sagittarius / queen of wands

Queen of wands

Your natural fire and sense of passionate, powerful curiosity may feel heightened this season, particularly on the heels of a time of clarity, purpose, and strategic shifts. As you move into Scorpio season, this is a chance to embrace your boldness, your ambition, your courage. Creativity is crackling at your fingertips, and you may find yourself knowing exactly what you want, and seeing a clear path towards achieving it. Enjoy this feeling of fire! You are so open to new experiences and ideas, but this is a chance to own your creative authority, to remember how skilled and experienced you already are. How are you becoming a leader? What are you ready to pursue with everything you have? And who might be in your orbit that is looking to you for inspiration, support, or encouragement?


capricorn / queen of cups

Queen of cups

Just like last season, you may have major opportunities for emotional, intuitive leadership this season. And while Libra’s clarifying, balanced air may have felt more comfortable than Scorpio’s watery depths, this is a time for you to embrace your emotions, and to stop trying to control how you respect to situations, conversations, or revelations. Queens balance artistry with structure, creating safe spaces to explore, dream, and connect — so if this season feels challenging for you, remember your communities, your boundaries, the ways that you have already discovered help you examine any sensitivities in a protected environment. What is bubbling up within you? Who, or what, can help you honor those emotions instead of stifling them?


aquarius / the hermit

The Hermit

After last season’s rushes of fire and inspiration, this season may find you slowing way down, retreating and protecting, eager to examine your most hidden corners away from the public eye. You may be at the end of a cycle, and in these periods of metamorphosis, there are opportunities for reflection, awareness, and giving back. Pay attention to what you discover in these quiet moments, and remember that solitude is not the same as complete isolation. How can you be deliberate in your explorations, thorough in your internal investigations? Who do you share these intimate discoveries with? And how can you prepare yourself for the change that you are in the midst of?


pisces / seven of rings

Seven of rings

It may have felt like you spent a lot of last season examining your resources, considering your path forward, and making adjustments to help you reach your goals — and this season brings the same energy. Like Cancer, I pulled the same card for you in both Libra and Scorpio, indicating that you may have more discoveries to make, may need to look more deeply within to figure out where you want to go next. You’re so good at dreaming beautiful dreams, but chances are that you need to clarify what it is you want more fully. Don’t be afraid to put pen to paper, to speak your desire aloud, to make a real, tangible plan for achieving the life that you want. Where are you along your path of ambition? How can you make adjustments that get you closer to your goals?

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Meg is a freelance photographer, writer, and tarot reader living in New York City.

Meg has written 103 articles for us.