tarot readings featuring the Lumina Tarot and Compendium of Constellations decks
While Gemini season invited us to explore and communicate, sharing ideas and collaborating on multiple projects, Cancer season pushes us to be a bit more focused and internal. Our sensitive and compassionate crabs are the first water sign of the zodiac, and while they are deeply in tune with their emotions and relationships, their cardinal quality gives them a sense of solidity and stability even through shifting tides. This is a season for deeper internal exploration, creating boundaries for safety and protection, and harnessing powerful creativity towards more specific goals. In other words, all of those ideas and beginnings that were flowing through electric Gemini season will gain powerful traction in these days of Cancer, as we pour our hearts into those projects that speak to us on a deep, internal level, and build safe spaces that give us room for passion, creativity, and comfort.
Our card for this season is the Chariot, an archetype of movement, drive, focus, and purpose. Charging forward with everything they have, pushing towards the finish line with energy and fire, the Chariot knows exactly what they want, and will do anything necessary to get it. Long-term projects and new ideas alike propel forward with vigor and purpose, and it may feel at times that all that energy threatens to twist and spin out of control. While this powerful spirit may seem at odds with Cancer’s sensitive and dreamy vibes, these crabs are one of the more focused and ambitious signs of the zodiac, knowing how to hone in on what’s important and push until the job is done to their satisfaction. After giving ourselves so much freedom to explore and experiment with the Lovers, the Chariot asks us to present all of that confidence to the world, moving with determination and passion towards our broader goals. And Cancer’s nurturing and loving energy invites others to come along for the ride, keeping Gemini’s collaborative energy but focusing it in a specific direction.
The Chariot is so often about advancement and intention, but it also shows us the ways in which we show up in the world, the things we stand up for, the pride we hold in our individualism and uniqueness. Cancer is deeply in tune with emotion, unafraid to wade into the watery depths but not always comfortable sharing those feelings and revelations with others. As we explore our needs and desires this season, the Chariot can remind us that we alone choose what we show to the world, the person we are becoming. Our pasts do not have to define us, and we are allowed to keep growing and shifting and choosing to be exactly who we want to be. Embrace those emotions, honor all of your depths, and surrender to self-love. Your confidence and magic will manifest exactly what you need.
For those of us in the northern hemisphere, Cancer season also welcomes the summer solstice, an acknowledgement of long, hot days and sunshine-drenched adventures. Enjoying the sun’s lazy time in the sky during the season of the watery, intuitive moon gives us a chance to reflect on the growth we’ve experienced during the year so far, and encourages us to celebrate with both fire and water, masculine and feminine, light and shadow. Cancer may be a sign of comfort and joy, emotion and pleasure, but it also reminds us of the phases we experience in our daily lives. No matter your gender identity or expression, this is a season for exploring your relationship with the divine feminine, tapping into your most powerful intuitive self and honoring your ever-shifting cycles. Celebrate your innate creativity, the ways in which you care for yourself and those around you, and the strength you wield every single day.
With such an intense surge of emotion and intuition, perhaps it shouldn’t be surprising that I drew six major arcana cards for Cancer season. Many of this season’s cards speak to manifestation and inner magic, the ways in which we set our intentions and set them free into the world. Whether we’re starting new projects, finding hope and healing after a major transition, or learning how to create foundations for our future work, many of us are called to be deliberate with our choices and actions. Spend time considering what truly matters to you, the deep longings of your heart, and consider how you can set those dreams free.
In this season of Cancer, honor the momentum and confidence of the Chariot, listening to your intuition and putting your energy into the work that speaks to you. Experienced tarot readers or astrologers can plug the cards I’ve drawn for their sun, moon, and rising signs into the spread below to create a custom reading for this season, with a special emphasis on Cancer’s guiding planet of the moon.
In addition to my tarotscopes on Autostraddle, I’m also publishing longer ‘scopes for individual signs with Radical Tarot – this month I’m writing for Gemini. You can support my ongoing tarot studies, creative work, and publishing dreams on Patreon, and check out my daily writing and card draws onInstagram. I also offer personal, custom readings through my website, along with larger spreads and writings, and if you attended A-Camp I’m currently offering a discounted rate on my three-card readings through the month of June.
As always with these tarot readings, take what you need and leave what you don’t. Happy Cancer season!
The Hierophant
All of your fire, independence, and passion aren’t always at home in sensitive, watery Cancer, and you may find yourself struggling with such intense emotions as we shift into summer. But the Hierophant is an archetype that straddles the lines between physical and spiritual, urging us to connect with our magical roots and the core of our beings while also observing how we translate our beliefs into daily life. Utilize all of the Chariot’s forward energy and personal drive to embrace a spirit of exploration, creating rituals that empower you and tapping into the secret desires that inspire you. If you have a history with religion or higher education, this card may feel stifling or confusing, but remember that you have the power to create your own magic – this could be as simple as daily meditation, cooking regular meals, enjoying a gentle yoga practice, or treating your bathtimes with reverence. Honor your past and use the fire and power of the Chariot to move towards the future you crave.
Five of wands
Cancer is known for pampering, luxury, and love of the self, which are skills that you deeply excel at – but the powerful surge of emotions and ability to tap into intuition may feel foreign or less comfortable. As you move into this new season of long days and sunshine, pay attention to where you’re focusing your energy. It may feel that you’re losing your sense of purpose and direction, either juggling too many projects or finding yourself drained of passion and motivation. If Gemini season had you spending too much time considering your options and fantasizing about possible futures, take a step back and evaluate what truly drives you. Where does your inspiration live? What projects or dreams bring forward your creativity and energy? Stop trying to do everything at once and instead give yourself permission to focus on the things that truly matter. Once you know where to put your energy, you may find it returning in spades.
Ace of pentacles
As your birth season comes to a close, it may feel that the big risks you took last season are beginning to shape into something more tangible. All of your brilliant ideas and exciting collaborations are becoming a bit more focused, and you may find yourself wanting to let some of those dreams take root. Cancer season will be a time of patience and purpose for you, so work to acknowledge your emotions without letting them sway you from the things you know you need to build. When you are able to channel your heart into all of your ideas and dreams, they can become something truly special, something lasting. Harness your resources and begin work with renewed focus, following a recent vision or finally giving time and energy to an older one. Resist the temptation to feed multiple projects at once, and remember that you are planting a seed, one that will take time and consistent effort to grow and flourish.
Seven of cups
Happy birthday, Cancer! As we move into your season of high emotion and deep care, it may feel that you have endless possibilities stretching out in front of you. You can envision so many possible pathways and futures, with rich potential and a wide variety of choices. It’s a wonderful thing to be able to indulge in such beautiful fantasies, but resist the temptation to stay in that dreamy, emotional place of promise for too long – you can get caught up in what could be and never actually take steps towards completing those dreams. Doing nothing is also a choice, and may limit you from honoring your bigger goals and broader purpose.
Look carefully at your options, take stock of your feelings and intuition, and make intentional steps forward towards the future that feels right for you. There is not necessarily a wrong choice here, but following a path that draws you in will allow you to focus and devote more energy and emotion to it. Trust your heart, and let it lead you, leaving any regrets or doubts behind.
The Magician
Cancer season is brimming with potential for you, as all of the inspiration and emotion from Gemini has given you a powerful vision for your future. Take all of those raw hopes and the resources at your fingertips to begin putting your ideas into action, experimenting with different concepts and working to understand what you want to create. The rapid and endless phases of the moon may offer particular inspiration as you tap into the powerful fire you carry and acknowledge the shifting cycles within. Don’t be afraid of the emotion you may find along the way, as it will continue to bring you confidence and strength moving forward.
The Chariot’s powerful energy may have you craving movement and action, but focus on your imagination right now, the visions and intentions that you can manifest in the future. Allow yourself to spend time with potential, building on ideas and creative pathways. This is a season for dreaming.
The Star
Last season brought some powerful revelations and forgiveness of the self as you worked to release expectation, and Cancer season will bring a time of calm healing and gentle restoration. Give yourself the space to process the intense transitions you’ve been working through, particularly if the strong and shifting emotions of this season impact you in unexpectedly powerful ways. The world may look very different than it used to, and that requires internal adjustments and slow, thoughtful movement.
You are someone that prefers order and precision, thriving on structure – but Cancer’s watery emotion and reliance on intuition could throw some of your careful planning completely out the window. Be gentle with yourself as you digest the lessons from the previous season, and allow hope and healing to be your focus in the coming weeks. You are so strong, and the shifts you have endured bring lessons that will help you create endless magic.
Page of swords
In spite of the high emotions of this season, you may find yourself able to strike a balance between the longings of your heart and the power of your mind. A new opportunity is around the corner, one that could push you intellectually and honor your powerful initiative. Allow your intuition to help you make decisions about these new possibilities, and let your inner sense of truth and honor guide you forward. Your natural sense of equilibrium should help you balance head and heart with ease.
This is also a season of connection and beauty, a chance to dive deep into the pleasure and ease of Venus, so spend time caring for yourself and the people that are important to you. Cancer’s nurturing energy could heighten your instincts towards care and hospitality, so lean into it. Loving your friends and strengthening your community could help you navigate these new choices with clarity and intention, and solidify your sense of purpose.
The Tower
You’re right at home in watery Cancer’s rich emotion and powerful sensitivity, but this may be a season of disruption and transition for you. Be aware of the shifts happening around you, and pay attention to your intuition, especially if you feel a sense of foreboding or discomfort. You’re not someone that typically shies away from uncomfortable shifts or ends, so this could be a chance to release something painful or confining. Whether parts of your life feel completely out of your control or you come to a realization that shifts everything you thought you knew, this could be a challenging season, made more heightened by your typical reluctance to share your heart with those around you.
Take care of yourself, and don’t be afraid to move slowly and let your emotions guide you. Things may look very different for you by the time Cancer season is through, but these kinds of shifts often reveal important truths that help us grow in unexpected and powerful ways. Whatever is breaking has needed to be broken, so mourn and release with the knowledge that this transition is deeply necessary.
Four of pentacles
Cancer’s grounded, homey energy doesn’t necessary blend well with your desire for endless movement and exploration, but this season take care to lay some critical foundations for your future. Even if you feel reluctant to plan too far in advance, make an effort to note which resources you have access to and where you may be feeling a bit stingy or lacking. If you need additional cash, energy, structure, or other types of resources to help your plans take shape, bring others in and see how their collaboration may inspire you to greater heights. After a more reflective Gemini season, put some of those observations into practice and note where you still need to plan further.
It may feel more in your nature to harness the powerful drive of the Chariot and start moving without a concrete strategy in place, but setting your intentions and knowing exactly what you want will help you reach your goals more quickly and efficiently. Resist the urge to push and get the fundamentals in place first – you’ll be glad you did down the line.
The World
You’ve been on a very long and challenging journey, but this season you’ll feel a sense of fulfillment and completion that you don’t often experience. Take pride in everything you’ve accomplished, in the personal evolution that you’ve been enjoying over the past few seasons, and celebrate the magic at your fingertips. This may feel like difficult energy for you, as someone that is constantly striving forward and setting incredibly high expectations, but try to enjoy a sense of pride and accomplishment as you reflect on everything that you have created. Let Cancer’s rich emotion and sense of self-love fill you with pride and satisfaction, and enjoy the sensation of a job well done.
It won’t be long before you begin a new journey, set another goal, and start pushing forward again, but embrace those feelings of joy and take time to rest, recover, and reconnect with those you care about. It’s okay to celebrate once in awhile, and to honor the evolution you have been experiencing.
Knight of wands
This season will give you the chance to shake off some of your frustration from the past few weeks, and journey forward on an exciting new adventure. Whether you’ve been passionately planning a new project or finding fresh inspiration within, use your unique vision and gift for innovation to create something truly special. You may find that others are eager to collaborate with you on this work, bringing ideas and energy that keep you engaged – so don’t be afraid to work in tandem with others, especially if you feel comfortable taking the lead to create something that reflects your unique perspective and vision.
Often when we are deeply passionate about our work, our emotions become tangled or extra sensitive, so be aware of how your feelings connect to the projects you’re involved in. Cancer season has a tendency to heighten emotion, so if you find yourself particularly moody or frustrated with your progress, take a step back and reflect on your broader vision before jumping back in.
Last season was a powerful time of celebration, joy, and collaboration, but in the coming weeks, you may find yourself craving more time alone to reflect on your accomplishments and consider your next moves. You relish the opportunity to examine your emotions and get deeper in touch with your own intuition, so Cancer season is a particularly comfortable time for you – but in the midst of all that watery exploration, don’t get so lost in your own internal work that you lose sight of your purpose and needs. Your powerful insights and ability to understand the motivations of others will be a very useful tool this season, and your knowledge and experience could be invaluable to those around you. Practice both patience and maturity, giving yourself time and space to assess complicated issues and offering your observations in a firm but gentle way. Move gently and slowly, and choose your battles wisely.
your prose is always so comforting and reassuring. as an aquarius sun/virgo moon/aries rising who’s been a bit strung out lately, thank you for reminding me to be kind to myself and leave space for my emotions to exist without judging them. <3
thank you so much! this shift from gemini to cancer can be a lot, but one of my favorite things about this season is taking all of that empowering electric energy and channeling it into deep self-care and nurturing self-love. wishing you a lovely cancer season 🖤
I love the feature image thumbnail on this
the features images are so beautiful and i have absolutely nothing to do with them, so i am always delighted to see them pop up when the scopes go live 🖤
Once again, this Virgo feels absolutely seen. I *do* look forward to creating endless magic, and I thank you for your lovely and thoughtful interpretations and words. <3
i’m so glad to hear that, thank you! 🖤
Just found out my stepdad’s been lying again.
He’s Cancer. He tells everyone he’s Gemini. I mean, why do that?
This is the same guy who also tells people he comes from a different county because it sounds posher…
Anyway, this is good advice for Geminis. I’ve been spreading myself thin lately and it’s a good idea to focus on one thing at once. I find it tough to choose which though.
i’m a gemini rising and i also have found it challenging (especially lately) to focus on just one or two projects – but i find that my work absolutely does thrive when i can. hopefully channeling that powerful cancer intuition and trusting yourself to choose to work on things that speak to your heart will help you decide where to invest your energy 🖤
Dang, this really resonates with me, and makes some of what I’ve been feeling the last few days fall into place. Thanks for this! Wish I’d known to geek out with you about tarot when we met at A Camp this year! (I was the short but loud newbie Sea Serpent with the bright red undercut, haha)
hey alex! it was so great to meet you at camp and i’m sorry we didn’t get to chat tarot – fingers crossed for next year, and fortunately the internet is a great place for connection, especially around tarot and astrology. so glad this resonated with you and wishing you a lovely cancer season! 🖤
Which decks are you using? The tarot is really interesting (I particularly love the cards focussed on animal and abstract imagery). The zodiac oracle deck left me feeling a bit defensive–cancer, distract; leo, defeat; scorpio, punish…lol!
I’ve also just realised that my Cancer moon ass really did shift gear hard into Cancer season: starting on the 21st, I suddenly started having all of these incredibly emotional deep-dive discussions, and they’ve ended up giving me a wholly new sense of perspective and understanding around of the key secret stories within my family…. everything is shifting, it all looks new, and all the grief, love and anger it’s stirring up feels profoundly healthy. I hadn’t thought of it at all, but realising it’s Cancer season makes a whole lotta sense.
Very good readings as always, thank you so much.