Hi folks! I’m Deb with Queerstrology, here to share your horoscopes for Aries season, the first sign on the zodiac wheel.
Aries season begins with the Spring Equinox, bringing a burst of energy and youthfulness. It’s also a busy year for Aries placements with a Solar Eclipse, Venus in retrograde, and Mercury in retrograde. Later in the year, both Saturn and Neptune will go retrograde in Aries as well. The start of the astrology year encourages us to be more open to new ventures and taking chances.
Ruled by Mars, the planet of passion and drive, Aries also governs the 1st house associated with self-understanding. This means you may feel significant effects in these areas of your birth chart, particularly where Aries and Mars reside, as well as any activity in your 1st house.
Aries season brings an energy of letting things go and allowing yourself to have fun, releasing some of the pressure you’ve been feeling. Embracing this season will give your inner child the chance to express itself.
Key Dates to Note:
Aries season begins Thursday, March 20th at 5:01 am ET. The Sun moves into the constellation of Aries, ending on April 19th, with the start of Taurus season.
March 29: New Moon in Aries
New moons symbolize rebirth, and under the influence of Aries, they bring an energy of activity and adventure. This is a time to have some fun.
March 29: Partial Solar Eclipse Aries
Solar Eclipses close out the eclipse season and initiate change. There are two a year, and this is the first one. Solar eclipse occurs when the Moon is between the Sun and Earth, causing part of the Sun to be blocked out. Under the sign of Aries indicates a need to have fun and push yourself out of your comfort zone.
April 7: Mercury Direct Pisces
Mercury is the planet of communication; it goes into retrograde 3 or 4 times a year for about 3 weeks at a time. Release the feeling of restriction around your voice and thoughts. Take what you have learned and share it.
April 12: Full Moon in Libra
Full moons bring a time of reflection, and under the sign of Libra. This encourages seeking balance. Allowing consideration of yourself in addition to others.
April 13: Venus Direct in Pisces
Venus is the planet of vulnerability; it goes into retrograde 1 time every 18 months, for about 45 days at a time. Now your connections will see a rebirth. Under the sign of Pisces, it indicates intuitive connection growth.
How Aries Season Affects Your Sign
It’s your season, bringing an explosion of energy toward your future. While both Venus and Mercury retrograde in your sign may have left you feeling drained and discouraged, now is the time to overcome obstacles and forge a path forward. Make yourself a priority but be generous in allowing others to follow your lead. Your passion and drive make you a beacon of confidence.
For Taurus, preparing for your season begins now. Take the time to reflect on the past year and the goals you wanted to achieve. Although Aries season brings energy that may make you feel rushed, it is important to set your intentions for the future, accounting for what you have achieved and setting new goals.
During Aries season, you begin to feel a surplus of energy. The best outlet for this buzz is group or team activities. You’re in the mood to teach others and are more open to learning from them. Through this exchange of information, a beautiful intention is born. Use the power of your voice to enhance new ideas.
The place you call home is very precious to you. Aries season brings you the confidence and security to speak up more. Your emotions may come across as too sensitive, but now is the time to show others that emotion can be a superpower for taking action. Try doing something that will surprise the people who know you best.
Aries season is when your fellow fire sign blazes a path forward, allowing Leo to feel more secure and appreciated. What are you craving in life? Be bold and step forward. Whatever it is, you have the tools to make it work. Trust yourself, and no one will be able to outshine your glowing presence.
Where you feel the need for perfection, Aries season urges you to let go of control. You love to have ideas and plans fully vetted, but now is the time to reconnect with parts of your life that didn’t fit into your structured lifestyle. Stop asking so many questions before acting and embrace an unpredictable experience.
You’re great at finding balance in your relationships, but during Aries season, your opposite sign brings you fearlessness. Now is your chance to act on the connections you’ve been wanting but haven’t felt worthy of making. You don’t need anyone’s approval. Determination looks good on you.
For Scorpio, change can be difficult. Anything new in your life must pass your test, which can lead to feelings of being stuck. Don’t get too comfortable. It’s time to make some changes. Stepping into your power requires breaking routine, which will lead to transformation. Work toward establishing a new version of yourself.
Aries season encourages you to make quick decisions. It will now be important to rediscover the things you used to love. Your spirit craves independence, but sometimes that comes with sacrifices. If people can’t see the real you and support you, they don’t deserve your passion.
During Aries season, Capricorn is rarely seen out and about. The energy and drive give you more focus on getting things done. You don’t need others’ help, but it doesn’t hurt to have someone care for you. Allow yourself to work but remember to take care of the other parts of your life as well.
It’s time for your voice for humanity to turn into action. You can see a way to help make the world a better place, even if it isn’t typical. Don’t wait for a sign, use the energy of Aries season to build your strength. The transformation you experience will not be a solitary one; your connections will follow.
All the ideas and creativity that came to you during your season have now become seeds ready to be planted. During Aries season, your dreams transform into tangible ideas. This process can help ground you, clarifying your future intentions. Looking ahead, you will begin to see who you’re becoming.
If you would like to learn more about Astrology, check out my social media @Queerstrology or drop any questions in the comments. Let’s learn from each other!