Pop Culture Fix: “Orange is the New Black” Season Five Trailer Is A Lot and Other Stories

+ The official full-length Season Five trailer for Orange is the New Black has arrived and it is INTENSE — plus, all the action contained therein is going to happen over a three-day time period, as that is the entire length of time covered in Season Five. Also, I know many episodes of this show had somehow leaked onto the internet but I don’t know how all that works so I haven’t seen them so NO SPOILERS.


+ If you thought that was your only Season Five trailer today, you are very wrong: Orphan Black drops intense final season trailer: ‘Now we fight’

Korean Television is Going Queer: “…queerness bubbles like lava just under the crust of Korean culture; plot devices are just the societally acceptable cracks through which it seeps out.”

From ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ to ‘I Love Dick,’ the female gaze is thriving on television

+ The GLAAD Media Awards took place this past weekend in New York (read our write-up of last month’s ceremonies in Los Angeles here), and the outstanding documentary Southwest of Salem won Outstanding Documentary. Rosie O’Donnell made a surprise appearance, and winners included Tegan and Sara, Strut, The Daily Show’s interview with Angelica Ross and Teen Vogue.

+ Trish Bendix on the rise of queer women as the hottest spokesmodels.

+ Have you been watching the new reality TV show What Happens At The Abbey? Us neither. But! It looks like Brandi (who was an Autostraddle Calendar Girl back in 2012) is ready to have a baby with her lady and her gay BFF: The Abbey’s Brandi Talks Having a Baby With BFF Lawrence & GF Chloe: It’s the Gay Version of Three’s Company on What Happens at The Abbey

+ ‘Pretty Little Liars’: The Show’s 12 Big Cultural Influences

+ Queer Horror Is Having A Moment Right Now

+ Nylon talked to Cate Blanchett about her new art project with filmmaker-artist Julien Rosefeldt and also asked her about Carol.

+ Remezcla #Resist Film Series: May Screening Movement for Trans Lives

+ Jill Soloway on Donald Trump, Transparent, and ‘I Love Dick’

John Early Finds Comedy in a Gay Weddings

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. Still no mention of All For One? It’s a very good, very queer little webseries that’s fundraising for its second season and needs a lot of help to get there in the next 9 days: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/all-for-one-webseries-season-2

    (And they’ve confirmed that if season 2 happens, it will be even queerer! One of the actors recently came out as trans, and the show has said that in the new season, his character will also be trans and part of his story will be about exploring what it means to be a trans man in a sorority. Isn’t that cool? Let’s help that story get told!)

    • Yesss I love All for One! It fits really well with Autostraddle’s mission and I think a lot of readers would really enjoy it.

  2. *whispers* am I allowed to admit I saw the leaked episodes of OITNB? Let’s just say I watched screeners…

    • Same here. I may or may not have watched everything but the last three episodes and I am looking for someone to talk about it

    • I debated to watch it or not, but I opted not to which is so unlike me because I am always gimme gimme spoilers. I’ll definitelt want to tackle it in the forst weekend cause this looks good.

        • Well the reason I didn’t was because it was obtained in such a shady way, I didn’t want to risk downloading a bug or something along with it.

  3. Still feeling really really burned by s4 of OITNB. Will legitimately scream if one more person tries to redeem Piper. Also wonder if they added any WOC writers this season???

  4. so maybe somehow i don’t know how orange is the new black maybe ended up on my computer and i haven’t watched it yet but maybe possibly if people wanted it, there could be a mini-screening at a-camp maybe this is all hypothetical because i am a law abiding citizen of the united states

    • I would probably suggest you no do that as I was told it wasn’t the final cut or edit of most episodes, so it maybe missing some background soundtrack and other things(I did that for an episode of the L Word and it was felt a bit off).

      • interesting.

        well, i don’t plan to watch it on netflix At All to express my distaste in how they handled last season, so if I do watch it, I guess it’ll have to be with a few holes in it. I’m still very raw though, so probably not.

  5. I was so hoping something about Sense8 would be on here!! There is so much action between our favorite queer couple Amanita and Nomi in the new season that came out last Friday. Can there be a post about it pleeeeeease? <3

  6. Are we going to talk about the second season of Master of None which starts this week?
    Well more specifically about Lena Waithe?

  7. Also Luisa reappeared on JtV for five seconds and seemed like she might be moving in a stronger and healthier direction! And then she re-disappeared.

    • I missed having the chance to discuss that episode of Jane the Virgin.

      That episode was almost perfect. Most of it felt like a callback to Jane‘s first season, with its focus on Jane’s sex life (or lack thereof), Rogelio’s career and the relationships between Petra and Rafael, Xo and Rogelio and Alba and Jane. You got to remember why you fell in love with those characters in the first place, while still witnessing growth in their characters.

      Absent that growth, though, a storyline is more a retread than a callback, which is exactly what we saw with Rose and Luisa. How many times are we going to watch Luisa vacillate between her family and her relationship? She chooses family everytime and then Rose disappears only to reemerge later with a new face…rinse and repeat. It is so frustrating to watch this show brilliantly craft storylines for everyone else on the canvas and then relegate Yara Martinez to telling the same story over and over again.

      • I did feel like this was a bit different for her though, because she openly defied Rose and told her to her face that she was choosing her family this time, rather than just promising everyone else she was going to do that and then not doing it.

        I know the reason for the spotty Luisa storyline is because both Yara Martinez and Bridget Regan are too busy with other projects to appear much, and I suspect the writers probably have to script them in quickly when they find out an opportunity is coming up, but it’s really unfortunate that that has to happen with the only queer couple on the show.

  8. In other tv news, the hammer came down on Rosewood. It was cancelled after 2 seasons. I hate that it ended on a cliffhanger for the fans of the Rosie/Villa relationship but at least Pippy and TMI went out on a happy note.

  9. Dear GLAAD awards, if you want to be taken seriously and have an impact, have 1 big blowout show (hopefully televised somewhere or now livestreamed) instead of the mini shows in 3 different locations at 3 different times. that’s my 2 cents anyway.

  10. A couple other tidbits:

    – Lexi Ainsworth of General Hospital took home an Emmy for her portrayal of Kristina Corinthos-Davis, the doe-eyed coed who began questioning her sexuality after falling for her lesbian English professor. The storyline was, effectively, dropped last summer, so hopefully the Emmy win and the renewed focus will spurn the writers to resume telling Kristina’s story.

    You can watch the entire storyline online, here.

    Imposters, Bravo’s latest foray into the world of scripted programming, got picked up for a second season. I know I often couch my recaps of the show in a list of “this is why Imposters is problematic,” but, ultimately, I really enjoyed the show and encourage others to give it a chance. You’ll be surprised by how resonant it is.

  11. Cate Blanchett mentioned that she heard from people about “Carol” during her recent stint on stage in NYC. Indeed, it became quite the thing to wait outside the stage door at “The Present” to see Cate. Many of us had “Carol” memorabilia for her to sign more than anything else. Some were repeat visitors. Everyone was very respectful and she made sure she signed most everything we handed her. She was absolutely lovely.

  12. I’m still a bit skeptical after all the crap OITNB pulled last season (ie exploiting real life tragedy, trying to humanize a rapist and a murderer, hurting all our favorite characters but focusing on “poor little Piper” who sided with Neo-nazis to destroy Maria’s family, etc.), but I have to appreciate Big Boo in a suit and Taystee voicing how we all feel about Piper.

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