Pop Culture Fix: Tig Says Lesbian Masterpiece One Mississippi‘s Season 3 Was Gonna Be “Quite The Force” and Other Stories

…. Hi One Mississippi and I Love Dick got cancelled yesterday and I had some choice words on that topic. Salon has also noted that by Ending “One Mississippi” and “I Love Dick,” Amazon is canceling its way to the mainstream.

Uproxx notes that canceling One Misssissippi was “a dumb decision by Amazon”:

This was a great show that still felt like it had a lot of story to tell, and one of the advantages of this weird, overflowing era in TV is that great shows tend to be allowed to run as long as they want, or at least get to end at a point mutually negotiated between creator and distributor. (One of my biggest Peak TV critic regrets of 2017 was not finding the time to write about the second season, other than a few tweets praising Rothman’s work with Sheryl Lee Ralph as Bill’s similarly uptight new girlfriend.) Season two featured a lot of complicated romance, including Tig developing a crush on her ostensibly straight radio producer Kate (played by Notaro’s wife Stephanie Allynne) and Kate realizing that she’s interested, and Remy falling for a single mom who treats him well but has religious views that make her a tricky fit with the rest of the family. It dealt bluntly and boldly with sexual abuse in both the past, with Tig telling her radio audience about the molestation she endured, and Remy, in turn, grappling with the collateral damage he suffered as a result; and in the present, when Kate’s boss masturbates in front of her and the company fumbles around with what to do about it.

Fast Company reports that fans of One Mississippi are AGHAST.

The Mary Sue asks “if Amazon just decided they were too relevant and their shows were too good.”

Tig Notaro has responded to the cancellation on her Facebook page, here’s just an excerpt:

I am obviously very disappointed because there were so many more stories to tell- SO many. I must say, season 3 was already shaping up to be quite the force. It is nothing short of tragic that the powers that be found no space for us to continue to speak our truths. And because of this decision, I will no doubt miss the RIDICULOUSLY gifted cast and crew that surrounded me.

…BUT THERE IS LIGHT IN THE WORLD STILL, MY FRIENDS. Read Carmen’s recap of the incredible pilot episode of Black Lightning and get excited for the future.

….A new trailer for Heathers continues making me wonder if the black lesbian is going to do any lesbianing or like, is she still gonna be a lesbian? Did they change that? What’s going on. Why do they keep saying “Our modern retelling centers around marginalized communities — a plus-size, a black girl, and a queer — trashing everyone around them.” I don’t know, everybody already hates it anyhow.


… I was weary when I first heard about Bellevue, which centers on the aftermath of a brutal murder of a trans girl in a small Canadian town and the detective (played by Anna Paquin) who is conveniently back home for this event. But reading this article gave me hope — the character in question is played by an actual trans actress, and also:

On Bellevue, O’Neil, 22, portrays Jesse Sweetland, the town’s star hockey player who goes missing. Though Jesse embodies familiar transgender tropes – namely the devastating reality of trans violence at the show’s crux – O’Neil appreciates the showrunners fleshing out its trans lead versus linking her transgender identity to mere victimization. Selfie videos in later episodes actually contextualize Jesse’s life beyond gender-hinging one-dimensionality and offer nuanced complexities often unseen in trans-broaching crime dramas.

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… Meet TV’s First Black Lesbian Superhero:

I’m really honored,” Nafessa Williams says about playing Thunder. “We don’t really get to see young, black women opposite each other on TV and film. I’m really proud to play a role for young lesbian women to see themselves [and] to see how loving and supportive the family is. I believe that family of lesbian and gay teenagers need to see that, if they’re struggling with accepting their child’s sexuality.”

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… I know that this isn’t the point of the post, but it turns out that Netflix’s new show The End of the F*cking World has a lesbian couple in it!

… “I don’t know about this poster, I’m getting SEXY THRILLER and pretty much nothing else (lesbian sexy thriller I guess?).”

… How ‘Mona Lisa’ Outed the Lesbian Archetype and Broke the Enigma Code

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‘Instant Love’ is Reinterpreting Straight Love Songs With a Same-Sex Twist

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3302 articles for us.


  1. I feel like I might be the only person I know that enjoyed that Heathers trailer. Granted, I haven’t seen Original Flavour Heathers, but the villains seem like they’re a lot of fun and are very interesting as characters.

    • There is no topping the original Heathers. It positioned the homophobes as villains in a subversive way.

      This new one looks like it’s… about a thin white straight girl getting revenge on a fat girl, a genderqueer, and a black lesbian. Ok? Did Jonathan Chait write this? Because those bullies fulfil his cartoonish depiction of PC Radicals Who Are Destroying America.

      • Exactly. If this eventually ends the same way, it seems like an excuse to ultimately take out these characters without getting called out for it.

      • Thanks for the context! I didn’t know the original plot, so I wasn’t aware that homophobia was part of the original storyline, which makes a difference in my understanding of the story.

        There was a discussion about this on Metafilter where someone said that with the volume off, the first half of the trailer seemed like a cathartic “us weirdos are now the popular kids how awesome!!” which I can relate. Seems like a shame then that the rest of the trailer (and the show?) spoils that catharsis.

  2. Y’all the Supernatural Wayward Sisters episode was SO GOOD and also pretty gay. There is already fanfic and I have a new ship!!

  3. Thanks for the Horror Queers link! Overall, I’m a huge fan of Almodovar’s work, but there are certain things I really struggle with, and The Skin I Live In puts many of them on display. For someone who’s outspoken about his love/admiration for women and his dedication to telling their stories, dude includes way too much rape. And the fact that gender reassignment surgery (I can’t even call it gender affirming surgery as it was forced) is treated as a punishment here, like in that godawful Michelle Rodriguez flaming bag of shit nightmare vehicle, is thoroughly disappointing.

    I could honestly sit here and wear down my keyboard for hours on this subject so I’ll cut myself off now, but in summation: thanks, but also dammit, because now I’m probably going to watch it again and drive myself nuts anew.

  4. Wow that Instant Love playlist. I don’t dare breathe in case it breaks the spell. Just Wow.

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