It is a truth universally acknowledged that some days are just shitty. Through no fault of your own, but because of a bunch of shitty out-of-your-control events that all seem to happen in the same 12 hours, everything makes you mad and nothing seems to go right. I believe Hyperbole and a Half accurately described this feeling once.

via hyperbole and a half
It’s an uncontrollable frustrating murderous rage! Don’t worry, everybody has those days. In fact, I had one of those days just the other day. So I made a playlist for you. It comes in two parts because if you’re like me then you hold your rage in all day and it takes a long time to unwind.
Part One is for when you come home from work/school/the doctor’s/your great aunt’s birthday party and you’re all worked up because of all the things and you’re like “I HATE EVERYONE”/WHY. For that I have included “I Hate Everyone” by Get Set Go which might actually be the underlying theme of this playlist. But it gets better! I promise. #itgetsbetter. That’s that Part Two is all about. Tomorrow will be better, I swear.
So You Had A Bad Day
Part One:
Runaway – Kanye West
Better Already – Northern State
Evident Utensil – Chairlift
Right As Rain – Adele
Good To Sea – Pinback
I Fought The Law – The Clash
Baby, I’m An Anarchist – Against Me!
I Hate Everyone – Get Set Go
Camp Out – An Horse
LG FUAD – Motion City Soundtrack
Here I Dreamt I Was An Architect – The Decemberists
Don’t Give A Damn – Chairlift
Part Two:
Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want – The Smiths
Get Me Away From Here, I’m Dying – Belle & Sebastian
I Know I Know I Know – Tegan And Sara
Better – Regina Spektor
L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N – Noah And The Whale
Monday Monday Monday – Tegan And Sara
Surf Wax America – Weezer
This Year – The Mountain Goats
Float On – Modest Mouse
Today Will Be Better, I Swear! – Stars
Stay Young, Go Dancing – Death Cab For Cutie
Let It Be – The Beatles
Add your favorite bad day tracks in the comments below!
Want to suggest a playlist theme? Hit Crystal up on Formspring and someone on the team will make it for you.
I love this, I used to listen to Right As Rain every night on my drive home from work as my “you just spent 12 hours being a slave for self-serving assholes” therapy..
Others that always helped:
Give It To Me Right by Melanie Fiona (I don’t know why),
Hate On Me by Jill Scott (ALWAYS)
I’m Not Your Toy by La Roux (super recommend)
Laughing With by Regina Spektor
Clean Getaway by Maria Taylor
and of course..
Walking On Broken Glass by Annie Lenox (honestly, this my shit, this my shit)
more I can’t remember, but yes, lovely playlists.
‘I hate everyone’ has got me through more bad days than I can count. Often I just put it on repeat and drown out the world.
God, I needed this today. Fun fact: any day in which you work a 12 hour shift in a factory is a bad day.
I love you.
+1 from me
Awww +1
U2 – dirty day -> for the line “you don’t even remember what I’m trying to forget”
puddle of mud – she f*cking hates me
Damn, I got a bad *life*
This is very relevant to my interests.
“Sittin’ on the Dock of the Bay” always makes me feel better. Either Otis Redding’s or Sara Bareilles’ version will do.
When I was a kid I thought this song went “Sittin’ on the top of the bed,” which also seemed pretty relaxing.
I mean, any anger playlist without Caught Out There isn’t worth hearing.
I never usually listen to playlists/mixes because my first girlfriend kept promising to make me mix cds but then was like, “Oh I just copied this sigur ros album for you does that count?” and it was too much disappointment for me to handle. But I had a bad day so I’m listening to this and it’s very good so far, thanks!
Mountain Goatszzzzzzzzzz.
So guuuuuud.
That song has so many feelings inside of it.
ALSO for part II: Nothing’severgonnastandinmyway (Again) by Wilco.
Anything by Superchick usually makes me feel better. Try ‘One Girl Revolution’ or ‘Get Up’ if you haven’t heard her before. ‘Pure’ is another favorite.
Guess what will NOT fix a bad day? “Bad Day” by Daniel Powter.
yeah, I got the idea from his song, but defs didn’t want to include it haha
I really appreciate the addition of part two, ’cause it’s easy to forget sometimes.
Hate Everyone- Say Anything
Chia Like I Shall Grow- Say Anything
Both work really.
Part Two/#itgetsbetter strongly resembles my Feelings. playlist that I made a few weeks ago as I try and shake this broken heart. Playlists defo help!
this is phenomenally well timed
I usually put on “Fuck Today” by Lil’ Wayne when I am having a bad day.
can somebody please link me to the hyperbole and a half that photo is from. i need it in my life right now.
it’s in the first paragraph
ohf. just what i needed. thank you. <3
Half of me is hoping to have a bad day at work tomorrow just so that I can listen to and truly appreciate these playlists. The other half of me thinks the first half sucks.
I could do with listening to these play lists 24/7 as I’m having a tough time at work. Trust me, don’t even get me started. That hyperbole image perfectly captures how Im feeling!