Moving sucks, but you know what the most miserable part of moving is? Packing. You just keep finding all of this stuff that is so useless and distracting and a waste of space, and for some reason, you decide that you still can’t live without it, even though it’s just a box full of gel pen notes from seventh grade. It’s inconvenient, you can never find where you put that one thing you definitely need at a later time, and you do all of these things with the full knowledge that you have to UNpack it all again later. Maybe you’re like me, and you just leave boxes full of stuff in your closet for eight months. It makes moving the next time way easier, just so you know.
But sometimes moving is exciting, right? Maybe you’re packing up for your first year of college, in which case, I am so giddy and excited for you and you’re going to have a great time! Maybe you’re U-Hauling it and moving in with your girlfriend after three months of dating — let me know how that works out for you! Maybe you just scored a super awesome apartment with a dishwasher and a laundry room located in the same building! We can dream, right?
Most things are less miserable when you can dance around while doing them, I’ve found. In addition to this playlist, I recommend oldies, 80s & 90s, and Top 40. Without further commentary, here are some songs to make packing suck less.

via {heliotrope3 on flickr}
Pack Your Bags And Move On Out
Endless Summer – The Jezabels
I Woke Up Today – Port O’Brien
Cameo Lover – Kimbra
Babyface – The Elected
Gold Guns Girls – Metric
The Ocean – Tegan & Sara
Some Are Lakes – Land of Talk
Oceans – The Format
Down By The Water – The Decemberists
The Hardest Part – Washington
Starry Eyed – Ellie Goulding
Sunlight – Bag Raiders
Walcott – Vampire Weekend
What I Say And What I Mean – The Like
Heartbeats – The Knife
People Got A Lotta Nerve – Neko Case
My Year In Lists – Los Campesinos!
Pull Shapes – The Pipettes
Portions for Foxes – Rilo Kiley
Here Comes September – Waikiki
What are your favorite pack-up-and-go songs?
Want to suggest a playlist theme? Hit Crystal up on Formspring and someone on the team will make it for you.
Jerk It – Thunderheist
24 Hours (Aston Shuffle Remix) – Terry Poison
There are a tonne more but that’s all I can think of :/
By if you put them on repeat you’d probably be pretty tired lol
this is probably better than what I’ve been doing, i.e. packing and crying to this:
My Year In Lists is one of my favourite songs and should be on all the playlists EVER. Also, Our House – Madness.
This is great timing! I’m moving to Nashville in 13 days, so now I can listen to this while throwing everything together.
ah kimbra! and i honestly don’t think i’m capable of making a playlist that doens’t have rilo kiley in it.
this is great! i’ll remember it for next time i have to pack up all my stuff ( which will inevitably not fit into my suitcases)
CSS’City Girl was my anthem when I was packing up. Whenever I started to doubt the move screaming, “I dreamed so much about bein’ there and live the life I didn’t have yet!” totally got me back on track.
But sometimes I cry listening to dance music. Which is just fucking awkward.
Thank you for this. This came at a perfect time: I’m moving tomorrow from California back home to New York after 8 months, and packing and leaving my amazing home and job here to go back to school has been the absolute worst. Now I have all the annoying stuff that I’m not sure where to fit left to pack, so hopefully this will help get me through it.
You are a talent at mixing compilations. Thank you! I enjoyed it while “packing” my face of ham and eggs. Mmmmmmmmm.
Did you know I was moving this week? It’s the worst. I get so much anxiety from moving. However, I am that lucky gal who scored a dishwasher, huge patio and laundry in my unit! I will be unpacking this weekend to your playlist. Thanks!
Party for all of us moving this weekend! This playlist will make my anxiety less ibs ridden.
destiny’s child – but save survivor for when you think you can’t pack any longer
Thank you!
Last time I moved, my roomie and I hooked up speakers to my laptop and blasted 80s music through the apartment as we cleaned. Epicsauce.
I actually really wish I was moving right now. I’ve spent the last week fighting the urge to run away…
I am in the same boat. If you ever need a ‘run away’ themed playlist, I got you covered<3
You are the absolute BEST, I’m moving into my dorm in a week and I need lots of dance music to keep the nervousness at bay! The autostraddle moving guide has also been a huge help so far. :)
Well timed, yet again, Autostraddle.
You Guys, I just got into my dream masters program and I’m at my office all alone and have no one to celebrate with me. :/
I’ll just play this playlist while I apply for a visa.
Which is kind of like packing, but less fun and more full of paperwork.
Congrats! We’ll celebrate with you via the interwebs! Have fun applying for a visa.. that is the worst.
Yay! Internet Celebration!
Right on the money. I’m finally moving out of this right-wing, Christian infested ice box in November and it’s been a summer full of goodbyes and mixed emotions.
Great playlist once again Hansen! you have excellent taste. :)
One more time when I feel Autostraddle knows my life a little TOO well. *stares over my shoulder suspiciously*
I have avoided clicking on your playlist all day, Hansen. Because I don’t want to admit to myself that I’m moving again. And I’m moving to New York City, which is Big, Scary, and A Lot Of Work. And every time I think about moving, I start crying. I actually still don’t know what’s on this playlist because I can’t bring myself to look at it because I can’t bring myself to think about the fact that I’m moving and I don’t know where I’m moving. But. When I finally do admit it to myself, know I’ve put this in my bookmarks to be my soundtrack. I don’t care what’s on it. I will love it. Thank you Hansen.
ali the secret about new york city is that it’s actually Amazing and Wonderful and will Welcome You With Open Arms i promise <3
I hope it lives up to this hype! You’ve got this, Ali. Moving is SCARY but fun, and you will totally find a great apartment and have the best time EVER.
I literally was looking for an autostraddle packing playlist YESTERDAY and settled for a different playlist that wasn’t quite right. Please time your playlist publish dates appropriately next time, thanks and love
this is so good! for any occasion :)
Thanks Hansypants. I am packing as we internet-speak.
oh my goodness, this makes the prospect of unpacking vacation things and repacking uni things actually seem do-able and possibly exciting.
just moved into a new place on August 1st…Mates of State got me through it, ladies
Also, Kimbra <3 lovely choices, Hansen
This is extremely relevant as I am running away from home today! Wish me luck.
Yay! I just found this as I’ve been without internet for the last week. But today I’m packing! Because I got a sweet new job in another (better) state and they want me to start tomorrow! Hopefully this playlist allows me to pack quickly, ha.