Playlist: For Queers by Queers

Frank Ocean’s coming out was a huge deal in the music world, but he’s not the first out queer artist in the world of R&B, hip hop or rap*. There are plenty of artists who have been here and been queer for years, and this is a perfect time to celebrate them. From Detroit to NOLA to NYC, there are gay, bisexual, lesbian, trans, and queer artists who are making seriously awesome stuff everywhere, so let’s give them their due.

*This isn’t exclusively a hip hop or rap playlist; it also includes R&B, bounce, and I believe House of Ladosha describes their genre as “cunt.” So.


Music By Queermos for Queermos from Autostraddle on 8tracks.

Almost Famous – Big Freedia
Kryptonite Pussy – Yo Majesty
The Birdcage – Cakes Da Killa
Barbie Shit – Azealia Banks
Lovecrimes – Frank Ocean
Slow Hands (Interpol Cover) – Azealia Banks
Don’t Sleep – Invincible
Swim Good – Frank Ocean
So Incredible – Kin4Life
Sigh – Katastrophe
Gayngsta ft. Don Jones – Le1f
Gomorrah – Le1f
Banjee Girl Realness – House of Ladosha
Burning Like Paris – House of Ladosha
Work It – Katey Red
Ima Read – Zebra Katz
Jungle Fever feat. Das Racist – Angel Haze
Wavvy – Mykki Blanco

Want to suggest a playlist theme? Hit Crystal up on Formspring and someone on the team will make it for you.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


  1. The dubstep remix of AzB`s Slow Hands Cover is the fuckin best, ugh hearing her say POLE DANCE, gotdamn

  2. Love house of ladosha. Saw them at pantyhoes in bk a few years back and they were insane!

  3. You haven’t lived until you go to a Big Freedia show. There is literally “azz everywhere”! it’s sheer insanity but in a good fun way

  4. this mix is fucking awesome and so relevant to my interests. I’ve been listening to dark york on repeat since it dropped. also one time I got drunk and wrote mykki blanco an email. he emailed me back. it pretty was cute.

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