Peaches and Friends Rock Out For Pussy Riot and Your Enjoyment

Rachel’s Team Pick:

I was going to try to tell you about how awesome Peaches is and how many positive feelings she makes me feel (I mean!) but that would be, as they say, a story for another day. One neat thing Peaches has done lately is put together a badass guerrilla music video in order to support Russian feminist punk rockers Pussy Riot, both in principle and financially. You can read the entire story here, but essentially Peaches and video coordinator John Renaud put out a call for Pussy Riot supporters to meet at the Glory Whole cafe in Berlin at a day and time wearing bright colors and balaclavas, and put together an impromptu and super punk rock video with about 400 participants and 70 people sending in their own video from remote locations. The video is free, but the site of its original posting offers a donation link for people to contribute to Pussy Riot’s legal bills if they wish.

Free Pussy Riot! #freepussyriot from Peaches on Vimeo.

According to Rolling Stone,

The premise of the video, says Peaches, is “to continue the Pussy Riot concept for freedom and show how it will never die.” Peaches first heard that Pussy Riot was charged and incarcerated when it first happened in March. “I was obsessed with them already and the punk actions they made around Moscow,” she says. “I was hoping to get in touch with them, but then they got arrested.”

In honor of both Pussy Riot and Peaches, please do something punk rock today.

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1140 articles for us.


  1. This video totally made my work day so much better!! WE ARE ALL PUSSY RIOT! Thank you for this!

  2. I haven’t done anything punk rock today, sadly. Sorry. Please forgive me. I’ll have to do something punk rock tomorrow in honour of your special day :-)

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