The Comment Awards Are (Still) Talking Laughing Loving Breathing
Are Diva Cups the new Swiss Army knife?
Are Diva Cups the new Swiss Army knife?
I hope in a couple generations, kids look at us like we are insane when we tell them about the current state of health care in this country. For trans people, especially trans women of color, the picture is particularly dire.
Maps, lesbian steampunk recommendations, today’s reason you’ll want to propose to Mallory Ortberg, reading women writers and more.
On Tuesday morning, six same sex couples and LGBT civil rights group Equality Florida filed a lawsuit in pursuit of marriage equality in the Sunshine State.
Topics include fundamentalist Christian homeschooling, V.C. Andrews, BUST Magazine, the Backstreet Boys, the House of Prayer, ghostwriting, The Greyhound and more!
There are so many great L-words they didn’t get to use.
This one’s for all the Emily/Ali fans out there. Here’s some fuel for your fanfics.
Today, the internet gifted us with “Everything is Awesome,” a demented video game synthesizer explosion performed by Canadian wonder-twins Tegan and Sara and their partner in lesbian haircuts, Andy Samberg of the Lonely Island.
Stop trying to make diva cups happen for me, it’s not gonna happen.
I dare you to walk into a Build-A-Bear with two large cartons of tampons.
I couldn’t find a drink called “The Power Suit” and I kind of want to invent that now?
With austerity here to stay and far-right parties on the rise, it is time now more than ever to recognise that queer liberation cannot be disentangled from economic justice.
As an internationally-acclaimed, world traveling comedian (borderline unemployed vagrant), I know a thing or two about how to live the sweet life on a budget.
Five journaling ideas to warm the cockles of your frozen heart.
“There were all these different bodies and shapes and colors that came in to audition, women who had gone to Juilliard or been on Broadway, but no one wants to put them on TV because they don’t necessarily fit into a TV executive’s idea of what’s beautiful.”
When I think about Jenny Schecter, those thoughts are a little dark and a little sad. She is dead now, after all. Therefore this music is a little dark and sad too.
I need a sanitizing hand wipe for my soul, you guys.
Exploring 40 different artist’s feelings and experiences about their bodies and gender, the zine “Every/Body” has stories and comics ranging from the touching and tragic, to the inspiring and uplifting.
“Mariana sits at a table alone and takes her fancy plastic lunch container out of dumb paper bag. Why doesn’t she have a reusable lunch bag? What kind of family are these lesbians running?”
“The truth is always messy. I told myself I could be gay and I wouldn’t ever be hurt again. I needed to never be hurt again.”