How “L Word” Internet Fandom Built Autostraddle Dot Com: The Oral History
“Laneia, that was our first official interaction in the world — you seeing a link to my blog on The Planet Boards and wanting to delete it.”
“Laneia, that was our first official interaction in the world — you seeing a link to my blog on The Planet Boards and wanting to delete it.”
A lot of my favorite feminists are the feminists who stand up to the movement. Julia Serano is definitely one of them.
Kacey Musgraves’ music is like a ‘You Do You’ you can two-step to.
“Geared with fruity roll-on lip gloss and knee high socks, Darla works at the helm of the barbaric ritual with such ferocity it’s hard to believe she’s just a teenage girl.”
Uprising of Love and It Gets Better just held a live Google hangout including Fallon Fox, Kye Allums and more on transgender equality in sports, the media and schools.
“Have we ever been on a plane, train or bridge while saying or thinking the word Muhammad?”
“I did not intend to have any experiences outside the range of what I had previously proven to myself I was comfortable with or could understand. Scully and I both convinced ourselves that this was possible, that it had ever been a possibility.”
Put those pantry pals to good use!
“Kirk uses android therapy session. It is super effective.”
A new petition asks NARAL and Planned Parenthood to step up to the plate as trans* allies with more inclusive language.
Maddie and Lauren bring you their feelings about Mary lambert, Macklemore, outfits, Mary Lambert, the music industry, live performances, and Mary Lambert.
Because you’ve always wanted to hear Jon Gosselin say the words “I’m not masturbating.”
More reasons to have sex in case you need reasons to have sex, the power of nudity, vintage porn and more.
From Russia, with love.
Welcome to the penultimate episode of American Horror Story, the show that hits you in the face harder than a left hook from Misty Day.
Dogecoin is a cryptocurrency based on the doge meme. And up until this story broke, I thought it was a joke.
Welcome to Saturday Morning Cartoons, a segment where four artists take turns delighting you with their whimsy, facts and punchlines on Saturday mornings!
Yes, there is a recipe in here that has nothing to do with anything other than the fact that I found myself with too much Japanese eggplant one day.
This week on The Real World: Ex-Plosion, Ari made you all fall deeply, deeply in love with her.
Let’s take a little trip down memory lane by retro-recapping the Dinah Shore episode, in which the lesbians also take a trip down memory lane, which makes this recap very meta.