Kate Leth And Comics Alliance Give Us A Peek Inside The World Of Comics
Kate Leth, famous for her Kate or Die! comics has recently been taking on the world of comic fandom with a special series of exclusive comics for the website Comics Alliance.
Kate Leth, famous for her Kate or Die! comics has recently been taking on the world of comic fandom with a special series of exclusive comics for the website Comics Alliance.
“The combination of lesbians and hummus is always funny to me. I’m easy.”
Do you live far away from Los Angeles? Like in another country? Well, this is your big chance to win (up to $1,500 towards) a plane ticket AND A-Camp tuition for May!
It took a village to ruin Russia’s stance on gay people, and it’ll take one to save feminism.
“She is unapologetic about who she is and where she comes from. Us Queer Latina cheerleaders need to stick together.”
Talk me down.
With how it played into the “But Not Too Bi” trope – bi characters who have a bias toward one gender or the other – The L Word flipped a common heterosexist script in media. But in doing so, it still excluded actual bi people from its world.
“As this Black History Month winds down, let’s remember that reclaiming histories is not a one-shot deal. Let’s take time to be thankful for these lesbians who kept it queer and kept it real.”
I’m going to Washington DC from February 28th-March 2nd to learn important things about being an LGBT Journalist and you should come meet us at the bar!
(In no particular order.)
“Is all your delite and joy in whiskying and romping abroad like a Tom boy?” This post is for you.
Let’s get Monday off to a triumphant start by gaying the fuck out with some gifs, you sexy beasts.
Not bad for a fictional gaynation that only had seven athletes.
The potential for discrimination extends far beyond same-sex couples wishing to celebrate their partnerships; theoretically, it could affect anyone who acts against someone else’s religious beliefs.
MAL BLUM’S COMING TO A-CAMP! Also, since we’re on the topic of A-Camp, let’s talk about Fit for a Femme & AB Chao and all the other weirdos who will be joining us on the mountain!
“QEJ will always be a philosophy. If you are a queer, you can be for economic justice. …You don’t have to have a 501(c)(3).”
Jason Collins has signed a 10-Day contract with the Brooklyn Nets, making his the first openly gay NBA player and after tonight, the first out athlete to play in one of the USA’s four major professional leagues.
This entire thing was prophesied in “The Alice B Toklas Cookbook”
Gay rights now, belly rubs later.