Five Publications You Didn’t Know You Could Get Digitally
Five publications for you to load on your screen and then read with your eyeballs.
Five publications for you to load on your screen and then read with your eyeballs.
The art and science of short haircuts, as told by Cameron.
That girl thinks she’s the queen of the neighborhood.
Oh my gosh, this is totally an OPEN THREAD! Get your butt in here and share your life, weirdo. And maybe your favorite recipes.
With 1.1 million students, NYC is the largest public school system in the country, and has a lot of influence setting standards for how other big school systems and states support trans* students.
Topics include solitary confinement, the Barista class, the burrnesha of Albania, Back to the Future II, Swissair Flight 111, Dazed & Confused and so much more. Srsly this is a good one.
Anime gets frequently stereotyped as full of empty “fanservice” girls, with cardboard personalities and unrealistic body proportions. But in spite of them I’ve found plenty of great female characters in anime who I can relate to…and lust after.
This dichotomy has been analyzed in numerous papers and books, but none do it with as much flair and fun as the teen cult classic, “Saved!”.
The one with wedding dresses because why not.
So you fell in love with a girl and it upended your life with family, kids and religion. What now?
Did you know that this week is the week where I ate multiple meals via finger foods? Here’s the stories we missed while I was opening another box of crackers.
This week on Glee, everybody competed in a big contest and some people won and some people lost and other people ate pudding for dinner with forks!
James Larry Cosby, father of murdered Texas lesbian Britney Cosby, was arrested and charged with two counts tampering with evidence.
We all know how great cats are, so it makes sense that we would love watching movies about them. Here are five of my favorite movies prominently featuring cats.
Yes, I am going to fill this recap with as many monkey puns as possible. No, there is nothing you can do to stop me.
Revel in the oddities of graphology and share your undoubtedly gorgeous pen(wo)manship with the world!
The party hits the White House when Obama shows his comedy chops with singing, dancing, and kissing.
“Morello is apparently applying for a job as a 1940’s sailor, Leanne is going to be a shoulder pad model and Sophia is just being plain gorgeous.”
“Some days, I really just needed to curl up in a cozy plaid jacket and have all the homo feelings.”