Towards A More Gay Union: Update On The States
It’s ten o’clock, do you know where your new legislation about gay people is? Well it could be coming to a state near you so get your galoshes on.
It’s ten o’clock, do you know where your new legislation about gay people is? Well it could be coming to a state near you so get your galoshes on.
Donald Trump is eager to throw gays under the bus in pursuit of the terrifying prospect of his presidency, which early polling suggests could be an Actual Thing.
New Jersey has arguably the best legal protections for trans people in the workplace in the entire country, and that’s where possibly the most important trans lawsuit of our time is happening.
Jon Kyl was lying. He was lying a lot. Jon Kyl’s feelings about Planned Parenthood are invalid.
“If there is an issue of shame, it is a result of acknowledging the number of people I have targeted, hurt and oppressed… much of [my work] I would now categorize as propaganda filled with strong and unnecessary rhetoric.”
The government will continue to exist, and you can even still apply for a passport, but no one made any new friends in Washington in the process.
Republican Senator Ken Peterson has a lot of really special feelings about gay people.
Gay men were happily drinking martinis and observing go-go dancers at a swanky gay lounge when police raided the place, detained 60-70 people, and reportedly denied them food and water. WTF?
We’re all tired of waiting for Prop 8 to finally be struck down permanently in court, and Equality California thinks we might be better off doing it on our own.
So what is a “hate group,” anyway? And who REALLY cares about gay people, you know?
What if you had found out about gay historical figures and role models from your teacher, and not frantic late-night googling?
If you are a gay person or woman or gay woman or human being, you may want to consider leaving the state of Indiana.
This took forever because Dinah Shore but hey look, progress is being made with DADT and also the rest of the world seems pretty ok right now!
Things that are illegal in Indiana and Montana respectively: getting gay married and being gay.
85 countries signed a statement by the United Nations Human Rights Council to support gay rights on March 22.
Binational gay couples don’t have cause for celebration after all, according to US immigration officials.
Did you wake up today completely f*cking at a loss as to what the status of marriage equality is in yours or neighboring states? Chances are something in this post will help.
Are you a gay student who’s sick and tired of having the sites that are meant to help you blocked? The ACLU would like to help with that!
Today ENDA will be reintroduced to the House of Representatives and also fail in the House of Representatives.
Mike Huckabee REALLY doesn’t want you to get married, and right now he’s the most likely Republican Presidential candidate. Awesome.