Star Trek N00b, Episode 14: The Conscience of the King (Here There Be Shakespeare)
“And this ship. All this power surging and throbbing, yet under control. Are you like that, Captain?” Hurk.
“And this ship. All this power surging and throbbing, yet under control. Are you like that, Captain?” Hurk.
Fitness giant CrossFit is being sued by personal trainer and trans woman Chloie Jonsson after she was told that if she wanted to compete in the CrossFit Games, she would have to compete against men. CrossFit has resorted to using terrible science to defend themselves.
Skeletons and debutantes.
Zoie Palmer gave a shout-out to her long-rumored ladyfriend, Alex Lalonde, at The 2014 Canadian Screen Awards and the gay internet is RUNNING WITH IT.
Right this very minute we have Lindsay Lohan’s reality show, where we get to watch Oprah Winfrey life coach Lilo through her recovery! This space is reserved for you to process your feelings as it happens.
Google hates Bustle but loves Janet Mock (and every woman, I think), the Dalai Lama thinks gay marriage is pretty alright, and yet another androgynous model is taking our hearts by storm.
This week on NSFW Sunday: a kinky feminist film fest, the Feminist Porn Awards nominees, instant orgasms, sex work as work and more.
There is no better time to talk about potato products than right now.
Sarah’s brief commentary on being a Jewish gay lady.
By show of virtual hands, who here can name all 151 original Pokémon?
HEY this is an open thread! What are you doing tonight? What are you drinking? What are you watching? Get in here!
The one where the writer’s were like, “Meh, let’s just accuse random people of being A from now on. Who cares if it makes any sense?”
These are the questions you had for Ari Cold Pizza Fitz this week.
Computer-generated texts, working on trains, avoiding your book club, how critics fail writers of color and more.
Topics include Edie Windsor, Party Monster, anxiety, the prison hunger strike, sorority vs. lesbians, growing up in a missionary family, and moar!
And it’s hard to know how to feel about it.
This week on Glee, everybody yelled at each other some more! Then there was a cool band at a hot club called CALLBACKS. Also, I think waitress uniforms are the new Cheerios uniforms.
4. You were so much prettier with long hair.
Brittani on being sad on twitter, anxiety, being a queer black lesbian in the world, overanalyzing shit to death and basically everything you’ve ever wanted to hear B talk about.
Only a set reminiscent of a Dexter crime scene would suffice in capturing the killer outfits we have for you this quarter.