Style is Style: Put Some Pants On!
“Gazing at my reflection, I was dumbfounded. Could it be? Could I really be wearing JEANS?”
“Gazing at my reflection, I was dumbfounded. Could it be? Could I really be wearing JEANS?”
We end up with a bunch of wealthy white dudes palling around with other wealthy white dudes, mostly telling stories about, you guessed it, wealthy white dudes.
Kate Beaton brings us this collection of touching and tragic tales from her time working on the oil sands of Alberta.
Bras are expensive. Let’s make some ourselves.
“I just started working on a piece that’s a mash up of Neil Degrasse Tyson and Nicki Minaj.”
Meet some people, make some friends, pick up the new Veruca Salt. It’s a win-win.
After 200+ years of running the American government via several committees of boring old white guys, the Obama administration has finally figured out how to govern this country in a way that makes sense for everybody.
That sound you just heard was the collective gasp of every warm-blooded woman on planet Earth.
You don’t like giant dinners. You wanna make appetizers and by god, that’s what you’re gonna do.
When identity terms get thrown in the pressure cooker.
“Oh, how fallible of me!”
Buying a bra isn’t always the easiest thing. This can be especially true if you’re a trans woman, and even more so if you transitioned later in life. But don’t worry, I’ve got some tips to help you out.
Equality around the world — from Argentina to Ohio.
These small travel-sized sex toys and safer sex items can fit in your bra. (Or pocket.)
Electrosex, flirting, orgasms (and worrying less about orgasms), questions about jealousy, the word “pussy” and more.
This is probably an opportunity for my boobs to get the blue screen of death for no reason.
Two important decisions will give same-sex couples and married trans people access to benefits through their spouse, regardless of their state of residence.
An over-the-shoulder-comment-award-holder.
This is an OPEN THREAD for you to talk about anything and everything. Come on in, the water’s non-existent.
Thirty-one percent of women workers who would benefit from an increase of the minimum wage are parents of children. No doubt, raising the minimum wage would make an incredible difference in the lives of women and families in the U.S.