You Need Help: To Text, or Not To Text?
You can’t focus your mind and make her text. You only have control over your fingers.
You can’t focus your mind and make her text. You only have control over your fingers.
Some were more fruitful than others.
Craft “a salad of many herbs” for your reading and writing pleasure.
The question of homophobia in historically Black churches is way more nuanced than conversations about Christianity and queerness often take into account. If the Black church and LGBTQ movements joined forces, they would be a force to reckon with.
“Stef and I say, “Nothing intimate about that!” and then Stef and I laugh, but the Serious Music of Relationship Doom starts and Stef and I know we’ve made a terrible mistake.”
“We’re all normal, as long as we are having sex in ways that are consensual, risk-aware and injury free. Our bodies? They’re normal too. Beautiful, even. That should be the core concept in any comprehensive sex education, in my opinion.”
It’s time for our yearly reader survey! We need you to answer some questions! Otherwise it’s just us asking things and that’s awkward.
“I still love it like a person. I miss it every damn day. I carry around photos of it on my phone because I never want to forget how much it changed my life. I owe it that.”
Sexism and homophobia are still serious problems, but queer folks are taking beautiful photos, Rachel Maddow tells Obama critics what’s up, Florida farmworkers are organizing for fair wages and better working conditions, and much more!
Questions got answered, but now I have even more questions than before! Updated with a post episode mini recap!
It’s helpful to know which fake cheeses are so delicious you can eat them straight out of the box, and which are merely bright orange globs of gelatinous sawdust that even the dog won’t touch.
All Swedish people are gifted with the ability to write gloriously catchy, frighteningly on-point songs about having your heart broken, which is slightly disconcerting.
Aparna Nancherla is this week’s comedy crush and her worst nickname is for sure worse than yours.
“Haircut,” a short online comic by Sara Goetter is a super cute story about a princess and the lady knight who rescued her. Goetter’s other comics take a similar tone with even more stories about precocious young women and the adventures they go on.
“It eventually stopped. I don’t know how long it went on for. I’m not sure where I live, but I know it’s not in my body; everything felt like nothing and I didn’t know where that place was.”
For the week ahead: 22 eggplant recipes because we’re tired of eating tater tots and eggplants are THE BEST.
“Her dog is super cool, though. You think you might still be sleeping with her because her dog is so goshdarn awesome.”
Don’t worry, Tom. It’s a lesbian thing.
The cast of “Orange is the New Black” was at PaleyFest on friday to give us an inside look on how Season One has changed their lives and what we can look forward to in Season Two.
“Ways I Could Get From This Roof To That Roof If I Were Spiderman”