And They Lived Heterosexually Ever After: Why I’m Not Recapping Once Upon A Time Anymore
“Fun as it was to mercilessly tear this show apart, the buck stops here.”
“Fun as it was to mercilessly tear this show apart, the buck stops here.”
This week on Glee, Blaine ate a lot of cronuts and everybody got tested for STDs!
This is the largest portion of Season Two we’ve ever been served, and it is fracking DELICIOUS.
This glass g-spot dildo will make your insides sparkle.
How do you make omelets and French toast even better than they already are? Matzo, that’s how.
If you had to snuggle with a punctuation mark, which would you choose?
I watched the dub premiere of Attack on Titan at Anime Boston. Here’s why I think everyone who is interested in awesome female characters and good queer representation should give this brutal action anime a chance.
“Social skills classes are particularly bad places to learn gender and sexuality lessons because they combine direct instruction with the neurotypical authority of telling us how to act. Socialization groups seem safer, but sometimes, gender and sexuality discrimination still subtly invade them. Where do we go from here? I believe the solution is multi-tiered.”
“I have a goddess quad of Beyoncé, Misty Copeland, Laverne Cox and Michelle Rodriguez and I devote to thrice daily in the hopes that the patriarchy will finally crumble and fall at their wrath.”
“She’s not the protagonist in this one but she does kiss a girl and is very self-righteous which I think does it for a lot of people.”
Queer women work in politics around the world. Here are 10 who were the first out women to hold their particular seat, and just a few of the cool things they’ve done since then.
UMass basketball star comes out, Moroccan women take to the streets, The Monument Quilt takes the nation by force and more!
“In May of 2013, Monica Jones became one of the people arrested by Project ROSE; the charge was “manifesting prostitution” for accepting a ride home to her neighborhood from men who turned out to be undercover cops. This week, Jones was found guilty, and faces the possibility of serving time in a men’s prison as a trans woman.”
Vanity Fair talks to Catherine Cleary Wolters, who says she was “not the older sexy, glamorous lesbian who snatched [Piper] from her pristine Smith College cradle.”
“From the preview, we just know that Haddie’s coming home for a visit, she brought Lauren with her, there’s something that she’s not ready to tell her family, and she and Lauren like to kiss.”
This pot planter is quick and easy, which fulfills all of my needs for instant gratification.
CeCe McDonald, Dean Spade and Tourmaline are coming together to make a series of videos and an event on April 21 centering around discussions about the prison-industrial complex and how to survive the violent atmosphere it creates.
Sara Benincasa is an award-winning comedian and author of “Great”, a modern gender swapped retelling of “The Great Gatsby”.
You’ve already heard us talk about how excited we were for “Lumberjanes,” but now you can see if it lives up to the hype.
“Poetry calls us into ourselves. It’s asking you to be truthful and say whatever it is you need to say.”