Top Five Ways To Restrain Your Sex Partner (NSFW)
If you’re into that kind of thing, restraining people is a super-fun sexual activity! Here are five ways to do it.
If you’re into that kind of thing, restraining people is a super-fun sexual activity! Here are five ways to do it.
Spaceships! Vipers! Raptors! Starbuck! Athena! Cylons! Confusing beautiful things!
Marissa Alexander needs to be free, Google needs to stop blocking the word ‘bisexual,’ and you need to see this cute pic of Shane.
“The report reads like it comes from someone who just recently encountered the idea that sexual assault is a problem on college campuses, and was told to solve it in the most economically efficient way possible… “This is some bullshit,” an advocate told me anonymously.”
These are the questions you had for Ari Totally Not High Fitz this week.
Erika Greco’s wonderful comic “Mixtape” is an emotional journey through one woman’s coming out and a playlist of songs to match the mood.
The Supreme Court’s ruling in the Hobby Lobby case could drastically broaden the scope of religious liberty for employers or mean, at long last, free birth control for everyone.
The law also specifically mentions high school football captains as students automatically permitted to preach the gospel at school-wide events.
Mo Welch is a fascinating comedian with a fascinating Larry Bird obsession.
In Idaho several campaigns have started up to make sure that the few protections LGBTQ people have remain and that more are added. They are currently facing strong opposition, but haven’t given up the fight yet.
“To me, it’s always read as “stabbing myself in the eyes with shards of glass,” which come to think of it is a pretty useful emoji.”
Moore’s article challenges Black men, but it also challenges us all — especially queer folk — to examine the way we enact violence upon each other.
I strive for a life in which these emojis are the only ones I ever need.
Yuna (full name Yunalis Mat Zara’ai) uses a lot of synth instruments in her music to layer with a voice that is so sweet and delicate, but not overly saccharine. You really just can’t help but smile and it doesn’t hurt that she’s super super adorable.
No salads, no smoothies allowed.
“Set in the land of deep-fried Christian morality, a natural tension is created in each one of the anthology’s 23 stories, making for a mostly sexy, sometimes terrifying, but always exceptionally-crafted read.”
I’ve been in North Oakland/South Berkeley for over three years and never needed to buy an air conditioner or a good winter coat.
Is Willow’s insistence on identifying as gay, not bi, a biphobic or bi-erasing gesture? Or is she actually something separate, something more progressive and interesting than bi erasure – a strong, dynamic character whose sexual orientation is genuinely fluid?
“For some reason, I keep picturing Kirk as a frat bro, but maybe that’s unfair.”
I feel personally wronged and victimized by the lack of sausage frozen pizzas currently available to me.