Read a F*cking Book GIVEAWAY: Write Bloody Wants To Fill Your Heart With Poems
Write Bloody Publishing is giving away a stack of books to two lucky Autostraddle readers!
Write Bloody Publishing is giving away a stack of books to two lucky Autostraddle readers!
Reasons you should try this: it’s affordable and customizable, nobody else will have the same one, and it’s not so dainty it would mess with your Muscle Beach style.
Molly Alice Hoy is a queer cartoonist who addresses topics ranging from body image to queer cats to being half in the closet and half out with a deft hand and relatable stories.
Felix says they need an idea to trap Donnie, and Alison tells him what every college student already knows: drinking leads to ideas.
If you only have about an hour and you’re in the mood for pig-eared coming-out stories and illustrations of naked, horse-faced lesbian lovers lounging on vintage sofas drinking wine, On Loving Women is the book for you!
“The work I do is all about how we make peace with the body, our own and other people’s bodies. I can’t have that conversation without talking about my queerness, or my blackness, or my size, or my mental health, or trans issues, or disability. It’s about everybody’s right to be on this planet.”
“A closer look at the Indian Supreme Court ruling demonstrates that it has probably more to do with the economic and social injustices meted out to trans-identified people over centuries – many of them forced out of schools and compelled to beg and/or engage in sex work for a living – than with a legal recognition of their gender per se.”
Libraries give us the chance to know something about ourselves and we love them.
Peas! Nature’s tiniest candy. Like nature’s Nerds, I guess.
Cats with jobs, dinosaur facts and escapes from bad dates. It was a big week.
Each month, I will highlight some fun ways to use and preserve some locally grown food that is in season. By the end of the year, you should have all the tools you need to make the most out of your local produce and to stock your pantry full of delicious DIY preserves.
Queering mainstream lesbian porn, more reasons to have sex if you need more reasons to have sex, being compatible in bed and more.
Because we’re watching you watch us.
In which we need to prepare for an emergency.
On Tuesday, the Supreme Court upheld a Michigan state ban on the use of race as a factor in admissions to state universities, allowing voters to decide the matter on a state-by-state level.
It’s your last chance to get a free ride to A-Camp because Kipper Clothiers is offering a campership! You could be a Kipper camper!
Topics include the first teenagers, SF’s housing crisis, murder, too-safe playgrounds, sex workers, life after incarceration and so much more!
Oh hey! COME ON IN! I have never seen The Little Mermaid, and tonight is the night, and I’m kinda into the idea of spending it with you. What I’m saying is, get in here and be a part of my world.
Sclove’s courageous push to bring her attack to the spotlight in order to call attention to the way her university mishandles sexual assault cases is indicative of a greater crisis. Universities and colleges across the United States have a long history of brushing sexual violence under the rug or punishing rapists with a slap on the wrist.