Uganda’s “Kill the Gays” Bill: Why Now, What Happens Next, What You Should Sign
Sign this petition, for starters.
Sign this petition, for starters.
Gay donors are expected to give Obama a lot of cash for his 2012 re-election campaign, which is probably our best shot yet at getting equal rights, eventually.
Molly Wei will testify against her high school friend in addition to court-mandated learning on “how to respect people of different backgrounds.”
The tour will include an RV they describe as “wrapped in marriage messaging” going from city to city throughout the month to meet with legislators – and average, everyday straight people, too!
South Africa’s Ministry of Justice has established a national task team to address homophobia-based hate crimes. After 170,000 people accused them of maybe not doing enough.
Maybe Brazil is the new Canada
Something good maybe happened as far as binational gay couples not getting deported anymore someday!
New York gets closer and closer to same-sex marriage, even Slick Willy wants in. Meanwhile in Minnesota, 60 smart people are telling the government to stop being stupid.
Hope no one needs to go to a Planned Parenthood or, you know, have affordable healthcare ever again, hahaha!
Stephen Harper has managed to form a majority government in Canada, which is making a bunch of really nice people feel not very nice.
“I know what civil rights are, and gays in America have all the civil rights as anyone else.” RIGHT ON, BOB BATTLE, RIGHT ON
One of the most exciting/important elections in recent Canadian memory!
“If you’re different in school, that makes you an outsider. If you’re different as an adult, that makes you interesting, fun and often successful.”
As you may have heard, there’s a federal election in Canada today! Wanna talk about it?
Today is a day. Osama bin Laden is dead today. I know what you’re thinking: what does Lindsay Lohan have to say about all this? (UPDATES AS UPDATES ARRIVE)
The White House Correspondents Dinner, when Obama makes jokes and Donald Trump gets booed and Seth Meyers makes jokes and we all feel really good about America.
There is a major shift happening in the legal sphere with respect to how it views homosexuality, as evidenced by events of this week. It’s kinda a big deal.
With today’s letter from a bunch of wealthy businessmen, New York is closer to legalizing same-sex marriage than ever. Meanwhile in California, Prop 8 activists are still yelling about Judge Walker being gay.
Needless to say, if this bill goes into effect, and it looks like it will, the gay clubs will be offering superior refreshments and entertainment.
Katie Miller is the best cadet to ever not be allowed back into West Point yet.