It’s Sunday Funday and Hannah Hart and Joan Rivers Are Getting Married in Wisconsin
The best part? It’s all on video.
The best part? It’s all on video.
This comic is absolutely Not Safe For Work. But dang, is it good for the soul.
Some seem relevant, at least to my interests (.camp) and some seem like a facepalm waiting to happen (.sexy). But the one you haven’t seen quite yet is .gay, though not for lack of trying.
Topics include being “that woman,” a botched death row case, fradulent food, dead poet’s society, the Scopes Monkey trial, murder, more on the 9/11 museum and more!
The perfect meal to pair with a 13 episode marathon.
We hate to tell you, Dorothy, but you ain’t in Kansas High Security Prison anymore, and Toto’s only looking out for Toto.
Your regularly scheduled programming will return shortly.
I tried to keep this pretty exclusively gay (though I did think about doing a “Larry,” which was just to get the saddest, plainest beer and drink it straight from the can while frowning).
Oh, is OINTB’s second season premiering? Let’s talk about that time when Autostraddle sent me and AS Fashion Editor Lizz to the GLAAD Media Awards in New York to do some red carpet interviews and we ended up cuddling with the cast of Orange is the New Black.
“This show is a testament to amazing writing, and the exceptional acting of Tatiana Maslany, who embodies each clone with such fervor it’s hard to reconcile that they are all played by the same person. Each woman is extremely complex and strong and make perfect examples of the badass and fearless women that I write about every other week.”
With the input of a meager amount of electricity and some time, a slow cooker can coax the richest and most complex flavors from the humblest of ingredients.
Get me Chinese food, a Red Bull, and way too many blankets, stat!
Orange is the new orange is the new orange is the new orange is the new orange you gonna say banana? So, this is what we did today.
The Chicago Sun-Times recently republished a hateful and ignorant article claiming that Laverne Cox is a man due the “biological reality” of sex. Unfortunately, this essentialist, simplistic and just plain incorrect understanding of sex is often used against trans people.
Straight people really like the tell it to my balls joke, I think.
“So what would you make me for breakfast if we had just slept together for the first time, but you already knew you loved me and wanted to impress me and feed me into becoming your wife? Hypothetically.”
“Good Girls” reminds us that patriarchy is not only a tool for men, but a tool for women with other privileged identities to use against women with marginalized identities.
Poussey and Taystee are destroying everyone at Celebrity and Kate McKinnon can’t stop thinking about cats long enough to enjoy partying with a queer friendly webseries and out athletes.
Traveling alone during my semester abroad, my Moleskine was my only companion in a series of hostels of varying quality.
Welcome to a deluxe two-in-one review of the sixth and seventh episodes of season two of Orphan Black! These would have been up sooner, but things like A-Camp, A-Plague, and A-Pain of Returning to the Hetero World have sidelined me. So what did I miss? ALL THE THINGS, apparently.