Jack Tar 207’s 50 Fierce Femmes List Features Familiar Faces: Mey, Aja and Bevin!
Mey! Aja! Bevin! We love you so much, you fierce femmes!
Mey! Aja! Bevin! We love you so much, you fierce femmes!
Litchfield, O Litchfield! How hast thee fared? Didst thou miss me? Much as I have learned over time to not only tolerate Piper but also genuinely enjoy what she brings to the show, a Piperless Litchfield is somehow the best Litchfield yet.
“He didn’t feel any pain. He died instantly.” That was how she told me that my father was dead. I was 14.
An adorable proposal, Laverne Cox talking media, and a trans Republican who just won her primary. It’s all in here!
“Male, female, what’s the difference? Power is beautiful and I have the power.”
Ambient contact, having sex for the first time, smut, sideboob and more.
“Hello genderfriends and ladlespoons! Today we’re going to talk about whiskey tasting.”
We’re playing with Legos, planning pride meet-ups and coming up for air after OITNB season 2.
Just because it’s summer doesn’t mean your neverending avalanche of feelings has abated.
Hey! We kind of need you to get in here in order to make this really a party, y’know?
The GOP is digging its heels into the sand as the tide turns. But hateful platform language and fist shaking will not stop the ocean. Texas is too big to smother with such small ideas.
A new comic from Alison Bechdel, gendered pronouns, volatile organic compounds, arguments about YA fiction, fairy tales and more.
“The Messiah Complex is radical because it takes on concepts of beauty, class differences, gender roles, and navigates love and life in a trans or gender-nonconforming body, all within a Black context. Never before have I seen so many nuanced themes in an all Black cast.”
In which we learn that the last two seasons of Pretty Little Liars was actually nothing but dyke drama.
“Trying to be cool about it, I stood next to a woman with gravitas who immediately turned to me and asked me to be her partner. She told me she’d been dancing tango as a follow for three years and was now learning to lead. And so yours truly, a middle-aged butch dyke, happily took the position of follow to a 20-something lead in an A-line dress.”
TOMBOYISH is a hybrid documentary and fashion show that shows you the well-dressed people of Ari’s higher-profile world (and takes you into their brains) and offers style advice to the masses hoping to f*ck gender and look good doing it.
Topics include segregation in public schools, dairy farming, antibiotics, the Kentucky Derby, Britney Spears, laundry apps and moar!
“With summer here, I do not have to forgo the act of social drinking. But, I can forgo the hangover, the shame, the guilt, and the regret. Here are 20 summer mocktail recipes to try now, sober or not.”
Would this be an appropriate time to mention that I’ve never watched the show?
Although the E3 convention has brought us some great news about women in video games, Ubisoft is stealing the show with it’s steadfast reluctance to include women in it’s games.