Most Important Ugly: Becca, Bekah, Angels and Masks
“You can take makeup off or pile it on, and it can mean so much to you and how you see yourself. That’s powerful. That’s very potent. That’s witchwork.”
“You can take makeup off or pile it on, and it can mean so much to you and how you see yourself. That’s powerful. That’s very potent. That’s witchwork.”
From appetizers to kebabs to fish to steak to chicken to tofu to veggies to dessert, we’ve got you covered.
Asexuality, taking dirty pictures, why sex education should include masturbation, and more.
Would you like some good gay news or quixotic queer updates on this fine morning? PERFECT, ’cause I have a bunch of ’em for you right here!
“Since most music industry folks go to great lengths to hide same-gender loving artists, it was great to have the opportunity to see how industry insiders on the show reacted to the relationship between Monifah and Terez. Their overwhelming support showed that people were not as unwilling to accept a season finale in which Monifah Carter had a same-sex relationship as many think. The stereotype of the homophobic R&B community was breaking down before our eyes.”
Just in time for Pride, two extremely attractive people are officially in love. Also, they send each other OITNB sexy puns over social media.
“Start-up culture is odd. There’s a lot that I struggle with — it’s not something particularly designed for anyone who isn’t already privileged. It’s hard to go into it without a safety net. There’s a certain element of romanticizing struggle that is hard to internalize as a woman, a queer woman, and/or a woman of color. “
In which we talk about Pride and activism.
Topics include Vintage Black Glamour, Dov Charney & Terry Richardson & Vice, hospice care, The Mighty Ducks trilogy, summer matinees and more!
Let’s play show and tell.
As a teenager, I reeled from the shift in the how society now viewed me: as a collection of body parts for anyone and everyone to comment on. Today, watching my teenage sister on social media gives me hope.
Berries, buffer zones and your relationship in a .gif
How to play with that kinky infinite-floaty space that seems boundless and fills our heads with the same thing as chocolate and wine.
Dattch is offering our readers the chance to win a pretty sweet setup for the most intense day of NYC Pride. They’re offering VIP tickets to one of the biggest Pride parties in the USA, plus a gorgeous hotel room to crash in afterwards.
Why queer characters and themes in YA hasn’t translated to mainstream fiction, literature as propaganda, the Beyoncé of poetry, a discussion of systems of oppression and more.
“i swear to god i thought hanna was about to come out in this episode” – Forever Intern Grace
My recipe today is for a balsamic strawberry, rhubarb, and chia pudding! It’s adapted from this recipe from The Year in Food and it literally tastes like summer. It also tastes like you are eating big spoonfuls of jam, so how can that be bad?
“This is a regulation that the New York State Department of Health has the power to change. It’s discriminatory and has direct consequences for our community members.”
“An entire year has passed since the shouts heard around the world reverberated throughout the Texas Capitol and forced the state legislature to come to a screeching halt. Rise Up/Levanta Texas formed in late June 2013 as a grassroots response to a growing awareness that our bodies, stories, and voices were being made invisible within the larger narrative surrounding reproductive rights and HB 2.”
By which I mean I am tapping this into an iPhone note on a bus jostling through the English countryside.