Web Series “Twenties” and Lena Waithe, its Queer Black Writer, Are Headed For BET
Lena Waithe’s web series about a queer Black woman navigating her twenties is coming to a television near you!
Lena Waithe’s web series about a queer Black woman navigating her twenties is coming to a television near you!
Throughout the years, the San Francisco Dyke March has grown to the largest in the nation, attended by up to 50,000 queer humans who show up to the march to participate, not just observe. Molly Adams snapped these shots of the beautiful attendees of this year’s San Francisco Dyke March.
“LANGUAGE MATTERS. In the same way a racial slur brings back a SLEW of painful memories for me and a reminder of the entire history of those words and what they have meant to people and how they have been used to hurt people. I was wrong and it’s important to accept when you’re wrong.”
We’re still mad about Hobby Lobby, but this is still an important political moment for LGBT elected officials, students, and more.
I was doing tarot readings at an event a few weeks ago, and, as always happens, someone came up to me saying ‘I hope you’ve taken all the bad ones out!’ I don’t buy this good cards/bad cards idea — it’s not compatible with my belief that there is a tarot card or combination of cards for every human experience.
There is so much LGBTQ Canadian awesomeness in this post that we can hardly believe it exists (there’s a PLAYLIST, even!), but that doesn’t mean we don’t need some more Canadian feelings from you.
There are currently 628 Hobby Lobby stores in 47 states and we never, ever, ever have to shop there again. With this list, you won’t even miss it, I promise.
We’re looking for gutsy and ambitious reporters who wanna join the best team ever and get paid to write about stuff that matters.
President Obama is extending a 2009 memorandum he issued that gave protections and benefits to gay, lesbian and bisexual federal employees to transgender and gender non-conforming employees.
Amy T. Falcone’s webcomic “Clique Refresh” reminds us all just how great online friendships can be while taking us on a wild adventure.
Stories of ten incredible women who have overcome everything from racism to gravity to frostbite in order to push us all forward.
Today the Supreme Court decided that Hobby Lobby has the right to refuse to cover its employees’ birth control; this is why the ruling happened and what it means.
In an otherwise amazing moment for recognition of trans women this Pride season — especially for trans women of color — San Francisco alternative SF Weekly managed to throw a startling element of transmisogyny into the mix.
“You can take makeup off or pile it on, and it can mean so much to you and how you see yourself. That’s powerful. That’s very potent. That’s witchwork.”
From appetizers to kebabs to fish to steak to chicken to tofu to veggies to dessert, we’ve got you covered.
Asexuality, taking dirty pictures, why sex education should include masturbation, and more.
Would you like some good gay news or quixotic queer updates on this fine morning? PERFECT, ’cause I have a bunch of ’em for you right here!
“Since most music industry folks go to great lengths to hide same-gender loving artists, it was great to have the opportunity to see how industry insiders on the show reacted to the relationship between Monifah and Terez. Their overwhelming support showed that people were not as unwilling to accept a season finale in which Monifah Carter had a same-sex relationship as many think. The stereotype of the homophobic R&B community was breaking down before our eyes.”
Just in time for Pride, two extremely attractive people are officially in love. Also, they send each other OITNB sexy puns over social media.
“Start-up culture is odd. There’s a lot that I struggle with — it’s not something particularly designed for anyone who isn’t already privileged. It’s hard to go into it without a safety net. There’s a certain element of romanticizing struggle that is hard to internalize as a woman, a queer woman, and/or a woman of color. “