NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Will Soak The Sheets
Porn soundtracks, sex work and labor practices, making your own strap-on harness, OkCupid’s social experiments and more.
Porn soundtracks, sex work and labor practices, making your own strap-on harness, OkCupid’s social experiments and more.
I would imagine that trying to explain one’s sexual fluidity to an 80-year-old white dude who’s been married eight times to seven women would be a lot like trying to explain one’s sexual fluidity to their cranky old uncle.
1. i have no room on my macbook air
2. my 160gb portable hard drive from 2006 is predictably also full
3. i can’t move anything to dropbox from my mac bc my mac is full
“GoPro that shit.”
Music, foodie foreplay and getting bossy.
Grab some popcorn and get comfortable, kids, because it’s time to catch up on our favorite teen drama about tiny liars who are pretty.
Despite a continued male dominance of the media industry, a number of talented women are working hard to make their mark in the arena of indie film.
“Do you know what we were arguing over? Free food at the event we had just come from and the fact that you didn’t eat it and I did.”
Eight of our favorite lady-bosses and an inspirational playlist for all you bosses out there.
Seriously, I don’t even want to say how many times I’ve streamed Bachelorette on Netflix on any given week. This is the post-Mean Girls movie that I’ve been waiting for, and if you’ve been wondering what happens to the “Plastics” in their late twenties, this is the flick for you.
Topics include the new face of hunger, The Olive Garden, CeCe McDonald, college rankings, sitcom cities, Amway, PTSD, “hiking while black” and moar!
Let’s get wild.
Luckily, the only thing that makes eggs benny with hashbrowns and toast even better is a bunch of really adorable new and old faces coming into your life to love you until the end of days. And that, my friend, is why what the world needs now is International Autostraddle Summer Brunch Day! (Twice.)
Following a recent string of violence against trans women of color in the D.C. area, a 15 year-old trans girl was stabbed in the back this Wednesday while she was riding a Metro train with some of her teenage friends.
“If there’s one overarching theme on The Voyager, it’s the idea of being a woman and getting older and railing against the things that society (and even human instinct) thinks that you should have.”
“On one hand, she said she fully supported my path to recovery, but in the same breath she would ask me provoking questions like ‘When is fun Ginger going to come back?’ in response to me choosing not to drink.”
In which we discuss the integral role of ice cream in fighting the patriarchy.
Spread the gay agenda with these colourful, easy-to-read books teaching love, acceptance, and science.
While it’s certainly true that one would face numerous logistical difficulties in carrying out murder via poison inside a prison, the rest of the advice in this Orange is the New Black segment is, um, hit or miss.
It’s here! It’s here!