Getting Back to Geek Roots with 10 Little Known Facts About Xena: Warrior Princess
Xena and the Xenaverse may be long dead, but lesbians can survive for years on subtext alone.
Xena and the Xenaverse may be long dead, but lesbians can survive for years on subtext alone.
In honor of the 60th anniversary of Alice B. Toklas’ Cook Book, let’s make some recipes!
They’re from all over the globe kickin’ ass and takin’ names one record at a time. Hear them. See them. Support them!
The prosecution argued he acted recklessly.
After months of rumors, after winning all the Off-Broadway awards you can win, after a Pulitzer Prize nomination, “Fun Home” the musical is FINALLY transferring to Broadway! YESSSSSSSS!
Introducing Tango, a shining star in the galaxy of Straddler-Journalers!
“Whether or not you are out in the world, being queer and belonging to a community of marginalized folks (even if it’s a community you only align with in a spiritual or distanced way) has its own problems with feelings of enoughness and the disenfranchisement or everyday trauma of living with an identity that is consistently questioned or belittled.”
Zadie Smith, superlatives, reader’s block, Samantha Irby, public domain reviews, queer book fairs and more.
You’re either with me or against me.
Women’s studies. What the f*ck is that? And how the f*ck did it get that way? Let’s find out!
“And how is it that no one texted me that Nicki Minaj was in my hotel wearing denim cutoffs, 7″ black Louboutins, and a cutoff tank with my face on it? I’mma fire everyone on my security team.”
Listen up all queermos within striking distance of Philly! There’s a new bookstore coming your way — a very very queer bookstore with a café and art and all sorts of amazing things. And it’s being built from the ground up by community members Makella Craelius and Puppett.
It’s Valentine’s Day at Litchfield and Poussey Day in Flashbackland!
We’re talking sports, feminism, kids today, and Spice World!
In some parts of the world, avocados are called butterfruit. Here’s how to make cookies with them.
“The all-too-real worries and fear of coming forward as a queer victim of abuse and sexual assault run the gamut. Beyond the base erroneous idea that assault can’t happen, or doesn’t happen, between queer folk, especially women, or if it does it isn’t as “bad,” there’s the fear of how coming forward will be received in regards to your orientation or gender, regardless who assaulted you.”
People view women as easy targets, so negotiators opportunistically lie through their teeth. Oh, the joys of being a woman.
With new books by Roxane Gay, Hannah Hart, Sarah Waters, Radclyffe and more, there are lots of things to read and talk about.
So much of our cultural rhetoric around breastfeeding is tied to a sense of what women should be doing rather than what they would like to or are even able to do. Breastfeeding isn’t purely a medical issue, but neither is it a wholly moral one. And all the parameters that go into a woman’s decision to breastfeed pale next to the fear that she is somehow failing her child.
Is it really too much to ask for one little movie centered around a female superhero? Or eleven movies centered around them?