Make A Thing: Vintage Radio Planter
It’s time to use that tool belt for more than just foreplay.
It’s time to use that tool belt for more than just foreplay.
This summer Emily Carroll released a new book of her gorgeously gruesome horror comics, and now that Autumn is fast approaching, it’s the perfect time to grab a blanket, curl up in front of a fire and read some spooky stories.
“This could be a recruitment video for The Iggy Azalea School For Basics Who Can’t Rap Good And Want To Do Racist Stuff Too.”
Get ready for the liveblog of your dreams. Join me while I talk all of the shit and enjoy the last few hours of my birthday. Saved by the Bell forever.
Recently-released survey results from the Gallup Well-Being Project spotlighted the differences between LGBT and non-LGBT men and women’s physical, social, financial, and community well-being, and they didn’t paint a pretty picture for LGBT women across geographic and demographic lines.
“Black motherhood and bodily autonomy has been historically undermined and often robbed from Black women in numerous ways. From this country’s first visions of us as wild oversexed Jezebels able to easily produce the next generation of slaves and doting mammies, caretakers and nannies for our slave-master’s children, we haven’t been seen as individual and capable loving nurturers to children.”
It is more than marriage. It is about the great work we are doing on everything else, because we want to win all the battles. We need all the things!
The Smithsonian’s LGBT collection isn’t all-encompassing, but it still has some awesome stuff!
Feminist porn, threesomes, right-wing sex myths, Magic Wands and more.
Students at Mount Holyoke speak up for trans inclusion, GaymerX becomes GX3 to make an important point, gay marriage moves forward in Florida, and Natasha Lyonne and Mary Lambert give us a lot of media worth waiting for. Oh, and an elephant dances with a ribbon.
I received a text from my fiancée with just the word “EMOJLI.” The caps were hers, not mine. But they do reflect how I felt. Maybe the caps are also mine, then. Maybe they are also everyone’s.
When notifications attack.
In his ruling today, Judge Lee Yeakel didn’t mince words when he explained his decision to strike down a requirement that clinics meet the standards of ambulatory surgical center.
Rape culture dictates that along with proving that they were raped, survivors must also prove that they fought “hard enough” to stop it. This bill could help.
We’ve added some new faces to our ranks here at Autostraddle recently, including five new Contributing Editors. Rather than letting y’all slowly get to know each other, we’re gonna cut to the chase right here, right now. This is a no-holds-barred space for familiarizing yourself with our newest shining stars.
Samira Wiley, dogs being brilliant and gay lightyears. Also, have you guys heard of this thing called brunch?
What to do when you’re just not that into the girl you’ve been dating.
Artisanally crafted by Chelsey and Grace in their Easy Bake Oven that they UPS back and forth from Ohio to California, this Bee is rich in antioxidants and brunch pictures!
The new executive director of Garden State Equality, Andy Bowen, and I chat about the influence of queer radicalism on LGBT progressive organizations and movements.
“Her uniform consists of a Degrassi varsity jacket, though I think she’s too cool to actually be a part of any organized sport, and, of course, an opened peanut butter jar that she is always snacking on. THIS IS THE PERSON I WANT TO BE.”