Beyond Ramen: Yummy Foods You Can Make in your Dorm Room
Cooking with only a microwave and some random dishes you stole from your parent’s kitchen isn’t easy, but here are some foods you can make with no equipment or money to speak of.
Cooking with only a microwave and some random dishes you stole from your parent’s kitchen isn’t easy, but here are some foods you can make with no equipment or money to speak of.
The winds start blowing both literally and metaphorically as we lead up the the season finale.
This week on Faking It, Girls Night becomes “Lots of Girls Night”!
“That instinct, to lie or protect the men who abuse us, is hard to explain. It comes from being afraid of the person who is abusing you, of course, but also afraid for the changes that honesty will force. We don’t want to endanger the men who hurt us, because we love them and we don’t think we can live without them… If anything, my identification as a feminist made the idea of disclosing the abuse even more difficult, because I thought it was something I was letting happen to me and it embarrassed me.”
What exactly does the Queen of Hearts look like in a feminist deck of cards? What are Agent Scully’s thoughts on women in today’s world? What’s the deal with Ello? Let’s find out!
“Anti-LGBT laws make people economically insecure and they disproportionately affect those who are most vulnerable within the LGBT community. They hurt you and kick you when you’re down.”
In which we learn about matrices, intersectionality, and why oppression only works in one direction.
This episode was brought to you in part by infallible white men, lesbian detectives I want to spoon, tiny bisexual girls with questionable morals, and by viewers like you.
Issa Rae is the creator of The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl. Rae has made the Forbes “30 Under 30” list, twice, and is currently developing a half-hour comedy for HBO.
Wednesday, October 1st at 11/10c “Girl Code” returns. Resident lesbian Quinn Marcus tells us what we have to look forward to.
Wherein we further discuss the sex we were already discussing today.
“In fact, the strain of hiding my illness would likely have caused me to break down with even more frequency. How would she have coped with those dysphoric, hallucination-ridden breakdowns — and how would I have dealt with her uneducated reactions?”
We thought it would be pretty genius if we put “safe space” on a pencil case.
Butche-Femme FaceOff sounds like the lesbian sequel to that insane John Travolta movie from the 90s. This isn’t that. It’s a discussion between badass queers on privilege and presentation. (I’d watch the hell out of that sequel tho.)
Those who commit violence against members of the LGBT community will no longer be able to hide behind “gay panic” and “trans panic,” at least in California.
Fall is here, and we are about to burst out with leaf-piles of delicious sourdough-inspired recipes! Begin your starter now, and have the most delicious bread, crusts, biscuits, and pancakes all season long.
“By the way, what the heck is going on with Diane? Is she possessed? Has she always been a secret mythical ancient being? Why is she saying the golden bow that the girls found is hers?”
The “born a boy” narrative is hurtful to trans women. It’s time for it to go away.
In church that morning, I didn’t see any of that. Instead, I saw the tears you shed the first time you saw me after telling your son that I was spitting in the face of God.
Happy National Coffee Day!