New York Senate Considers Two Bills to Reduce Legal Hurdles for Same-Sex Parents
The proposed law would put three parental options on birth certificates, allowing same-sex couples to be listed as their children’s parents.
The proposed law would put three parental options on birth certificates, allowing same-sex couples to be listed as their children’s parents.
Sexy selfies, breakup fallout, how to tell if you’re lying to yourself about your sex life and more!
Two proposals, a super-gay Texan Homecoming Queen, and some playful red pandas inside!
Baby, take that fellowship and shine like the glorious sun that you are and were destined to be. May the love of what you do be a gift to our entire family.
Some of them I’ve mentioned before, some of them I haven’t — but this installment of Queer Your Tech is about the way they work as a set. In glorious concert. These apps piggyback off each other to make mountains of work easier.
The third vignette in a series of moments walking the intersection of queerness and depression.
Some important looks for Spring/Summer 2015 in no particular order: sheer stripes, mechanics’ suits, Chuck Taylors, lemon yellow, white cornflower blue and co-ordinates/suiting.
Baristas, haikus and monsters oh my!
In which Maura makes a friend, the siblings continue to make terrible interpersonal choices, and also there are some geese.
Positive coping skills are healthy ways to deal with anxiety, depression and anger. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours!
Topics include Tinder, Boy Scouting, sexual assault on college campuses, The Zimmermans, the word “problematic,” Airbnb, Paula Deen and more!
It’s October 3rd! This issue is chock full of the latest trends, the hardest mysteries and the best playlist to celebrate this grool day.
“Wrongful birth? Breach of Warranty? This is about racism and anti-Blackness. We don’t need to avoid those phrases; we need to use them.”
Let’s have a frank, honest discussion about queer and feminist themes in movies about vampires, werewolves, ghosts and centaurs. Also, “Chopper Chicks In Zombietown.”
Non-monosexual books to read, fall books to read, non-fiction gender equality, censorship and more.
Cooking with only a microwave and some random dishes you stole from your parent’s kitchen isn’t easy, but here are some foods you can make with no equipment or money to speak of.
The winds start blowing both literally and metaphorically as we lead up the the season finale.
This week on Faking It, Girls Night becomes “Lots of Girls Night”!
“That instinct, to lie or protect the men who abuse us, is hard to explain. It comes from being afraid of the person who is abusing you, of course, but also afraid for the changes that honesty will force. We don’t want to endanger the men who hurt us, because we love them and we don’t think we can live without them… If anything, my identification as a feminist made the idea of disclosing the abuse even more difficult, because I thought it was something I was letting happen to me and it embarrassed me.”
What exactly does the Queen of Hearts look like in a feminist deck of cards? What are Agent Scully’s thoughts on women in today’s world? What’s the deal with Ello? Let’s find out!