Lots Of Straight Girls Wanna Have Lesbian Sex, Yet Another Study Shows
Nearly 40% of women surveyed had fantasized about getting it on with another woman. Also have you noticed that the sky is especially blue today?
Nearly 40% of women surveyed had fantasized about getting it on with another woman. Also have you noticed that the sky is especially blue today?
“I’m attracted to more than one gender, but am not sure what label to use. “Queer” resonates with me, but am I contributing to bisexual erasure if I don’t ID as bisexual?”
We actually won a handful of really important things.
When will Hillary Clinton step in and save us from this doom?
“My writing lets me vent everything I have pent up and my poems allow people to comprehend what I’m thinking. But when words are meant to come from my mouth, they’re all zig zagging in my head, I tend to over-think on what to say.”
Jim Gordon and Renee Montoya are your new BrOTP. Welcome to the future.
If you have an unusually sensitive sense of smell, as I do, perhaps you also have an intimate relationship with febreeze to-go and maintain a scented artillery at all times.
Don’t get a bad reputation this Election Day. VOTE, DAMN IT.
We will begin with the greatest news of all…
Are you excited for the recently announced Captain Marvel movie? Get ready to be even more excited!
‘Daily Misfits’ is a daily observation journal showcasing unique, versatile, culturally diverse and nonconforming queer fashion.
“Who are these men noticing me? Who are these men giving me the long, soft stare, eyes holding mine like they got something for me, something they can’t talk about, something only eyes can pass along. Who are these men whispering ‘hi, papi’ to me? I don’t think I look more male today than I did yesterday.”
Lesbian movies are notoriously terrible, but these are some real diamonds in the rough. It’s getting colder and darker so there’s no day like today to curl up with a girl-meets-girl-and-shit-gets-complicated film!
DeAnne’s interview with Cee covers everything from Cee’s forever impressive list of accomplishments to the stuff Cee has yet to master, with a special segment on what Cee’s stocking up on in case of a massive earthquake that could decimate Portland.
“Let’s take a moment of silence for all of us women in the U.S. who did not know until this season that in Canada y’all throw axes for fun, and who are now contemplating crossing the border. I can’t be the only one whose world was rocked this hard by axe throwing.”
Sleep No More is a Lynchian lost world, a timewarp, and walking out of it, you feel like you might have just emerged from a fugue state.
Mey was featured on HLN last Friday! Check out her interview here.
We asked you to tell us what makes you Unstoppable and you delivered! So here’s a compilation video!
***Please note that ***Flawless is not available on Spotify, but if were it would probably be the only song on this playlist.
There’s nothing like a thick, creamy, substantial, or otherwise totally hot soup to stave off the winter blues and keep you from freezing to death!